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Chapter 22 wise men and fools and slaves

weed 鲁迅 866Words 2018-03-20
A slave is always just looking for someone to complain about.As long as it is like this, it can only be like this.One day, he met a wise man. "Sir!" he said sadly, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes. "You know. I was living an unhuman life.What I eat is not necessarily one meal a day, and this meal is just sorghum husks, even pigs and dogs are not allowed to eat, and there is only a small bowl..." "This is really sympathetic." The wise man also said miserably. "Isn't it!" He was happy. "However, working is a day and night without rest: fetching water in the morning and cooking in the evening, running in the street in the morning to grind noodles at night, washing clothes in the clear and raining umbrellas, burning a gas stove in winter and playing fans in summer. In the middle of the night, we have to simmer tremella, and wait for the master to play money;

The first money was never divided, and sometimes I was whipped.... " "Alas..." the wise man sighed, his eye circles were a little red, as if he was about to cry. "Monsieur! I can't get away with it. I'll have to find another way. But what? . . . " "I think you'll get better..." "Really? I hope so. But I have complained to my husband and received your sympathy and comfort. I am already much more comfortable. It can be seen that the law of heaven has not been extinct..." However, within a few days, he became dissatisfied again, and still found someone to complain about.

"Sir!" he said with tears in his eyes, "you know. I live worse than a pigsty. The master doesn't treat me like a human being; he treats his lapdog tens of thousands of times better..." "Bastard!" the man yelled, surprising him.That man is a fool. "Sir, what I live in is just a shabby hut. It's damp, cloudy, and full of bedbugs. It's really good to bite while sleeping. The foul smell is blowing to the nose, and there is no window on all sides..." "Won't you ask your master to open a window?" "How can this work?..."

"Then, take me to see it!" The fool and the servant went outside his house and smashed the mud wall with their hands. "Sir! What are you doing?" he said startled. "I'll open a window for you." "This won't work! The master will scold you!" "Whatever!" He still smashed. "Come on! Robbers are destroying our house! Come on! We'll make a hole later! . . . " He cried and rolled on the ground. A group of servants came out and drove the fool away. Hearing the shout, it was the master who came out slowly and finally.

"A robber came to destroy our house. I was the first to shout, and everyone chased him away." He said respectfully and triumphantly. "You are good." The master praised him like this. On this day, many condolences came, including wise people. "Sir. This time, because of my meritorious service, the master praised me. You said earlier that I would always get better. You really had the foresight..." He said happily with great hope. "Isn't it..." The wise man answered him happily. December 26, 1925.
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