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Chapter 8 Revenge (Part 2)

weed 鲁迅 640Words 2018-03-20
Because he thought himself the Son of God, the King of Israel, he went to be crucified. The soldiers dressed him in purple and crowned him with thorns, and congratulated him; they hit him on the head with a reed, spit him out, bowed their knees and worshiped him; clothing. Behold, they beat him on the head, spat on him, worshiped him... He would not drink the wine mingled with myrrh, to savor clearly how the Israelites had dealt with their Son of God, and more permanently pitied their future, yet hated their present. Enmity on all sides, pitiful, and damnable. Tintin thought, the nail's point piercing through the palm, they're going to crucify their Son of God; merciful people, soften his pain.Thinking Tintin, the tip of the nail pierced through the back of the foot and broke a bone, and the pain penetrated to the marrow of his heart, yet they had crucified their Son of God, cursed ones, it made him feel good.

The cross is erected; he hangs in the void. He did not drink the wine mingled with myrrh, to savor distinctly how the Israelites dealt with their Son of God, and more permanently pitied their future, yet hated their present. The passers-by reviled him, the chief priests and scribes mocked him, and the two thieves who were crucified with him mocked him. Behold, those who were crucified with him... Enmity on all sides, pitiful, and damnable. In the pain of his siblings, he relished the sorrow of the pitiful people who crucified the Son of God and the joy of the cursed people who wanted to crucify the Son of God, and the Son of God was about to be crucified.Suddenly, the bone-crushing pain pierced his heart, and he was immersed in great joy and compassion.

There was a wave of pain in his stomach, waves of pity and curse. It was dark everywhere. "Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabathani?!" [Translated, that is: My God, why have you forsaken me?] ! 〕 God forsaken him, and he was finally a "son of man"; but the Israelites crucified even the "son of man". Those who crucified the "Son of Man" were more bloody and bloody than those who crucified the "Son of God". December 20, 1924.
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