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Chapter 82 Chapter Eighty-One

quran 422Words 2018-03-20
This chapter is from Mecca, and it has twenty-nine verses in total. Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 1 When the sun goes dark, 2. When the stars are falling, 3 When the mountains crumble, Four When the pregnant camel was abandoned, 5 When the beasts were assembled, 6 When the ocean is surging, VII When the soul is matched, 8. When the girl who was buried alive was questioned: 9 "Why was she sinned and killed?" 10 When the book of merits and demerits is unfolded, - When the skin of the day was removed, 12 When Hell is burning, 13 When Paradise is brought near,

14 Everyone knows what he has done, good and bad. 15 I swear to the moving stars, 16 The fallen planet, 17 And the night when it passed away, 18 In the morning when it shines, 19 Surely these are the words of a noble messenger, 20 He has power and position with the Lord on the throne, Eryi is what everyone expects and is loyal to their duties. 22 Your friend is not a madman, 23 He has indeed seen the angel in the clear horizon, 24 He is not stingy with teaching Youxuan. 25 These are not the words of a banished demon, 26 Then where will you go? 27. This is but an instruction to the whole world—

28 For the instruction of those of you who wish to follow the rules, 29. You do not want to follow the rules, except when Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, wills.
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