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Chapter 73 Chapter 72 The Elf

quran 885Words 2018-03-20
This chapter is from Mecca, and it has twenty-eight verses in total. Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 1 Say, "It was revealed to me that some spirits had listened and said, 'We have indeed heard strange things, Two, it can lead people to the right way, so we believe in it, and we will never match our Lord with anything. ' III Praise be to the majesty of our Lord!Above all things, he did not choose his wife, nor his children. 4 The foolish among us slander God with falsehoods, 5 We have guessed that neither man nor spirit ever slanders God. 6 There were some men who asked some male elves to protect them, thus making them more proud.

7 Those men have guessed like you that Allah will never raise any dead. " 8 "We have tested the sky, and found it full of strong guards and bright stars. Nine In the past, we used to sit in the sky for eavesdropping.Whoever eavesdrops now will find a brilliant star waiting for him. 10 We don't know, but will everything on the earth be in trouble?Or is their Lord seeking to lead them in the right way? - Some of us are good and some are less good, and we are divided into many factions. 12. We believe that on the earth, we can never make God helpless, and we can never escape the condemnation of God.

13. When we hear the truth, we believe in it.Whoever believes in the Lord is not afraid of deduction or humiliation. 14. Some of us are submissive and some are perverse.Anyone who obeys is aspiring to the right way. 15 As for the perverse, it will be the fuel of Hell. " 16 If they follow the right path, I will give them abundant rain, 17 That I might test them with rain.Whoever turns back from the teaching of the Lord, he will bring him into severe punishment. 18. All mosques belong to Allah, so pray to Allah and do not pray to anything. 19 When the servants of Allah rose up to pray to him, they almost attacked him.

20 You say, "I pray only to my Lord, and I do not match him with anything." 21 You said, "I cannot preside over misfortune or fortune for you." 22 Say: "No one can protect me from the punishment of Allah; I will never find any refuge except in Allah. 23. I can only convey notices and missions from Allah.Whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger will be punished by Hell and live in it forever. 24. When they see the punishment they are warned about, they will know who is less helpable. " 25 Say, "I don't know whether the punishment you are warned of is near, or will my Lord set a time for it?

Twenty-six He is omniscient, he does not let anyone see his mystery, 27 Unless the messenger is pleased with him, for he sends a guard to go before and behind the messenger, 28 That he may know that the messengers have indeed communicated the mission of their Lord, and know all their words and deeds, and count all things. "
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