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Chapter 70 Chapter 69: True Disaster

quran 934Words 2018-03-20
This chapter is from Mecca, and the whole chapter has a total of fifty-two verses. Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful a real disaster, 2. What is the real disaster? 3 How can you know what the real disaster is? 4 Thamud and Adh, who have denied the catastrophe. 5 As for the Thamudites, they are destroyed by torture; 6 As for the people of Ad, they are destroyed by the howling storm. 7 God sent a storm against them for seven nights and eight days, and you saw the people of Ad fell down on the ground like a hollow date-palm trunk. Eight Can you see that they are still left? 9 Pharaoh and those who were before him, and the inhabitants of the overthrown cities, sinned again,

10 They had rebelled against the messenger of their Lord, and he punished them severely. 11 When the floods flood, I put you in boats, 12. That I may take that as a lesson to you, that the recollecting ear may remember it. 13 When the trumpet sounds, 14. When both the earth and the mountains are moved and collide with each other once; 15 In that day the great event will take place, 16 The heavens will be broken; in that day the heavens will be fragile. 17 The angels will be on the sides of heaven; and above them in that day there will be eight angels, who will bear the throne of your Lord;

18 On that day, you will be inspected, and none of your secrets will be hidden. 19. Those who receive their merits and demerits with their right hand will say: "You take my merits and demerits and read them! 20 I have guessed indeed that I shall meet my account. " 21 He will live happily, 22 In lofty Paradise, 23 The fruit inside is within reach. 24 "You may eat and drink with joy, because you have done good in past days." 25. Those who receive their own book of merits and demerits with their left hand will say: "Oh! I wish I had not received my book of merits and demerits,

26 Not knowing my own accounts! 27. May the death of this world have ended my life! 28 My property is of no use to me, 29. My authority has vanished from my hand. " 30 "Catch him and put him in chains, Trinity then cast him into the fire, Thirty Two And put him on a chain seventy arms long. " 33 He did not believe in Allah the Great, 34 Not encouraging people to help the poor; 35 So today he has no relatives here. Thirty-six He had no food but pus. No.37 Only the misguided people eat pus. Thirty-eight No!I swear by everything you can see, Thirty-nine And swear by the mysterious alliance that you can't see,

40 These are indeed the words of the exalted Messenger; 41 Not the words of poets, you seldom believe, Forty-two is not the words of divination people, you are seldom enlightened. 43 This is from the Lord of the world. 44 If he fabricates rumors in my name, 45 I will arrest him by power, 46 Then his great arteries shall be severed, 47 None of you can defend him. 48 This is indeed a lesson for those who fear. 49. I do know that there are deniers among you. 50 This is indeed remorse for those who do not believe. May 1 This is true faith indeed, 52 Therefore praise the great name of your Lord.

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