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Chapter 69 Chapter 68 Pen

quran 1204Words 2018-03-20
This chapter is from Mecca, and the whole chapter has a total of fifty-two verses. Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful One Nuai.With the pen and the oath they wrote, Two, by your Lord's grace, you are never a madman, Three You must enjoy constant rewards. IV You do possess a great character. 5 You will see, and they will see, 6 Which one of you is insane? 7 Surely your Lord knows who is apostate from his way, and he knows who is in his way. 8 Do not obey those who deny the truth, Nine They want you to be submissive, and they are submissive. 10 Do not obey every sworn, lowly,

11 Liars, slanderers, 12 miserly, excessive, criminal, 13 A vulgar and illegitimate person. 14 That is because he has property and heirs. 15 When my signs were read to him, he said, "This is the story of the ancients." 16 I will brand his nose. 17 Surely I have tested them as I tested the masters of the garden.Then they swore that they would reap the fruit of the garden in the morning, 18 And leave no part for the poor. 19 And while they were sleeping, a plague from your Lord came upon that garden, Twenty once it became like scorched earth. 21 They had called each other in the morning:

22 "Go into the garden in the morning, if you want to reap." 23 They left, discussing quietly on the way: 24 "Never let a poor man go into the garden today." 25. They wake up in the morning thinking they can contain it. 26 When they saw the garden, they said, "Surely we have gone astray, 27 Otherwise, we are deprived! " 28 The best of them said, "Didn't I tell you? Why don't you praise God?" 29 They said, "Praise be to our Lord above all things! We are unrighteous." Three Zero So they all came forward and blamed each other. Trinity They said, "Woe to us! We are indeed libertines.

32. Perhaps our Lord will recompense us with a better garden than this, indeed we beseech our Lord. " Three three punishment is like that.The punishment of the Hereafter is indeed greater, if they knew it. 34 Those who fear shall enjoy a paradise of bounty in the presence of their Lord. 35 Shall I make the submissive like the transgressor? Thirty-six What reason do you have?How do you judge like this! Thirty-seven Is there a Bible for you to recite, 38 In that Bible you have indeed your own choice. 39. Have I made a firm covenant with you that expires only on the Day of Resurrection, so that you do have what you judge?

Forty-zero You ask them, who among them can vouch for that? 41 Have they many companions?Teach them to call the mates, if they are honest men. 42. On that day, when great calamity will come, they will be called to prostration, and they will not be able to prostrate. 43 At the same time, they were humiliated and did not dare to look up.And in the past when they were healthy, they were called to kowtow. 44 Let me punish those who deny this precept!I will drive them to ruin without knowing it. Four or five I favor them, my strategy is indeed thorough. Forty-six Do you ask them for rewards and teach them that the burden is too heavy?

47 Or do they know the mystery, so they record it? 48 Therefore bear the judgment of your Lord, and be not like the man who was buried in the belly of the fish.Then he cried out in anger to his Lord; 49 If grace from his Lord has not reached him, then he will be thrown into a desolate place with reproach. 50 Afterwards his Lord chose him and made him among the good. May Day The unbelievers almost make you fall with their glaring eyes.When they heard the teachings read, they said, "He is indeed a madman." 52 This is nothing else, it is the teaching of the whole world.
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