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Chapter 58 Chapter 57 Iron

quran 1854Words 2018-03-20
This chapter belongs to Medina, and the whole chapter has twenty-nine verses. Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Everything in the sky and the earth praises Allah, who is superior to all things. He is indeed omnipotent and wise. 2. He owns the kingdom of heaven and earth; he can cause life and death; he is almighty over all things. Three He has no beginning and no end, is extremely obvious and extremely subtle, and he is omniscient. 4. He created the heaven and the earth in six days and then ascended to the throne.He knows what goes into the earth, and what is born out of the earth, and what comes down from the sky, and what goes up in the sky.Wherever you are, he is with you; he is the watcher of your works.

Five The kingdom of heaven and earth belongs to him; everything belongs to Allah only. 6 He makes night into day, and day into night; he is all-knowing. 7 You should believe in Allah and His Messenger, and you should share the property that He has entrusted to you as trustees. Among you who believe and give alms, they will receive great rewards. 8 Why do you not believe in Allah?The messenger calls you to believe in your Lord, and your Lord has indeed made a covenant with you. If you want to believe, believe it quickly! 9 He sent down many proofs to his servants, that he might bring you out of darkness into light.Indeed Allah is Merciful and Merciful to you.

10 Why do you not give alms to Allah?The heritage of heaven and earth is God's only.Those of you who give alms and fight before victory are not equal to those who give alms and fight after victory. The former is of higher rank than the latter.Allah has promised everyone the best reward, and Allah is fully aware of your deeds. 11 Who lends to Allah a good debt?Allah will repay him double and he will be rewarded generously. 12 In that day you will see believers, men and women, with their splendor running before them and on their right, and someone will say to them, "The good news for you today is a paradise under which rivers flow; you will dwell in it forever , that was indeed a great success.”

13. In that day hypocritical men and women will say to believing men and women, "Wait on us, let us borrow a little of your light!" And someone will say to them, "Turn back and seek the light!" And so, Between each other, a wall was built, and there was a door on the door, with grace inside the door, and punishment outside the door. 14 They will call out to those who believe, saying, "Are we not of the same way with you?" They will say, "No, you deceive yourselves, wait and see, doubt the way, and deceive you with all kinds of delusions, until the command of God comes, and the swindler has Deceive you with the grace of Allah.

15 Therefore today neither you nor the unbelievers will receive fines. Your destination is Hell, which is more suitable for you. That destination is really bad! " 16. Do believers think that the time has not yet come, so that their hearts are not softened by the teaching of God and the truth that He has revealed?They cannot be like those who were formerly worshipers of the Bible, whose hearts were hardened after a long period of time, and many of them were sinners. 17 You should know that Allah raises the dead earth, and indeed I have explained many signs to you so that you may understand.

18 The ladies who give money, and the ladies who lend to Allah with good debts, He will repay them double, and they will be well rewarded. 19. Those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, who are devout and witnesses with Allah, will have their reward and light.Those who disbelieve and deny My Signs are the inhabitants of Hell. 20 You should know that life in this world is nothing but games, amusements, decorations, boasting, and competition for wealth and the prosperity of children and grandchildren; for example, when the rain makes the field grow, the farmer is very happy to see it. Afterwards, the field withers and you see it becomes Turned yellow, then fell off.In the hereafter, there will be severe punishment, but also forgiveness and joy from Allah; life in this world is just a deceptive enjoyment.

21. Seek ye for pardon from your Lord, and a Paradise as wide as heaven and earth—a paradise for those who believe in Allah and His Messenger—that is the Grace of Allah, which He bestows upon whomever He wills .Allah is merciful. 22 All the calamities on the earth, and all the calamities that have befallen you, are written in the Book of God before I created them; surely this is easy for Allah, 23 Lest you mourn over what you have lost, and rejoice over what he has given you.Allah does not love the arrogant and the boastful. 24. They are stingy themselves, and teach others to be stingy.Those who evade their duties, indeed Allah requires nothing from them, blessed indeed.

25. Verily We have sent My Messenger with My many testimonies, and sent down the Book and Justice, that justice may be observed by all.We have created steel, in which there are severe punishments and many benefits for all; so that Allah may know those who help Him and His Messenger in secret.Allah is indeed Almighty and Almighty. 26 We have indeed sent Noah and Ibrahim, and I have rewarded their descendants with prophecy and the Book; some of them are righteous, and many of them are disobedient. 27. After them We have continued to send My messengers, and I have continued to send Isa the son of Mary, and I have given him the Injil, and I have filled the hearts of his followers with love and mercy.They created their own renunciation—I did not make it their order—they created it to please Allah; but they did not follow it, so I rewarded those who believed in them.Many of them are rebellious.

28 O people who believe in Jesus!Fear Allah, and believe in His Messenger, and He will double His favor on you, and He will create a light for you; and you will walk by that light, and He will forgive you.Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. 29. So that those who have received the Bible will know that they cannot control the grace of Allah, and know that all grace is in the hands of Allah, and that He will reward whomever He wills, and that Allah is gracious.
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