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Chapter 54 Chapter 53 Constellation

quran 1190Words 2018-03-20
This chapter is from Mecca, and the whole chapter has a total of sixty-two verses. Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful One swore by the stars at the time of their fall, 2 Your friends are neither misguided nor superstitious, Three did not follow selfish desires. 4 It was but a revelation to him, 5 He was taught by the strong, VI is mighty, so he reaches all America. 7 He is in the highest place in the east, 8 Then he approached and lowered, Nine He is two bow lengths apart, or closer. 10 He reveals to his servants what he shall reveal, - His heart did not deny what he saw.

12 Are you going to argue with him about what he has seen? 13 He did see his second descent, 14 Beside the sour jujube tree in the extreme, 15 There is a paradise to return to. 16. When the jujube tree is covered with something, 17. The eyes are neither evil nor excessive; 18 He has indeed seen a part of the greatest signs of his Lord. 19 Let them tell me!lat and osa, Twenty and the third and lowest Mana, how can they be the daughters of Allah? 21 Shall boys be yours, but girls be yours? 22 However, this is an unfair distribution. 23. These idols are names that you and your ancestors have given, and God has not confirmed them, but they are based on speculation and lust.Righteousness has come to them from their Lord.

24. Does man get what he desires? 25. The Hereafter and the present world belong to Allah. 26 The intercession of the many gods in the heavens is of no avail, except after Allah permits them to intercede for whom He wills and pleases, 27 People who do not believe in the afterlife do call the gods by female names. 28. Of that appellation they have no knowledge at all, but conjectures; and conjectures are of no use to truth. 29 You should avoid those who violate my teaching and only want to live in this world; Three Zero That's their level of knowledge.Your Lord is indeed the one who knows everything to be wrong, and the one who knows everything to follow the way.

Trinity The heaven, earth and all things belong to Allah.He created all things so that He would reward the evildoers for their deeds, and reward the doers of good with the highest degree of goodness. 32 Stay away from great sins and scandals, but surely your Lord forgives small sins.He knew you all when he created you from the earth, when you were wombs; so do not claim to be innocent, for he is the all-knowing and fearful one. Sansan, tell me!against the righteous way, 34 Those who are stingy when they give a little, 35 Could it be that he knows Youxuan, so he regards his actions as the truth?

Thirty-six Did no one tell him the scriptures of Musa, Sanchi and the things recorded in the scriptures of Ibrahim who fulfilled the commandments? Thirty-eight A guilty person does not bear the guilt of others. 39. Each shall enjoy only his own fruits; 40 His work shall be seen, 41 Then he shall be fully rewarded. 42 Your Lord is the destination of all living beings. 43 He can make people laugh and make people cry; 44 He can cause death and life; 45. He created consorts—male and female— Forty-six is ​​the ejaculated semen; 47 He made it his duty to recreate; 48 He is able to enrich and satisfy;

49 He is the Lord of Sirius. 50 He who destroyed the ancient Aders, May Day and Samodes, and nothing left; 52 He destroyed Noah's family before.They are indeed more unrighteous and more dissolute. 53 He brought down the overthrown city, The May 4th covered that which covered the city. 55 Which of the graces of your Lord do you doubt? 56 This is one of the old warnings. 57 The near event is near; 58 No one can reveal it except Allah. 59 Are you surprised by this speech? Sixty How do you laugh and not cry bitterly? June 1 You are negligent. 62 You should prostrate to Allah and worship Him.

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