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Chapter 48 Chapter 47 Muhammad

quran 1803Words 2018-03-20
This chapter is from Medina, and the whole chapter has thirty-eight verses. Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 1. Allah will nullify the deeds of those who disbelieve and obstruct the way of Allah. 2. Those who believe and do good deeds, and believe in the Book that was sent down to Muhammad - that Book is the truth from their Lord - Allah will forgive their sins and improve their condition. 3. That is because those who do not believe observe what is false, but those who believe obey the truth that has come down from their Lord.Thus Allah gave many parables to all people. 4 When you meet disbelievers in battle, kill them, and when you have conquered them, take them prisoner; then either release them, or allow them to be redeemed, until the war lays down its burden.And so it was, that Allah would have punished them if He had chosen; but He commanded you to fight, that He might test each other with you.Those who died in the cause of Allah, Allah will not waste their deeds in vain,

5 He will guide them and improve their condition, VI And put them in Paradise--He has made known to them Paradise. VII O you who believe!If you help Allah, He will help you and make your steps firm. 8. People who disbelieve will be devastated, and Allah will make their deeds null and void. 9. That is because they hate what Allah has sent down, so He will nullify their deeds. 10 Did they not travel the land to see what was the end of their predecessors?Allah destroyed them again.Those who disbelieve will have the same end. - That is because Allah is the protector of those who believe; and those who disbelieve have no protector.

12. Allah will surely bring those who believe and do good deeds into Paradise where rivers flow.People who don't believe in this world enjoy food and drink like animals, and Hell is their destination. 13 There are cities whose inhabitants are more powerful than those of the city that drove you out; I have destroyed them, and they have no helper. 14. Is he who rests on the evidence which has been revealed from the Lord the same as he who is deluded by his own evil deeds, and follows his lust? 15. The Paradise promised to the revering ones is like this: There are rivers of water, the quality of which does not perish; there are rivers of milk, the taste of which does not change; ; they were in Paradise, with every kind of fruit to enjoy; and pardon from their Lord.Are those who live in Paradise forever the same as those who live in Hell forever, drink boiling water, and have their intestines broken?

16 Some of them listened to your speech, and when they went out from your presence, they said to the learned, "What did he say just now?" For such people, Allah has sealed their hearts, and they obey Selfish desires. 17. Those who follow the Way, Allah will guide them more and reward them with fear. 18 They waited only for the resurrection to come suddenly to them, and the sign of the resurrection has come.When the time of resurrection comes, their enlightenment will still be effective for them! 19. Know that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and beg forgiveness for your transgressions, and beg forgiveness for all the believers and all the women of faith.Allah knows all about your activities and your destination.

Twenty believers say, "Why didn't a chapter come down?" When a chapter comes down with a definite text, and it mentions war, you'll see people with sick hearts faint like they're dying. Staring at you like a dizzy person.Woe to them! 21. Obedience and euphemism are more suitable for them.It will be better for them if they are loyal to Allah when war is decided. 22. If you are in power, will you do evil in the local area and sever the relationship between relatives? 23. Such are those whom Allah has rejected, and therefore He has made them deaf and blind. 24 Why don't they meditate?Are there locks in their hearts?

25. Recognize the right way, and then the apostates, the devil encourages them, and comforts them. 26. That is because they said to those who hated the signs from the True King: "We will obey you in some things." God knows their hidden secrets. 27. What will they do when the gods slap them on the face and back and kill them? 28. That is because they obeyed that which offended Allah, and abhorred that which pleased Him, so He nullified their deeds. 29. Do the sick people think that Allah does not repay their grievances? 30 If I will, I will make them known to you, and you will know them by their appearance, and you will know them by their breath.Allah is aware of your good deeds.

Trinity I must test you until I know the strugglers and the perseverers among you, and I will examine the reports on your work. 32 Those who disbelieve, obstruct the way of God, and oppose the Messenger after knowing the way, must not harm Allah in the slightest, and He will make their good deeds null and void. Thirty-three Believers!Obey Allah and the Messenger, and do not make your deeds null and void. 34. Those who disbelieve, obstruct the way of Allah, and die unbelievers, Allah will never forgive them. 35 Do not be discouraged, do not ask for peace, you are superior, and Allah is with you, and He will never nullify your good deeds.

Thirty-six Life in this world is just games and entertainment.If you believe and fear him, he will give you your reward.He does not claim your property. 37 If he extorts your property, you must be stingy, and that stinginess will expose your resentment. Thirty-eight You people!Some people advise you to pay for the cause of God, but some of you are stingy.The miser is the victim of miserliness.Indeed, Allah has nothing to ask for, and indeed you have everything to ask for.If you disobey the order, he will replace you with other people, and then they will not be like you.
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