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Chapter 44 Chapter 43 Gold Jewelry

quran 2958Words 2018-03-20
This chapter is from Mecca, and the whole chapter has a total of eight or nine verses. Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful One ha one, Mimu. 2 Oathed by plain scriptures, Three I have indeed put it in Arabic so that you may understand. Four In my original Bible, it is indeed noble and wise. 5 Shall I keep you from teaching because you are an excessive people? 6 We have sent many prophets to teach the ancient nations, 7 Whenever a prophet came to them, they made a fool of it. 8 I have destroyed those stronger than your kind, and the example of the first people is gone. 9 If you ask them, "Who created the heaven and the earth?" they will surely say, "The Almighty and All-knowing Lord created the heaven and the earth."

10 He has made the earth your resting place, and he has made many paths for you in it, so that you may reach the destination of your travels. 11. He sends down a measure of rain from the clouds, and by the rain he revives the dead.This is how you will be taken from your grave. 12 He created all species, and made ships and animals for you to ride on, 13 So that you can sit upright on it.Then, as you sit, think of the grace of your Lord, and say: "Praise be to Allah, who is above all! He subdues this for us, over which we are powerless. 14 We shall return to our Lord. " 15 They counted some of his servants as his sons; man is indeed a manifest orphan.

16 Did he take daughters for himself out of the creatures he created, and give male sons to you only? 17 They blasphemed that the Lord of Mercy had daughters, but when one of them heard that his wife had given birth to a daughter, his countenance grew dark, and he was angry. 18 Those who grew up in jewels and cannot speak, shall they give her to Allah? 19. The gods are servants of Allah, but they take the gods as women.Have they ever witnessed the creation of the gods by Allah?Their testimony will be recorded and they will also be interrogated. 20 They say, "We would not have worshiped the All-Honest if they had willed." They say this without knowing it; they are only lying.

21 Did I give them a Bible before, and they held on to that Bible? 22 No, they say, "We have indeed discovered that our ancestors had a religion, and we have followed their traces to the right way." 23 Before you, whenever I sent Warners in this way to a city, the luxurious ones there always said: "We have indeed discovered that our ancestors had a religion, and we have followed their traces. " 24. He said, "Would you follow your ancestors, even if I showed you a higher religion than that of your ancestors?" And they said, "We do not believe in your mission."

25 Therefore I punished them, and you see what happens to those who deny the righteous way! 26 At that time Abraham said to his father and his clan, "I have nothing to do with what you worship, 27 But not my Creator, He must guide me. " 28. He bequeathed these words to his posterity, that they might repent. 29. Otherwise, I have made these people and their ancestors happy until the truth came and the messenger of the Word was born. 30 When the truth came to them, they said, "This is magic, we must not believe it." Trinity They said, "Why don't you bring this book down to the dignitaries in either city?"

32 Shall they distribute thy Lord's favor?We assign to them their sustenance in this world, and I place them in ranks from each other, so that they may be restrained in ranks.The favor of your Lord is more excellent than their accumulation. 33 If it had not been for the fact that the world should not become one sect, I would have made the houses of those who do not believe in the Most Beneficial God have silver roofs and silver ladders, so that they may climb upon them; 34 And make their houses have silver doors and silver beds, so that they may lie on them; Thirty-five And make their houses adorned with gold.These are but the enjoyment of life in this world; the Hereafter with your Lord is for those who fear.

Thirty-six Whoever ignores the teachings of the Most Merciful Lord repents, I will let a demon possess him and become his friend. Thirty-seven Those demons prevent them from following the right way, but they think they are following the right way. 38. When the Ignorant came to me, he said to his friend, "I wish there were east and west distances between me and you. You are a bad friend!" 39. You have done unrighteousness, so this desire will not benefit you today.for you will be punished together. 40 Can you make the deaf hear, or guide the blind and those who are clearly astray?

41 If I cause you to die, then I will surely punish them in the future; 42. If I should show you the punishment with which I warn them, then surely I am all-powerful to them. 43 Therefore you should stick to the revelation you have received, and you are indeed on the right way. 44 It is indeed the honor of you and your clan, and you will be interrogated in the future. 45 Ask the messengers who have been sent before you, whether I have appointed gods to be worshiped besides the Almighty. 46 We have indeed sent Moses with my many signs to teach Pharaoh and his nobles, saying, "Indeed I am the Messenger of the Lord of the whole world."

47 When he showed them my many signs, they immediately laughed at them. 48. The signs I have shown them are greater than the other.We have punished them with punishment so that they may repent. 49 They said, "O magicians, pray to your Lord for us, because he has made a covenant with you, and we must follow the right way." 50 When I relieved them of their punishment, they immediately broke their promise. May 1 Pharaoh once called out to his people, saying, "O my people! Aren't the kingdom of Mizr (Egypt) and the rivers that flow under my feet all mine? Don't you see it?

52 Am I not stronger than this mean and vague man? 53 Why is there no gold bracelet on his hand?Or did the gods descend with him one after another? " 54 He stirred up his people, and they obeyed him; indeed they were rebels. 55 When they offended me, I punished them, so they all drowned, 56 I take them as a lesson for future generations. 57 When the son of Mary was cited as an example, your clans immediately clamored, 58. They say, "Are our gods better? Or is he better?" They cite him as an example only for the sake of argument; otherwise, they are a polemical people. 59. He is but a servant, and I give him grace and make him an example to the children of Israel.

60. If I will, I will give up you and create many gods to succeed you on the earth. June 1 He is indeed a sign of the resurrection, you must not doubt it, you should obey me, this is the right way. 62 Never let the devil hinder you, he is indeed your enemy. 63 When Jesus came with many proofs, he said, "Indeed I have brought you wisdom, so that I might explain to you some of the statutes that you are arguing about. So you should fear Allah and obey Me. 64 Allah is indeed my Lord and your Lord, therefore you should worship him, for this is the right way. " Sixty-five People of various sects are at odds with each other.Woe to unrighteous people!In the future there will be a day of torment. 66 They only hope that the resurrection will suddenly come to them without knowing it. 67 On that day, friends will hate each other, but not those who fear. 68 "O my servants, you have neither fear nor sorrow today." 69 A sign that they believed in me, they were obedient. 70 "Go to Paradise, you and your wives, in joy! On July 1, there will be golden plates and golden cups, which will be passed between them one by one. In Paradise, there will be pleasures that the heart desires and the eyes appreciate, and you will live in it forever. 72. This is the Paradise they inherited by their own good works. 73 You will be among them, and there will be many fruits for you to eat. " 74 Sinners will live in the punishment of Hell forever in the future, 75. That punishment shall not be lessened, and they shall be discouraged in it. 76 I did not wrong them, but they deceived themselves. 77 They will cry out, "O Malik, let your Lord execute us!" and he will say, "You must remain in the punishment." 78 I have indeed revealed the truth to you, but most of you hate the truth. 79 Have they decided on something?I also have to decide one thing. 80 Do they think I can't hear their secrets and murmurs?Otherwise, MY Angels are right before them, recording their words and deeds. 81 You say: "If the Most Merciful God has children, then I will worship His children first." 82. Praise be to the Lord of heaven and earth, the Lord of thrones, who is beyond their description! 83 Let them talk nonsense!Let them play!Until they see the day they are warned. 84. He is adored in heaven, and he is adored on earth; indeed he is wise and all-knowing. Eighty-five Blessed be the one who has the kingdom of heaven and earth and all things between heaven and earth!He alone knows the knowledge of the Resurrection, and to Him alone you are called. 86. Those who pray apart from him have no right to intercede; but not those who testify according to the truth, and know their testimony well. 87. If you ask them who made them, they will say, "Allah." How perverted they are! 88 He said, "My lord, these people are an unbelieving people." 89 You should forgive them, you should say, "Peace be with you!" They will soon know.
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