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Chapter 42 Chapter 41 Fengsierite

quran 2565Words 2018-03-20
This chapter is from Mecca, and the whole chapter has five or four verses in total. Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful One ha one, Mimu. 2. This is a revelation from the Most Merciful and Merciful Lord. 3 This is a well-written Scripture, revealed in Arabic for a learned people (), IV May be heralds and warnings; but most of them shy away and refuse to listen. 5 They said, "Our hearts are deluded, we cannot understand what you teach us, our ears are hard of hearing; there is a barrier between us and you. Do your thing, we will do ours!" " 6. You said: "I am just like you, I am just a mortal. I have received a revelation: "What you should worship is the only Lord. Therefore, you should follow the right path and approach him, and you should ask him for forgiveness." The matchmaker!

7 They do not pay zakat and do not believe in the Hereafter. 8. Those who believe and do good deeds shall receive constant rewards. 9 Say, "Do you really not believe that he who created the earth in two days will set up many rivals for him? That is the Lord of the whole world." 10 He created many mountains on the earth, He blessed the earth, and predestined food for all living beings on the earth.Those things were done in four full days.That is used to answer the inquirer. —— Then, he aspired to create the sky, when the sky was still steam.He said to the sky, "You two come obediently, or forcefully!" They said, "We both came obediently."

12. In two days he created the seven heavens, and by his decree he revealed the inhabitants of the heavens, and he adorned and protected the lowest heaven with stars.That is the predestination of the Almighty and All-knowing Lord. 13 If they retreat, say, "I warn you about a punishment like that of the Adh and Thamud." 14 At that time messengers came to them from behind and behind them, saying, "You shall not worship anything but Allah." They said, "If our Lord willed, He would send down many gods, and we would not believe in what you worship mission." 15. As for the people of Ad, they should not be arrogant in their place, saying: "Who is stronger than us?" Don't they know that Allah who created them is stronger than them?They denied my many signs,

16. We have caused storms to hurt them for some evil days, that they may try the punishment of humiliation in this life, and the punishment of the Hereafter will be more humiliating indeed, and they will have no help. 17. As for the Thamudites, We have led them, but they have gone astray from the right way, and the thunderbolt of the punishment of reproach struck them because of their deeds. 18 I have saved those who believed and feared. 19 On that day the enemies of Allah will be summoned to Hell.They are bound. 20. When they come to Hell, their eyes, eyes and skin will testify of their deeds.

21. They will say to their skin, "Why do you testify against us?" They will say, "God, who made all things speak, has made us speak. He who first created you, you were only called to him." 22. In the past, you did not guard that your eyes, ears, and skin would testify against you, but you guessed that Allah was ignorant of many things that you did. 23. This surmising of your Lord has done you harm, and you have become losers. 24. If they can endure, then Hell is their abode; if they invite and forgive, then they will never ask. 25. We have predestined many companions for them, and those companions, who deceive them with things in their life or after their death, are to be condemned to punishment among the nations of Elves and Men that have passed away before, and The prophecy was fulfilled to them, and they were the losers.

26. The disbelievers said, "Don't listen to this, you should disturb the sound of the chanting, and perhaps you will be victorious." 27. We will make the disbelievers try severe punishment, and I will repay their sins with the worst reward. 28 That is the reward for the enemies of Allah - Hell, in which they have their permanent dwelling, and that is for their denial of My Signs. 29. The unbelievers said: "Our Lord, show us those spirits and men who have led us astray, and let us crush them under our feet, so that they may become the most abject." 30. Whoever said, "Our Lord is Allah," and followed the right path, the angels will come to them and say, "Do not be afraid, do not be troubled, but rejoice in the Paradise which was promised to you.

Trinity We are your protectors in this world and in the Hereafter.In Paradise you will enjoy all that you like, and in Paradise you will enjoy all that you ask for. 32 It is a feast from the Most Merciful and Merciful Lord. " 33 Who is more eloquent than he who calls people to believe in God, to do good deeds, and to say, "Indeed I am a Muslim"? 34. Good and evil are not the same.You should meet the worst with the best, and suddenly your enemies will become like close friends. Thirty-five Only those who persevere can acquire this virtue, and only those who are greatly blessed can acquire this virtue.

36 If the devil tempts you, take refuge in Allah.He is indeed omniscient, indeed omniscient. Thirty-seven Day and night, the sun and the moon are his signs.Do not bow down to the sun and the moon, but to Allah who created the signs, if you worship Him. 38 If they are arrogant, then the gods who are with your Lord praise him day and night, and they never tire of it. ※ 39. You see the earth is dry, but when I send rain it moves and swells, and this is his sign.He who can raise the earth can also raise the dead, and he is indeed omnipotent over all things. 40 Those who misinterpret My signs shall not hide from Me to see them.What about those who are thrown into Hell on the Day of Resurrection?Or is it better to be safe on Easter Day?Whatever you want to do, just do whatever you want!Indeed he sees your ways.

41 I will punish him who does not believe in the Teacher who has come.That teaching is surely a solid scripture, 42. Hypocrisy cannot attack it from behind or behind it, but from the Most Wise and Blessed Lord. 43 What people say to you is nothing but lies that have been spoken to the messengers in the past. Your Lord is indeed a pardoner and a punisher. 44 If We had sent down a foreign language, they would have said, "Why not explain the verses in it? A foreign language book and an Arabic prophet?" Say, "It is a guide and a guide for those who believe medicine; the disbelievers hear but do not hear, and see not see, for these are called from afar."

45 We have given the Book to Moses, but the people are divided about the Book, and if there is not a word from your Lord beforehand, they will be judged.They are indeed in doubt about it. 46. ​​Those who do good will benefit themselves, and those who do evil will suffer harm.Your Lord will never wrong his servants. 47. The knowledge of the resurrection belongs to him alone; the decalyx of the fruit, and the conception and childbirth of women are all in his insight.On that day he will ask them, "Where are you who claim to be my partners?" And they will say, "We tell you that not one of us can testify to this."

48 What they prayed for while they were alive will elude them, and they will be sure that they have nothing to escape. Forty-nine people never tire of praying for blessings, but when they encounter disasters, they become discouraged and despair. 50 After his troubles, if I make him try the favors that come down from me, he must say, "I have paid for this by my work. I do not believe that the resurrection will come. If I am called to my Lord, then With him I will be rewarded with the best." I will tell them the deeds of the disbelievers, and I will make them try severe punishment. May 1. When I do favor to others, he is ungrateful and conceited. When he encounters disaster, he prays without ceasing. 52. Say, "Tell me! If it has been revealed from God, and you do not believe it, who is more astray than a perpetual transgressor from the truth?" 53 I will show them my many signs on all sides and in themselves, until they understand that it is indeed the truth.Is it not enough that your Lord bears witness to all things? May Fourth Indeed, they did doubt the future meeting with their Lord.Verily, he did know all things.
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