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Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Banquet

quran 8951Words 2018-03-20
This chapter is from Medina, and the whole chapter has a total of 120 verses. Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O believers!You must fulfill every promise.Except those who will announce to you, you are allowed to eat all livestock, but you are not allowed to hunt birds or animals during the precept period or in the forbidden area.Allah will judge what He wills. 2 O you who believe!Do not desecrate the sign of Allah and the forbidden month, do not harm the animals that are used as sacrifices, do not break the collars of those animals, and do not harm those who go to the al-Haram for the favor and favor of Allah.When you start your precepts, you can hunt.Do not go too far in resentment against those who prevented you from entering the Al-Haram.Help each other for righteousness and reverence, not for crime and violence.Fear Allah, for indeed the punishment of Allah is severe.

3. Forbid you to eat dead things, blood, pork, and animals that are slaughtered, strangled, thrashed, dropped to death, crushed to death, or leftovers eaten by wild animals, but die after they are slaughtered, You can still eat it; you are forbidden to eat it butchered on the stone of God; you are forbidden to ask for lots, that is sin.Today, unbelievers have despaired of (destroying) your religion, so do not fear them, but fear Me.Today I have fulfilled your religion for you, I have fulfilled the grace that I bestowed on you, I have chosen Islam as your religion.Those who are persecuted by famine and have no intention of sinning (although they eat forbidden things are not guilty), because Allah is indeed Forgiving and Merciful.

4. They asked you what you allowed them to eat, and you said, "You are allowed to eat all good food, and you may eat the animals that you have captured for you, such as the falcons and dogs that you have taught and trained; you who indulge the falcons and dogs recite the name of Allah, and fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is the speedy reckoner.” 5 Today you are permitted to eat all good food; the food of those who received the Book is lawful to you; your food is lawful to them.Free women who believe, and free women who have received the scriptures, are lawful to you, if you give them their dowry, but you should be chaste, not lecherous, nor lovers .Whoever denies the righteous faith, whose good deeds are indeed nullified; he will be a loser in the hereafter.

Six Faithful people!When you rise up to worship, you shall wash your faces and hands up to the elbows, rub your heads, and your feet up to the ankles.If you are unclean, wash your whole being.If you are sick or traveling, or coming from the latrine, or intercourse with women, and have no water, go to the clean ground, and rub your face and hands with a portion of earth.Allah does not want you to be troubled, but He wants to make you clean and complete the grace He has bestowed on you, so that you may give thanks. 7 Remember the grace that Allah has given you, and the covenant He has made with you, when you said, "We obeyed." Fear Allah.Allah is indeed All-knowing.

People of eight faiths!You should report faithfully to the Lord, and you should testify impartially. You should never be unfair because you hate a group of people. You should be fair, and justice is closest to reverence.Fear Allah.Indeed, Allah is fully aware of your deeds. 9. To those who believe and do good deeds, Allah promises forgiveness and great rewards. 10 Those who disbelieve and deny My signs are the inhabitants of Hell. O you who believe!Remember the grace bestowed upon you by Allah.At that time, a group of people tried to use force against you, but Allah resisted their force for you; fear Allah.Believers only trust in Allah.

12. Surely God made a covenant with the children of Israel, and sent twelve princes from them.Allah says: "I am with you indeed. If you keep your prayers, pay the zakat, trust my Messenger, assist them, and lend good debts to Allah, I will erase your sins and I will Let you enter Paradise where rivers flow. After this, whoever disbelieves has gone astray.” 13 Only for them did I break the covenant, and I forsook them, and hardened their hearts; they falsified the scriptures, and forsook a part of their admonition.Except for a few of them, you have often found them treacherous, so forgive them, forgive them.Indeed Allah loves those who do good.

14. Those who profess to be Christians, with whom I made a covenant, but they forsake part of their commandment, so I have made them hate one another until the Day of Resurrection.Then Allah will tell them what they have done. 15 O people of the Bible!My Messenger has indeed come to you, and he will clarify for you many scriptures that you have concealed, and he will abandon many scriptures without revealing them.There is a light, and a definite book, that has indeed come to you from Allah. 16 Allah will use this scripture to guide those who pursue his joy on the path of peace, lead them from darkness to light according to his own will, and lead them to the right path.

17 Those who falsely say that Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary, have disbelieved.You say: "If Allah wants to destroy the Messiah, his mother Mary, and all the people on the earth, then who can interfere with Allah - the slightest?" The kingdom of heaven and earth is only Allah's. To create.Allah is Almighty over all things. 18 Both the Jews and the Christians say, "We are the sons of Allah, and His beloved." You say, "Why should He punish you for your sins?" In fact, you are His creatures.He forgives whoever he wants to forgive, and punishes whomever he wants to punish.The kingdom of heaven and earth belongs only to Allah; He is the final destination.

19 O you who believe in the Bible!After the interruption of the angels, MY messenger has come to you and made clear the doctrine to you, lest you shall say, "No herald and warning come to us." A herald and warning, indeed It's coming to you.Allah is Almighty over all things. At the time of 20 Moses said to his family: "O my family! Remember the grace bestowed on you by Allah when He sent many prophets among you and made each of you free The (grace) of anyone in the whole world is given to you. 21 My clan!Enter the holy place that Allah has appointed for you, and you must not be defeated; otherwise, you will become losers. "

22 They said, "Moses, indeed there is a powerful race in the Holy Land, and we will not enter until they come out. If they come out, we will go in." Two or three of those who feared God, who had received favor from Allah, said to them, "Attack them from the gates; and when you enter the gates, you will overcome them. Trust in Allah alone, if you are the words of the believers.” 24 They said, "O Moses, we will not enter the holy place while they are in it. Go and fight with your Lord! Here we must sit." 25 He said, "My lord, I have no lord but myself and my brother, and I beseech you, separate us from the sinful multitude."

26. Allah said, "For forty years they shall not enter the Holy Land, and they shall wander in the wilderness; therefore do not mourn the sinning people." 27 Tell them the story of the two sons of Adam truthfully.At that time, each of them offered an offering, and the one's offering was accepted, but the other's was not.That one said, "I will kill you." This one said, "Allah accepts an offering only from the fearful. 28 If you stretch out your hand to kill me, I will not stretch out your hand to kill you; indeed I fear Allah, the Lord of the worlds. 29. I will definitely make you bear the responsibility of killing me, and your original sins, and you will become a resident of Hell.This is the reward of the unrighteous. " Thirty His selfish desires drove him to kill his younger brother.Therefore, after he killed him, he became a loser. Trinity God sent a crow to dig the ground to show him how to bury his brother's body.He said, "Sad! How could I not have buried my brother's body like this crow did?" And so he became a remorseful man. 32 Therefore, I set this rule for the descendants of Israel: Except for revenge or chaos, whoever kills one person in vain is like killing everyone; whoever saves one person is like saving everyone.MY Messengers have indeed shown them many signs.Since then, many of them have indeed been excessive locally. 33 Those who oppose Allah and His Messenger and disturb the land, their reward is only to be executed, or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off alternately, or be expelled from the country.This is the reproach they have received in this age; they will be severely punished in the hereafter. 34 But those who have repented before you can punish them, know that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful to them. Three or five believers!You should fear Allah, you should seek the medium of approaching Allah, and you should strive for the cause of Allah, so that you may succeed. Thirty-six unbelievers, if all that is on the earth should be theirs, plus an equal share, and the whole property should be redeemed for the punishment of the Day of Resurrection; then their ransom will not be accepted, and they will be tormented penalty. 37 They want to come out of Hell, but they will never come out, they will suffer eternal punishment. 38 Men and women who steal, cut off the hands of both of them, in repayment for their crimes, and in order to show the punishment of Allah.Allah is omnipotent and wise. Thirty-nine Whoever repents of his injustice and reforms himself, Allah will forgive him.Indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Forty Zero Don't you know?Allah has the power of heaven and earth, and he will punish whoever he wants to punish; he will forgive whoever he wants to forgive.Allah is Almighty over all things. Four One Messenger!Those who profess the faith but do not believe in their hearts, and those who originally practiced Judaism, among them there are those who are the first to apostate. Do not worry about their apostasy. (They) listened to (your speech) for the purpose of spreading rumours, and listened to (news) for other people. Those people, who did not come to see you, falsified scriptures. They said: "If you are given this ), you can accept it; if it is not given to you, do not accept it.” Whom Allah will punish, you must never interfere with Allah for whom.Such are those whom Allah does not desire to wash their hearts; they will be disgraced in this world, and they will be punished severely in the Hereafter. 42 (They) listen to (your speech) for spreading rumors and swallowing bribes.When they come to visit you, you can give them a sentence, or deny them.If you reject them, they can never hurt you one iota.If you judge them, you shall judge justly.Indeed Allah loves the just. 43 They have the "Torat", which contains the laws of Allah, how can they ask you to judge, and then violate your judgment?Such people are by no means believers. 44 We have indeed sent down the Torah, in which there is guidance and light, by which the Prophets who surrendered to Allah have judged for the Jews, and the wise and wise men have also judged by the Book which they were commanded to uphold , and bear witness to it, so fear not man, but Me, and do not exchange My signs for a small price.Whoever does not judge according to the scriptures revealed by Allah is a disbelievers. 45. In the "Torat", I stipulated that life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, and tooth for tooth; all wounds must be compensated.Those who voluntarily let go of the crime have the right to make up for their sins.Anyone who does not judge according to the scriptures revealed by Allah is unrighteous. 46 We sent Isa, son of Mary, after the Messengers, to confirm the Torah that preceded him, and gave him the Injil, which contained guidance and light, and could confirm the Torah that preceded him. Rath, and be a guide and counsel to those who fear. 47. People who believe in "Injil" shall judge according to the laws revealed by Allah in "Injil".Anyone who does not judge according to the scriptures revealed by Allah is a sinner. 48 I sent down to you this scripture containing the truth, to confirm all the previous scriptures, and guard them.Therefore, judge for them according to the scriptures that Allah has sent down, and do not abandon the truth that has come to you and obey their desires.We have established a law and a law for each nation among you.If Allah wills, He will make you one nation.But he has divided you into many nations, that he may test you whether you can obey the laws and laws which he has given you.Therefore strive to be the first to do good.To Allah you all shall return, and He shall tell you what is right and wrong that you are arguing about. 49. Judgment for them according to the scriptures that Allah has revealed to you. Do not obey their desires. Beware of them tempting you to disobey part of the scriptures that Allah has revealed to you.If they go against the Way, then know that Allah wants to punish them for some of their sins.Many people are indeed sinners. 50 Do they demand the laws of the age of ignorance?In the eyes of the convinced people, who is better at judging than Allah? People who believe in May Day!Make no allies of the Jews and Christians.Each of them is an ally of his fellow teachers.Whoever of you takes them for an ally is their fellow-teacher.Surely Allah will not guide the unjust people. 52. Thou shalt see men who are ill, and they will scramble to befriend them, and make excuses, saying, "We are afraid of bad luck." God may send a victory, or issue a command, and they will be changed because of the conspiracy hidden in their hearts. become a remorseful person. 53. Those who believed said, "Are these the ones who swear the most serious oath by Allah and claim to be fellow-teachers with you?" Their good deeds have been completely nullified, so they have become losers. May Fourth believers!Whoever is apostate among you, Allah will replace them with other peoples, and those peoples are loved by Allah, and they love Allah.They are humble to the believers and majestic to the outsiders. They fight for the way of God and are not afraid of anyone's reproach.This is the boon of Allah, which He bestows on whomever He wills.Allah is Forgiving and All-Knowing. 55 Your allies are only those of Allah and His Messenger, and among the believers who observe the prayer, pay the zakat, and are humble. 56. Whoever takes Allah, His Messenger, and the believer as an ally, (who is the party of Allah); indeed the party of Allah is superior. 57 O believers!Those who received the scriptures before you made a joke of your religion, so make no allies with them and with the unbelievers.Fear Allah, if you are true believers. 58. When you call people to worship, they use your prayers as a joke and as a joke.This is because they are an uninformed populace. 59. Say, "O People of the Book! You rebuke us only because we are sure of Allah, of what He has sent us, and of what He has sent before; because most of you are sinners." 60. Say, "I tell you that there is worse reward from Allah than this, shall I? There are those who were rejected and wrathed by Allah, and He turned some of them into monkeys and pigs, Some people worship demons, their status is even worse, and they are farther away from the right path.” June 1 When they come to you, they say, "We have believed." They come in with (unbelief), and go out with (unbelief).Allah knows their secrets. 62. You see many of them eager to do evil and commit crimes, exceed the law, and swallow bribes. Their behavior is really bad! 63 Ordinary sages and doctors, why don't they forbid them to speak evil and swallow bribes?How bad they behaved! 64 The Judaizers say: "The hand of Allah is bound." May their hands be bound, and may they be cast aside for their evil words!In fact, his two hands are spread out; he spends whatever he wants.The scriptures that have come down from your Lord will surely make many of them more violent and disbelieving.I will cast enmity and hatred among them until the Day of Resurrection.Whenever they light a fire of war, Allah puts it out.They wantonly do evil in the local area.Allah does not love those who do evil. 65 If those who believe in the Bible believe and fear, I will wipe away their sins, and I will bring them into the paradise of grace. 66. If they obey the Taurat and Injil and other scriptures that their Lord has revealed to them, then they will eat what is on their heads and what is under their feet.Among them there is a fair company; among them there are many bad-behaved ones. 67 Messenger!Communicate all the scriptures that your Lord has sent down to you.If you don't, then you're not communicating his mission.Allah will protect you from the murder of all.Surely Allah will not lead the disbelieving people. 68 Say, "O People of the Book! You have no faith until you observe the Taurat and the Injil, and the scriptures which your Lord has sent down to you." Your Lord has sent down Your scriptures will make most of them more violent and disbelievers; therefore mourn not the disbelievers. 69. Believers, Judaizers, Star Worshipers, Christians, whoever believes in God and the last day, and does good deeds, will have no fear or sorrow in the future. 70. I have made a covenant with the children of Israel, and I have sent many messengers to educate them. Whenever the messengers bring something they do not like, they will deny some and kill some. 71 They guessed that there was no evil, so they became blind and deaf.Afterwards, Allah forgave them.Later, many of them became blind and deaf again.Allah is aware of their deeds. 72 Those who falsely say that Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary, have disbelieved.The Messiah once said: "O descendants of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Whoever puts a thing into God, Allah will forbid him to enter Paradise, and his destination is Hell. The unrighteous people, there will never be any helpers.” 73. Those who falsely say that God is one of the three have disbelieved.There is no one worthy of worship but the one and only God.If they do not cease their blasphemy, there will be a painful punishment for those who disbelieve among them. 74. Have they not repented to Allah for forgiveness?Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. 75. The Messiah, the son of Mary, is only a messenger. Before him, many messengers have indeed passed away.His mother is an honest person.They also ate.See how I set forth all the signs for them, and then see how they are absurd. Seventy-six You say: "Do you want to worship that who cannot preside over your misfortune and good fortune instead of Allah?" Allah is indeed All-sounding and All-seeing. 77 Say, "People of the Bible! Do not be unreasonably excessive in your religion. Do not obey the teachings of a group of people who have misled themselves, and led many astray, and departed from the right way. Selfish desires." 78 The unbelievers among the children of Israel were cursed by the tongue of Dawud and Isa the son of Mary because of their disobedience and excess. 79. They do not admonish one another for the evil they have done; their ways are wicked. 80 Thou shalt see many of them make unbelievers their allies; evil is what they have prepared for themselves.That is the abomination of calling Allah, and they will be punished forever. 81. If they had believed in Allah and the Prophet, and in what He had sent down, they would not have made allies of disbelievers, but most of them were sinners. 82. You will surely find that the most hated of the believers are the Judaizers and the barbarians; you will find that the closest to the believers are the professed Christians; for among them are many priests and priests, and Because they are not arrogant. 83. When they heard the recitation of the scriptures sent to the messenger, you can see that they burst into tears because of the truth they knew, and they said: "Our Lord! We have believed, please take us together as witnesses of the truth. Record it in one place. 84. We long for our Lord to bring us into Paradise with good people. How can we not believe in Allah and the truth that has come to us! " 85. For what they have said, Allah will reward them in Paradise where rivers flow down, and they will dwell therein forever.This is the reward for doing good. 86. Those who disbelieve and deny My signs are the inhabitants of Hell. 87 People who believe!The good food that Allah has allowed you to enjoy, do not consider it forbidden, do not overdo it.Indeed, Allah does not love those who are excessive. 88 You should eat the lawful and good food that Allah has given you, and you should fear Allah in whom you believe. 89. Allah does not condemn you for unintentional oaths, but for intentional oaths.The penalty for breaking the oath is to provide ten poor people with rations for one meal according to the median food intake of one's own family, or to give them clothes, or to free a slave.Those who cannot help the poor or release slaves should fast for three days.This is the penalty for breaking your oath after you have sworn it.You should keep your oath.Allah has thus revealed His signs for you so that you may give thanks to Him. Ninety believers!Drinking, gambling, idol worship, and lottery are just filthy behaviors, just the behavior of demons, so stay away so that you can succeed. 91 The devil would have you hate each other because of drinking and gambling, and prevent you from remembering Allah and keeping prayers.Will you quit (drinking and gambling)? 92. Obey God, obey the Messenger, and guard against evil.If you disobey the order, then you must know that My Messenger is only responsible for express notification. 93 Those who believe and do good are not guilty of the food and drink they eat, if they fear and believe and strive to do good; then fear and believe; then fear and do good.Allah loves those who do good. 94 O believers!Allah will test you with as many birds and beasts as you can catch with your hands and spears, so that Allah will know who is secretly afraid of Him.Afterwards, whoever goes beyond the law will be punished painfully. 95 O believers!Do not kill any birds or animals that you have caught during your precepts or in the forbidden area.Whoever among you slaughters intentionally, should make atonement with a corresponding animal. The animal must be judged by two just men among you, and then sent to the Kaaba as an offering, or as a fine, that is, as alms (several) A day's ration of a poor man; or a comparable fast in lieu of it, so that he may try the evil results of breaking the fast.Allah has forgiven past sins.Whoever does it again, Allah will punish him.Allah is Almighty and punishes evil. 96 Animals and food in the sea are lawful to you and may be enjoyed by you and travelers.Do not hunt birds or beasts during your ordinance, or in the territory of the forbidden area, but fear Allah, the Lord to whom you will be gathered. Ninety-seven Allah uses the Kaaba—the forbidden temple—as the outline of everyone, and the forbidden moon, offerings, and collars as the outline of everyone. This is because he wants you to know that Allah knows everything in the sky and everything on the earth. .Allah is omniscient. Ninety-eight You should know that Allah's punishment is severe, and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Ninety-nine Messenger is only responsible for notification.Allah knows what you show and what you hide. 100 You said: "The unclean and the clean are not equal, even if the unclean is numerous and you are amazed." You men of reason; fear Allah, so that you may succeed. 101 O you who believe!Do not inquire about certain things; those things, if revealed for you, would vex you.While it is being revealed, those things will be revealed for you if you ask.Allah has forgiven previous inquiries.Allah is Forgiving and Forgiving. 102. There were some people before you who asked such questions, and they became disbelievers because of it. 103 Allah has not stipulated the lack of ears, free camels, twin sheep, and free camels; but those who do not believe in the name of Allah spread rumors; most of them do not understand. 104 Someone said to them, "Obey the scriptures that Allah has sent down. Come and obey the Messenger." And they said, "What satisfies us is the religion of our ancestors." Even if their ancestors were ignorant Conscientious, not follow the right way, (they still have to follow) their religion? 105 O you who believe!Keep yourselves pure.When you follow the right way, the mistakes of others cannot harm you.All of you belong to Allah, and He will tell you what you have done. 106 O believers!When one of you makes a will at the end of your life, the testimony between you is the testimony of two just men among you (brethren), or of two other foreigners Dying.After the prayer, keep these two witnesses, and if you doubt the faithfulness of both of them, take an oath in the name of Allah, saying: "We will not exchange this oath for any price, even if what we both testify, We are relatives of both of us, and neither of us hides the evidence that Allah values; otherwise, we both would be sinners." 107 If evidence of their crimes is found, then two others will take their place. (Those two persons) should be those closest to the deceased among those entitled.Both of them should swear in the name of Allah: "The testimony of both of us is truer than the testimony of both of them. Neither of us is beyond the law; otherwise, we both would be wrongdoers." 108 This kind of regulation can further make witnesses testify according to the facts, or fear that the oath will be rejected after the oath is sworn.Fear Allah and obey His commands.Allah does not lead the people to sin. 109 In the day when Allah gathers His Messengers, He will ask them, "What answer have you received?" And they will say, "We know nothing. Surely You know the mysteries." 110 Then Allah will say O 'Isa, son of Mary!Remember the grace I have bestowed upon you and your mother.At that time, I used my mysterious spirit to support you. You were talking to people in the cradle and in the prime of life.At that time, I taught you calligraphy, wisdom, Taurat and Injil.At that time, according to my order, you squeezed a bird-like thing out of clay, and you blew air into it, and it flew according to my order.You have cured natural blindness and leprosy at my command.You have also raised the dead at my command.At that time, I prevented the children of Israel from harming you.When you showed them many signs, the disbelievers among them said, "It's just plain magic." 111 At that time, I revealed to all my disciples, "Believe in me and my angels." They said, "We have believed, and please bear witness that we are obedient people." 112 At that time the disciples said, "Isa, son of Mary, can your Lord send us a feast from heaven?" He said, "Fear Allah, if you believe." 113 And they said, "We want to feast and be quiet, and know that what you have told us is true, and that we will bear witness to your mission." 114 Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "O Allah, O our Lord, send us a feast from heaven, so that our ancestors and those who come after us may celebrate the day of the feast, and let the feast be revealed to you. signs. Reward us with sustenance, for you are the best at providing." 115 Allah said: "I will surely send you a feast. After this, whoever among you disbelieves, I will punish him with a punishment that I will never punish anyone in the whole world." 116 At that time Allah will say: "O Isa, son of Mary! Have you ever said this to the people? 'Be lords over me and my mother instead of Allah'." He said: "I I praise you for your supremacy, and I will not say what I should not say. If I say, then you must know. You know what is in my heart, but I don't know what is in your heart. You really know everything deep . 117 I have spoken to them only what you commanded me to say: Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.As long as I am with them, I am their witness.After you made me die, it was you who protected them, you are the witness of all things. 118 If you punish them, then they are your slaves (you punish them); if you forgive them, then you are indeed Almighty and wise. " 119 Allah will say: "Indeed, this is the day when honesty will benefit the honest. They will enjoy the Paradise below which the rivers flow, and dwell there forever. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. This is indeed a great success .” 120 The kingdom of heaven, earth and all things belongs only to Allah, who is omnipotent over all things.
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