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Chapter 26 "Scavenger Collection" - (21-30)

No dream building essay 张中晓 1271Words 2018-03-20
twenty one Only confidence, instilling confidence in people, making people continue, persevere, persevere, support them, encourage them, and cooperate with them, can make them strong.Encouragement, support, has a huge effect on people's actions and continued actions.On the contrary, throwing cold water, persuasion, etc. can have a great negative effect on people's actions. two two People today loudly oppose obscurantism and slavery, but human beings have lived in obscurantism and slavery for thousands of years.Past history is the ironclad proof.But as long as people like them, these two things will continue to exist, and as long as people are more or less sympathetic to the two, they will still be entangled in people's hearts through inextricably linked relationships.People like it, or people are content to coexist, this is the vitality and reality basis of both.Ignorance, superstition and slavery are not only for spiritual freedom, but also impossible.

Tolerant and irreconcilable.But for the spiritless free man, it is a comfortable pillow. two three The laws of heaven are always difficult to implement, but human desires have a huge temptation to human inferiority.For ordinary people, doing evil is stronger and more unshakable than doing good.Thinking of joy and joy, thinking of difficulties and all, is the way of man.It is the method of drumming, which is to make difficult things easy and difficult things happiest, so as to deceive people.That's all, make it evil but not know evil. twenty four Talking about people when you see people and talking about ghosts when you see ghosts is not only a general theory, but a profound concept.Gai Ju all experience, understanding sympathy, interests, likes and dislikes, etc., are all related to the individual, and emotions play a huge role.As long as you do what you like, even unreasonable words and indecent actions can win their favor.

twenty five For the reformers of the past, it is easy to point out the weakness and lack of reality in their claims (plans, doctrines).But for future generations, it is not the most important aspect.And above all: the kind of conscience that every human being, including Christians, should have regarding events of injustice, inequality, and oppression.Against these ugliness he fought heroically and sacrificially against the best opinions he had at the time.His purpose is pure and just and reasonable.In this respect history proves He is right, historical justice is on his side.It is okay to criticize their theories, because any theory has historical limitations, but it is not allowed to abandon their spirit. The inheritance of history lies in the spirit.

twenty six After understanding the reality, I see that many grievances in the world are nothing but cheap complaints.Gai complains about nature and others, is used to picking bones out of eggs, and only regards misunderstandings as malice, and unavoidable things as deliberate embarrassment.Therefore, in the affairs of life, avoid hostility with others, and everyone decides their attitude towards you based on their emotions.Everyone has shortcomings, and things that could have been sloppy became fatal in a hostile environment. twenty seven There are many variations that are truly bewildering.Using today's me against yesterday's me can be interpreted as progress; reforming can also be interpreted as rebellion.From one theory to another, throwing away a flag to plant a flag, etc., people add various adjectives expressing properties (can express it), such as new, old, dark, bright, etc. Wait, to justify and defend yourself.

twenty eight When a person faces death, it is a test of his spiritual power, which is "fundamental depth (the depth and stability of the soul)". Those with deep roots have a peaceful state of mind, see death as home, as if returning to heaven and earth, or regard it as normal, and have no fear; Those with deep roots can be tortured by long-term diseases, and those with shallow roots can only grit their teeth, and they can't even lick their teeth, fearing death. twenty nine Moral Democracy: Based on confidence in human nature's capacity for personal freedom, accompanied by respectful concern for others and social stability based on solidarity rather than coercion.

thirty Only after a fierce and cruel life battle can one understand that man is a contradictory thing, with all kinds of utilitarian and lustful plans on the one hand, and the pursuit of truth on the other.
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