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Chapter 25 "Scavenger Collection" - (11-20)

No dream building essay 张中晓 1013Words 2018-03-20
eleven An illusion (illusion) can deceive people, a prophecy can deceive people, a morality can attract people, an explanation can comfort people... twelve All kinds of incomprehension and ambiguity in life are the breakthrough point for superstition and religion to win Thirteen The ability of a thought worker is not just to fabricate a castle in the air, but to make the world on the ground soak with the light in your heart, and use your intelligent heart and delicate hands to shape a living world or a realistic symphony. fourteen Greedy and mediocre people demand satisfaction from what is dissatisfied, and thus they sink into complaints, never know moderation, and live badly.

fifteen There may or may not be a God in the sky, but the only God that can be sure to exist is the God in people's hearts.Christ lives in man's heart through his faith.A person has God in his heart, that is, the theory that the minds "have the same hope" and become one.If you abandon the God in the sky, the God in your heart can do whatever you want.Yes.If there is no struggle with the devil in the heart, then a person is a devil, and there is no difference between God and the devil. sixteen If one wants to emerge from the chaos of the day, it is of the utmost importance to have the spiritual wires guide the blind chaos of life.This is a life's work, spiritual leads = rational power; blind confusion = human desire

The sea, thus gradually expanding, permeates every cell of the organism, just as the sun reflects in dew. seventeen People in this world are indeed flustered and lonely, they will have ulterior motives, they will reconcile if they get something cheap, they will hate each other if they suffer a loss, their relatives will be cold and ruthless, and their colleagues will cheat each other.People are terrified in their hearts. This kind of fear is covered up by the heavy burden and busy life, but this kind of fear exists. Therefore, the shadow of the Daoist Association attacked him. Sitting on the Buddha, the state of mind is relieved of fear, and I get support and comfort, and I have the courage to bear the burden of life tomorrow.

eighteen Aphorisms are indeed the crystallization of life experience, and they are profound in philosophy, but only after a period of life can people appreciate its wisdom and inner meaning.In the unsophisticated eyes of young people, the more profound aphorisms seem, the more plain they are, and they are far less attractive than superficial colors.Because he does not understand, there is no inner basis for understanding; he stands completely outside philosophy, feeling strange and terrified. Some people transform a maxim that is only valid into a broad philosophical principle, and some people transform a broad philosophical principle into a maxim that is only valid.

nineteen A sane conscience should not be kept about creeds, so as to be tormented by too many inconsistencies and waverings in our creeds.We should be opportunistic amidst the chaos.Only those who are enslaved by creeds suffer, and contradictory creeds should be made into a double-edged sword.The Gai sword has two edges, which can cut left and right. twenty Controversy over religion or faith in reason is utterly useless and pointless.The key lies in people's attitude towards life, and the main thing is that people should live.Life is strength, light, conscience, love that bears fruit, self-sacrificing joy and action.Life has but one enemy: pleasure selfishness, that is, shamelessness.

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