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Chapter 19 "Miscellaneous Copy of Literature and History" - (161-170)

No dream building essay 张中晓 1492Words 2018-03-20
(161) The meaning of the scriptures should be based on Zhu Zi's method, through the scriptures, presenting the opinions of the public, and judging from one's own opinion.Discussion is based on seeing its sincerity, and it is based on seeing its dominance. The judgment should be set as A and B, to see its dissection, and to see its general application. (one six two) The way of changing is to deal with changing at any time, and keep it unchanged when changing, then you will be chaste and separate.Those who pass, Zhenge also.People who know reason can create Yi, but they don't know Yi can create reason; people who know reason can hide Yi, but don't know Yi can hide reason.People's understanding comes first in Yi, but they don't know that Yi comes first.

Wumenglou Case Yue: Dayi teaches people to be steadfast, to carry forward the fighting spirit, and to promote the moral power of the soul.Those who interpret the scriptures regard it as avoiding evil and seeking good fortune, which is wrong.It is also said: If you want to get rid of Yi Yi and return Yi Yi's original face, it is too restrictive to use Yi Yi Jie's body. (one six three) Don't blame others for being unrighteous, but only yourself; don't lament in vain when you are rebellious, but start your career again.He who is most fearful of himself fears his own weakness and incompetence.Xin Chou's morning diary on the sixth day of October.

(one six four) Changli's so-called glimmer of potential virtue not only expresses those who are covered up by the fashion at that time and ignores them, but more importantly speaks for those who have been wronged and wronged.The place where Si Zhengqi resides and the place where the principles of heaven exist.Guofan discusses affairs, thinking that destiny is the seventh, and personnel is the third.Destiny is the inevitability of helplessness (including the conditions of one's own ability).People can be great, but life is nothing like fate? It can be mediocre and loud, or full of talents and tainted, or good and evil are in the same place at the same time, and they are obscure and farewell, or they can meditate on solitary attainments, but no one has recorded them all the time. What is the reason for the coming? Scholars are inherently divorced from the world, acting on their own ideas, scolding, laughing, humiliating, embarrassing and insulting without regret, they are out of everyone and have something to wait for later generations. There are countless people who pitch up from time to time to take advantage of the meeting of things, but those who don't always meet.What can one say when one is able to discriminate enough to move all things but is at a loss for words, to conspire enough to seize the three armies and humiliate the country of Youwu, to be ambitious enough to serve thousands of cities and to be caught in an unpredictable situation?

(165) Class books are beneficial to few scholars, but not beneficial to many scholars.The help of seeing and hearing is not in this world.The cover has been cut and split. From the beginning to the end of the matter and the origin of the language, there must be those who cannot understand and analyze clearly. When reading Western books, there are many users who can use them for reference.To read Chinese books, you can read "Six Classics", "Erya", "Shuowen", "History and Han". Take this as the basic book, and then read a lot of books. The eyes and ears are tired, and the ears are full of thoughts.

If the husband uses this principle to do things, he will read the basic books and lay a good foundation, and the benefits for the recipients will be incalculable.Abandoning this to seek similar books is too much haste. (one six six) "Huainan·Chenglan" did not consider gathering people as a taboo, and the compilation of materials is not as good as later generations concealing others' strengths and thinking that they have it. Later generations thought they had stolen Chen Pian.Writing a book is extremely refraining from saying that there is nothing in the volume, or that it is reckless and fragmented.The latter is also the arrogant Durin.

(167) The ancient sages sought to make things easier for people, so they often expressed worries and fears; the later Confucians sought to be easy to emptiness, so they made many profound and profound theories. Yi came out of Confucius, the king of Wen, and claimed to have learned the secret of a thousand sages, so he was self-important, self-confident, and self-confident. .This is like Kant's criticism of dogmatists. Facts are obliterated, debates are inaccurate, wall houses speak out, small wits and cunning, inciting each other to exalt themselves, pretending to be empty talk to cover up reality.Speak unreasonable words with a shameless heart.

(168) Husband scholars study the principles in the classics, and they can correct the right and wrong in the world; they can understand the success or failure of the past and the present by studying events in history.Hundreds of schools of thought, although they are attached to grass and trees and cannot be selfish, their names are extreme and can be referenced in the scriptures and history. , there must be a section that is sufficient to stand on its own, even if it is not in line with the saint, it can be used as a warning if it is kept. . (169) Lu Shiyi said, when reading history, you should focus on the compendium; you can read the Zizhi Tongjian to observe its gains and losses;The biography of the twenty-first history is very messy, but its various annals must be read, because the etiquette, music, punishment and government of a generation cannot be ignored.

(170) If the theory is careless, but the "only essence" is not reached, the opinions will be confused and doubts will arise. Reason is based on the experience, and the heart is based on thinking, but the way of thinking is so strange.Sometimes suddenly, sometimes at a loss, sometimes the bright one returns to darkness, sometimes the dark one regains sight, sometimes the more you think about it, the more doubtful, and sometimes the more you read it, the more true it becomes.Furthermore, the addition of comments also began to have the intention of managing, but I still dare not self-explore. The quality is contemporary, and the evidence is different.

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