Home Categories philosophy of religion No dream building essay

Chapter 12 "Miscellaneous Copy of Literature and History" - (91-100)

No dream building essay 张中晓 924Words 2018-03-20
(ninety one) Life experience is something that people have paid for through pain and price. People who have not suffered from hardships are unwilling to hear and do not understand.They have limitations.Here, there is only a difference between sensitivity and insensitivity, and there is no magic way to cut corners.Experience is self-acquired. (ninety two) From the smell of soot to steamed buns and the bustling market, it shows that the sensory object does not pass by once and never reappear, but the way of memory (sensory memory) occupies a firm position in the human sensory world.Association, connecting a certain feeling today with a first impression or experience in the past.Retrieve what is hidden in the Vault of Memory.This thing, because it has passed the test of time and passed the risk of being forgotten, is often important and valuable.

(ninety three) How much you hate when you don't belong to yourself, how much you love when you belong to yourself, individualism is just one end of the quality of people in theory. (Ninety four) Human behavior cannot be separated from the national character just as it cannot be separated from the basic human nature.Modern people can often find shadows in the character of the ancients.The deeper this connection is discovered, the more modern people are like the ancients.Of course, not the form, but the basic spirit. (ninety five) Dreams are always ridiculous to the sober mind.But others say that staying awake to reality is suffering in itself.But sobriety in life is a vision of reason, wisdom and philosophy.To have this vision, one must transcend the chaos of reality and the lust of life, and observe the joys and sorrows of all things in an eternal and calm state of mind.But a distinction must be made between sobriety and nihilism.

(ninety-six) Died in an accident, bad luck.Fly to prosperity by chance, be saved by chance, and continue life.This is often the law of people's lives.Without these, there will be no philosophy, and no empirical basis for the philosophy of life. (ninety-seven) Buying feelings - only his crying and laughing are the most noble in the world.Buying morality -- others must eliminate some passions in life and become the smallest creature.They buy spiritual things, and many buy material things, even braids, feet, genitals, etc. (ninety-eight) I used to think that there is only one truth, but now I feel that many different thoughts have certain truths, especially those who have status and system in history, they all represent a link in the development of truth.

(Ninety-nine) In the past, I thought that only vengeance and perseverance were the manifestations of being responsible, but now I feel that forgiveness and forgetting also have a certain meaning, as long as they are not used and sacrificed as evil.Jesus was not entirely wrong. (100) The way to deal with passionate words is not to use words to lift people up, not to make people useless words, if the words are true, then do them, let people know that the words are not, then ignore them, and make people feel ashamed.Grand Duke Langran, conform to things, do not take away the name of the speaker, but show his own importance. If you don't ask whether his words are acceptable or not, but come against his heart, suspect motives, and guard against his plotting, then he is right For people far away, it is inevitable.

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