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The way of white clouds 奥修 7168Words 2018-03-20
On 15 mornings in May 1974, a group of Western aspirants gathered in Osho's Poona community and asked a series of questions, all about themselves or their desire for enlightenment related to the route. (Note: Pune is a city about 180 kilometers away from Mumbai, India, and the community of Master Osho is currently located in Pune). Osho's work is not yet known outside India, and the editors of these issues point to one purpose - to prepare a book to introduce him to the West.This book is for that purpose. Nine months ago I went to him from Canada, and I will try to tell you about him, but I cannot comment on his words, you just have to read his books.His native language is Hindi, but he speaks English very well, because he speaks from his personal experience, and he can express the most profound concepts with very simple words very clearly.

Words that flow from a poet's heart are a special gift. The "Way of the White Clouds" was Osho's speech in Poona during those 15 mornings. Osho cannot happen in the West, he happened in India. For thousands of years, in India and throughout the Orient, religion has been a deep science, the technique of inquiry being meditation rather than laboratory research.After examining our planet in detail, western science went further, sent man to the moon, and then continued to explore outer space. However, eastern science saw beyond the mind, digging deep into the inner space of man and his inner space. nature.Western scientists landed on the moon, but far from the sun, the high center, Eastern scientists landed on the inner sun a long time ago - the state of enlightenment, samadhi, satchiananda, nirvana, or the supreme Cosmic state of consciousness.

Osho is an enlightened master, an oriental scientist who has reached the inner sun, who has attained a Zen state of being with Jesus and Buddha.Osho was a "godman," as the Indian newspapers used to describe their great spiritual teacher. Osho is also a master, just like the Buddha 2600 years ago was also a master in this land.Osho has found his own path to enlightenment, and like Buddha, he dedicates himself to helping others follow the path he has personally experienced. Nine months later, the shock still hits my head, but what happened in Poona today is the same thing that happened to Jesus and his disciples in Galilee, only 20 hours later. century; it is the same as what happened between the Buddha and his disciples, only with a different cast.

In this book, Osho once said: You are lucky that whatever I tell you is at the source, that That's why I say you are lucky.you can get close to the source It happens only once in thousands of years, after that it will not be like this anymore. Even the concept I'm talking about won't be like this anymore, sooner or later Some logicians will step in, they will come, they are on their way, They'll systematize everything, they'll destroy everything West, then the opportunity is lost, and then it will become dead. Currently it is alive and you are close to the source, then

That's why I say you are lucky. If you find this hard to accept or believe, then you just have to come to Poona and see for yourself.I have been in the West most of the time for 35 years, and I do need proof.If you have hunger and thirst, then you come to Poona, there is a living Buddha here. It's like Jesus the carpenter turned into Christ, like Siddhartha the prince turned into Buddha.Osho, who was born on December 11, 1931 in the Indian state of Madhya Prasi, became Bhagavan (God). When Christ said, "Unless you die and be born again, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven." When the ego dies, a new nature arises, there is a rebirth, and this rebirth is enlightenment, into heaven.Osho was reborn on March 21, 1952, when he was 21 years old.

I don't doubt at all that he knew what happened to him, but he ended his education in 1957 and started teaching philosophy at the Sanskrit Academy in Jepop.By 1966, he had run afoul of the university he taught over his outspoken and controversial statements on topics including sex, politics and religion, and he resigned. Like buddha and jesus he started traveling around and speaking to anyone who wanted to hear he was a fiery young revolutionary and he talked about using sexual energy to reach superconsciousness and his critique of the religious status quo for him Bringing a lot of hostility and threats to assassinate him.Then, as now, he showed no mercy to those who uttered platitudes and casually said things that did not come from their own experience.

He was known as a teacher at that time, but as his followers grew more and more, his disciples called him "Bhagavan" (God). "Bhagavan" means "divine", which is an alias for "God" in Hindi. It sounds too presumptuous to Westerners. The lady explained to me: "Don't think we believe this guy Rajneesh is a god, we call him Bhagavan because he has disappeared and that inner divinity - Brahma - has been revealed. It is hidden in all of us Inside, but in him, it is manifested, and that's why we respect him and call him Bhagavan. Osho is just a tool, just a temple with fire."

Recently in his community in Pune, Osho gave daily lectures, followed by a series of lectures in Hindi followed by a series of lectures in English, and he received daily in his garden his disciples and people from all over the world seeker. I came to Osho because I saw a friend transformed, and most Westerners seem to come here for similar reasons.There are Osho's meditation centers all over the world. When they all come together, it is very impressive, especially the meditation camp held every month. Thousands of seekers gather for ten days of intensive meditation. and personal lessons with Osho.

All the morning lectures and every Q&A with Osho were recorded and compiled into books, there are hundreds of Hindi and Anglo books and magazines. But what about Osho himself?What can you really say about him?For me, he is beyond words, but if you come to Pune, you will understand. When I first saw Osho, his "presence," his grandeur, and his magnetism simply blew me away.My ego was shattered and I cried all day.It was really overwhelming for me to see someone like him alive after all those years of vain searching. When this initial shock was over, I went to hear him speak, and again I was overwhelmed by the vastness of his intellect, his ability to read over 100 books a week, and, even more incredible, his ability to Information is assembled in any way he wishes, his views are completely objective, beyond organized beliefs and philosophies of the East and the West, and his insights into man and his problems and how to solve them will amaze you.

When you get to know him, you'll get a glimpse of what I'm talking about.It may sound like a cliché to say that He is loving and compassionate here, but these two qualities really radiate through His words.His concerns are totally personal, his whole being is tuned to help those who want to grow and those who are in search of truth, and he does it in a way unlike anything you've ever encountered before. If you are ready, the first step is to receive the initiation and become his disciple, to be his child, and he is saying to him, "From now on, you will direct this drama, and my spiritual growth will depend on it." in your hands."

If you are ready to jump, Osho will make you a disciple.He will tell you to cut off your past and let it roam free, and to help you he will change your name and your clothes.He'll make you wear orange robes, and you'll only begin to understand his designs when you experience them for yourself, and he'll hang a beaded string around your neck.The bead is a necklace made of dark wood with a pendant at the bottom, with a picture of Osho printed on both sides, and the bead signifies being connected to him in some way. I was confused and uneasy when I went from a dislocated, drugged, half-assed ad agent Jack to a male protégé, Krishna Prem, in a matter of minutes.I don't know what happened to me just now, I cried most of the day because I was happier than I can remember, I don't know what happened, but I know something is weighing on me Something in the body dies, and something new is born. Osho used his own methods, which had similarities to those of Godziford, Zen and Sufi, but his method was unique and derived from Tantra. The Tantra way is simply to use sexual energy, our only energy, as a vehicle to reach cosmic consciousness.The Tantra way is to be fully involved in life, to repress nothing, to hide nothing, to deny anything, it has no sects, dogmas, rituals, just joyfully accepting life and being fully in it.For a tantra practitioner, life is the only god.God is not something that came down from heaven, it is a light to be discovered within yourself. That light can only be found through meditation. Regardless of the school of thought, tantric or otherwise, the goal of all meditation is to calm the mind. Only then can inner depths be explored; only then can truth be revealed. is touched; only then is egolessness and enlightenment possible. Most meditation techniques use repression methods to calm the mind - through conscious effort to calm the mind, such as physical austerity, or hypnotic mantra repetition, etc.Repression is the general way. Osho is against repression, and his meditation technique is the complete opposite of repression, but before I introduce his technique to you, I want to share with you two things that Osho has observed. First he points out that none of us is "a whole person", each of us is a "mass", if you think about it, you will agree.We don't have a central, constant "I," we're multiples, and one part of us decides to get up early, another part decides to get more sleep in the morning, one part decides to save more money, and another part decides to get up early. Some can't resist new clothes and records. The "crowd" cannot meditate, and Osho asks, "Who is going to meditate?" Second, he says that our true nature lies beneath many layers of repressed thoughts and emotions. Like every tree and every flower, each of us is different and original, but no one ever allows that originality to blossom.Parents, teachers, and society tell us what is true and what is false, what is good and what is bad, and we are not free to draw our own conclusions from experience; we are often deceived and intimidated. Here a friend, who had an inescapable urge to know life, was told by his mother, "If the birds and the bees make love before they are married, God will kill them." For the first seven years before she started having her periods, she thought she was dying. The story we were told was ridiculous, but the emotional trauma it caused was horrific. We suppress our feelings, emotions and thoughts, so we become distorted, we become unreal animals, completely out of harmony with the world around us, we become confused and unhappy. Because we cannot meditate, Osho creates conditions for meditation to happen to us; because we have a burden of repression, he creates conditions for deep cleansing to happen.This situation he called dynamic meditation. Although Osho has given many techniques to different people for different purposes, dynamic meditation is the most important. Dynamic Meditation is done in the morning on an empty stomach, with 10 minutes each for the first three stages and 15 minutes each for the latter two stages. The first stage is deep and rapid irregular breathing, involving the whole body, and through some inner process that I cannot understand or explain, the tension and emotional blocks caused by years of repression are released from the subconscious mind. What is released in the second 10 minutes will come to the surface, and when it comes to the level of consciousness, it can be thrown into the air, and you are in the middle, and all around you, your "mind-body "Laughing, crying, screaming, dancing, jumping, it is a re-experience. I can't explain why, and I don't care why, but I know from my own experience that once you re-live or re-experience the trauma that affected your past, you are free from it, it goes away. My mother passed away when I was two months old, and before I came to Osho, I had a lot of inner problems that could be attributed to this cause.Once, during the second stage, I fell to the floor, like a two-month-old baby was there crying and kicking after she passed away, unable to grasp the mother's breast. That was a big catharsis for me, after that most of the problems I could trace back to my mother's death suddenly disappeared and I was free from them. It takes a lot of energy to calm our minds, more energy than is normally flowing in us.The third stage of Dynamic Meditation is to leap and call out the Sufi mantra "Pro!" The sound strikes at our sex center, opening it up and allowing our energy to flow upwards.Downward energy is for sex, upward energy is for meditation. At the end of this phase, we will hear "Stop!" When we hear the call to stop, no matter what posture we are in, we must stop for 15 minutes to allow the energy to flow, circulate, and be in us function while we remain aware. The final stage is celebration—singing, dancing, or just being quietly, in an atmosphere of celebration and gratitude. Just like when you are doing other things, you can gain as much as you invest in dynamic and static mind.Sometimes when I try really hard to do those two active phases—the breathing and the “protection” phase—then in the fourth phase—the passive phase—I can experience complete stillness, a very Deep peace, filled with unprecedented joy. At this stage the "mental body" is purified, a lot of repression is gone and you become fresh.Your energy is at its peak and you are just being, silent, aware, you are in meditation. Osho said that this is the moment of meeting with divinity. He said that the self can be abandoned at any time, and that moment can come at any time. What I have just described is only a small part of this meditation, which has many, many other benefits. Not only does it remove your obstacles and bring you peace and joy, it also helps you become centered and more Awareness of your own nature and the world around you also helps you separate yourself and make you more alert to the tricks of the mind.You become watchful, you start watching yourself, and you realize that the real you is not your body, not your mind, the real you is beyond both. Osho is a master of situations, and every situation he creates, including Dynamic Meditation, is meant to help you calm your mind.He said: "Even his talk is to make us quiet.When we focus our attention on him and listen to his speeches, the inner wheels stop turning, even his speeches are a case. Osho kept most of his followers busy - in various situations - when they came to India.Every morning there is dynamic meditation from 6:00 to 7:00, Sufi dance from 10:00 to 11:30, and Kundalini meditation from 5:30 to 6:30.In addition to meditation camps, there are over 50 different meditation groups to choose from.People who come here can also work in or around the community - in the garden, in the office, in the publishing department, or in the bookstore... Where you will be sent, or what kind of situation will be created for you, depends on your needs, or you may not be sent anywhere. When I first came to him, one of my biggest hurdles was this: I don't exist in the present tense, I live in an unreal world, worrying about a dead past and fantasizing about not existing the future of. Osho sent me to a farm where they were going to start a community and he gave me the following advice: "If you're sawing a piece of wood to build a hut, then you just saw the wood and forget about the hut. It may never happen. Only the wood is real. Be fully in the wood." For a host of reasons, I became overwhelmed, so after three weeks I left the farm for the resort town of Goa. I saw Osho on my way off the farm to Goa and he didn't judge - he never has - just love and compassion and understanding and when we were talking I felt like a naughty kid, But as I was leaving, he said something to me that just crossed my mind and he said, "I'll be with you in Goa." He was there, it took me two months to be able to see it, but in Goa, some real truth or knowledge or wisdom started to come to me and it became an indelible part of me, I became aware that time is an illusion. Time doesn't exist, it's just a reference point for the ego, it's a food for the ego.The past is dead, it's just memory, it's part of the mind, and the mind changes what it likes to suit itself, memory is not real, future is not real, future is nothing but unfulfilled desires A projection of , only this moment exists, time does not exist. He once said that the self cannot disappear unless the idea of ​​time disappears.It required two circumstances, but Osho helped me get to a point where now that miraculous thing can happen. When that happens - it's a happening, not the result of effort, everything changes.My whole energy is turning from negative to positive, love is starting to blossom in me, the rhythms I see in nature are the same as the rhythms in me - the same mountains and valleys, the same darkness and light, I learned that everything is connected, that the individual is an illusion, with no beginning and no end, just a continuous flow; I learned that life has no purpose, that there is nothing to achieve; I clearly understood , to flow like a white cloud with the flow of life, the ego must disappear; I learned that the ego is the factor behind all conflict and all suffering. All of a sudden my past is gone from me, it doesn't exist anymore, whatever happens doesn't bother me because it doesn't actually happen to me, it just happens to my mind or my body, But it didn't happen to me. There will still be ups and downs of mood, there will be highs and lows, and the future will sneak in, but the past is gone and the rest will be gone one day. When I left Goa and came back to Pune, I went to see Osho in the garden, and as I walked across the lawn, he said, "I was with you in Goa." For the first time - just at the beginning - I understood what it meant to work with a master.Once he said, "A master follows you like a shadow." I don't know how he did it, but he was there all the time—following me, guiding me, and I began to hear more and more clearly to him. He told a story about some elementary school students. The teacher asked them what kind of help they did at home. Some replied that they helped wash the dishes, some answered that they helped make the bed, etc., but a little boy replied: "In most I just keep out of the way of grown-ups when it’s not the case.” It's hard to do that because the ego wants to fight all the time, but I'm learning not to get in the way. There is another thing about Osho that I hesitate to mention, because it may sound strange to Westerners, but you can judge for yourself. It is understandable that Osho was more or less a hermit. He lived and worked in a spacious one-story house in Poona with some close disciples. Soon, larger and more modern one-story houses will be built. So far, he has been reluctant to visit the West. He seldom talks about himself, and you may notice this when you read, very little is known about him, but one of Osho's disciples visited Lamaka a few years ago when he visited a monastery in Tibet. Mapa (Lama Karmapa: Tibetan Great Treasure King).He said: "Kamapa held the locket with the picture of Osho in his hand and touched it with his forehead and said: 'He is the greatest incarnation in India since Buddha, he is a living Buddha.'" Kamapa also said that Osho II had previously been one of their greatest incarnations, and that his golden statue is kept in the "Chamber of Avatars", hidden in Tibet. Osho himself only talks about his previous life in Tibet where he lived to be 106 years old, he was about to give up his body after 21 days of fasting, but in the last three days, one of his disciples killed him so that he could be reborn continue his work. Osho's mother described that he neither cried nor ate for the first three days after he was born.Osho himself said: "In this life, those three days have been completed, but it will take 21 years to complete those three days in this life." He became enlightened at the age of 21. When he talked about this, he also said, "I'm telling you this because it might lead you to find your past lives." So far I can recall three things from my previous life where I saw those faces and those situations.Once I was a wolf; once I was a young man whose right hand was severed by a Mongol or Tatar; and once I was present at the time of Osho's death in Tibet 700 years ago. For thirty-five years, Osho has been calling me back to him, and if you feel overwhelmed and satisfied by his books, he may be calling you too. Krishna Prem
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