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Chapter 9 Chapter 8 Turtle

when the shoe fits 奥修 14038Words 2018-03-20
Every child Yu is born healthy, but every adult becomes unhealthy—the whole human being is neurotic.Neuropathy is not just a problem for a few people, everyone is neurotic now.This neurosis develops through such subtle mechanisms that you are not aware of it.It becomes unconscious and constantly affects you, your actions, your relationships, your whole life is colored by it.But it goes so deep into your roots that you cannot discover where your pain, your conflict, your anxiety and your neuroses arise.There are a few things that must be understood, then the story will become clear and very beneficial.

First, if you condemn yourself, you are creating division, and division will be your misery and your hell.If you condemn yourself, it means you condemn nature, against nature there is no victory, there cannot be.You are just a tiny part of the vast ocean of nature, and you cannot fight against it. All so-called religions teach you to fight against it.They condemn nature, they applaud culture.They condemn nature, they say, "Behave like an animal, don't be like an animal!" Every parent is saying don't be like an animal.What's wrong with animals?Animals are beautiful!But in your mind, the animal is something to condemn, something bad, something evil, something you think is worthless.You are superior, you are not an animal, you are the birth of an angel.

And animals...they're just used, exploited, you don't belong to them. That's why Darwin was the first to propose that humans and animals come from the same genetics, and that humans belong to the animal kingdom.The whole of humanity is against him.In every pulpit, in every temple, in every monastery, he was condemned as a heretic.They say he is teaching absolutely wrong stuff and if he is believed then the whole culture will be lost.They are right.Man is as natural as other animals, trees, birds; trees, birds, and animals are not neurotic, they are mad from below -- unless you put them in a zoo.That's what happens in zoos, animals do become psychotic.Even socializing with people is dangerous.People are harmful.Sometimes dogs go crazy, but never when they're wild, only when they're domesticated.Domestic animals can go mad, and to live with people is to live with unnaturalness.No animal in the wild commits suicide, no animal goes mad, no animal murders.But with people even animals become unnatural, and they start doing things they never did in the wild: they become gay, they become psychotic, they murder, and sometimes they even try to kill themselves.

What happens when you bring a dog into your home?You immediately start teaching it as if it lacks something.it's perfect!Every dog ​​is born perfect.Nature has given it all it needs, it is ready, you don't have to teach it. what are you doing?You are trying to make it part of human society, and that's where the trouble begins.Now even a dog will learn to condemn itself.Inwardly he felt guilty if it had done something wrong; condemnation entered. I heard that once a bum, a beggar, stopped a rich man for a dime, worth a cup of coffee.The rich man said, "You look healthy enough, why waste your life? Why don't you go to work and help yourself?" The homeless man's eyes were full of deep remorse, and he said, "What? Help someone like me homeless?"

You have not accepted yourself.From the beginning you have been taught that nature is not enough, you must be more than nature.You have tried, that effort has failed -- that is impossible, you cannot have more water than nature.If you try too hard you will be less than natural.You can never have more water than nature because nature is perfect: there is no need for more, no perfection, no effort to make it better -- it cannot be better.But if you try too much, you will fall from the perfection of nature, you will become a neurotic animal. Man comes from animals, but he is not a superior animal, he has become a neurotic animal.The problem is that no one teaches you to accept yourself and accept who you are.Revere it, thank God for it, thank the whole existence!

It is important that whatever is given to you has meaning.You can't take it away and change it.If you try, you will get into trouble.You are in trouble -- everyone on this planet is in trouble. Why does man blame himself?Why can't he accept nature?For through condemnation the ego is made.There is no other way to create the self. To create yourself you must fight; to create yourself you must condemn what is bad and to praise what is good; to create yourself you must first create a god and a devil.Then you have to wrestle with the devil and try to get closer to God.The ego needs a conflict.If there were no conflict, there wouldn't be any ego.Just think... If there is no struggle in you, if you accept yourself completely -- you are happy for your being, deeply content, deeply content, not complaining for a single moment -- how can the ego exist?How can you say "I exist"?The more you struggle, the more "I" you create.

That's why if you go to the so-called saints, you will find more neurotic people than anywhere else.Here's the thing to notice, where there are many saints, there are more madmen.The madman exists less in the East, it exists more in the West.But if you just do general arithmetic you will be surprised: in the East many madmen are worshiped as saints, so they are not in madhouses.In the West, those who should also be in the madhouse are in the psychiatrist's couch.They are not considered crazy, but they are, because the ego is crazy. Look at your sage.They have such subtle selves - perfected, improved, very cultivated, groomed of course, but they exist.

If you wrestle with others you don't have a very subtle ego, because with other people the possibility of being defeated is always there.Even if you win, the other side is still there; anytime on any given day, he could gather strength and you would be defeated.Victory cannot be total, you can never be sure; the enemy exists.Not just one external enemy, but millions of enemies, because whoever you compete with is your enemy.You will be shaking and shaking all the time, your ego will not be on solid foundations, you will be building your house on sand. But if you are fighting with yourself, then you are working on a solid ground, you can be sure; you can be a more subtle egoist.To have "I" you have to kill nature, because in nature there is no self.Trees exist but they don't know the "I"; animals exist but they don't know the self -- they live unconsciously.They just live without any fighting and fighting.When they are hungry they hunt for food; when they are satisfied, they go to sleep.They make love, they eat, they sleep, they just exist, they don't say "we exist".They are just waves in the vast ocean of life, and they come and go without a trace.They have no history, no autobiography; they come and go as if they never existed.

Lions exist, elephants exist, but they don't have any history, they don't have any autobiography.A lion comes and disappears like a great wave; leaving no trace. Ego leaves footprints.If the ego does not want to die, autobiography is written, and history is made.And then comes the whole stupidity--insanity.In order to create himself, man creates a conflict, and this conflict has two aspects: one is with external nature—that's how science creates it.Science is a struggle with external nature, beyond nature.That is why even a man like Bertrand Russell talks constantly about the conquest of nature.How can you conquer nature?How can a wave conquer the sea?This is obviously stupid!The part cannot conquer the whole; if the part tries to do so, the part will go mad.The whole loses nothing, but the part loses everything, because the part lives with the whole, never against it.Science becomes destructive because of this conquering attitude.

① Bertrand Russell (Bertrand Russell, 1872~1970): British idealist philosopher, mathematician, and logician.The main works include "Principles of Mathematics", ,, and so on. ——Editor's note. There is another aspect of conflict: the aspect you call religion. One aspect is to struggle with the external nature; after science is created and used by man, there will be nothing but Hiroshima, and the whole earth will become a Hiroshima.Fight leads to death, conflict leads to ultimate death; science points there. There are other conflicts: inner conflicts, wrestling with the ego.That's what you call religion - conquering yourself.Again there is wrestling, which is also destructive.Science destroys nature from the outside, so-called religion destroys nature from within.Zhuangzi is opposed to these two conflicts.So-called science and so-called religion are not enemies, they are partners, and they have a deep affinity.

To understand Zhuangzi and Laozi, to understand Tao, you have to understand that they did not believe in any kind of struggle.They say, "Don't fight, live just go with the flow, and then nature will permeate you and you will permeate nature." They say, "Just be ordinary, don't try to be famous, don't try to be big; just be nobody. You will Enjoy more because you will have more energy left, you will be full of energy." Energy is amazing, but it is wasted in fighting; you divide yourself and fight from both sides, energy is consumed.The same energy becomes ecstasy if it moves in an inner harmony without fighting.Accept, accept the truth of the existence of all things, this is the basis of Tao.The Tao does not create any "shoulds".Zhuangzi said, "Don't tell anyone you should do this, you should do this, you shouldn't be like this." Zhuangzi said these things are dangerous, you are poisoning.There is only one thing to follow, and that is your nature: wherever it leads, trust it. But we are afraid to follow nature, not because nature is bad, but because of the teachers of morality, because of those who poison the fountain of life.They teach you so many things, so many ideas, that you cannot directly see the "is" -- that is the way it is, you are always looking for the "should".Even if you look at a rose and you immediately start thinking what the rose should be; it could be redder, it could be bigger, you could inject chemicals, it would be bigger, you could paint it , it will get redder - but you can't take it as it is.Small or big, red or not so red, it exists.Why not enjoy it in this moment?Why make it redder and make it bigger before you enjoy it? You don't know you're procrastinating -- and that procrastination becomes a habit.When it gets bigger the same thought says, "It might be bigger." The same thought keeps putting it off until death knocks at your door.Then you will be amazed: I have wasted my whole life on "should", that "is" is there, that is is beautiful. "That is" is Zhuangzi's only religion. The conflict between "is" and "should" is very basic.If you were able to let go of your "shoulds," you probably wouldn't be respected the way you are now.People respect you because of your "should".They say, "This man is beautiful, he is never angry, he is always smiling." They don't know that those smiles are fake, because a person who is never angry cannot really smile.Here's the problem - if he isn't sincere in his anger, he won't be sincere in his smile either. Children are sincere; when they are angry they are really angry.You look at them - their anger is beautiful.They were like wild animals, jumping and screaming, their faces were completely red.They are like lions, they will destroy the whole world in that moment.Their anger is real, and whatever is real is beautiful. Look at a child, always look at him when he is angry, and you will see a beautiful flower, a flower that is strong, strong, energetic -- the energy is flowing.The next moment the child was happy and smiled.That smile was real, too, and his smile was beautiful; everything that is natural is beautiful.Your kiss will be a poison, it will be poisonous.how can you loveHow can you enjoy pure existence?No, you won't do anything.Now you can only comply - should, must and should not. You are afraid of existence, you keep procrastinating -- where in the future you will live; and because of this procrastination you have created heaven and hell.Heaven is your ultimate procrastination for everything worth living for. You say there is eternal beauty in heaven; eternal beauty is here and now, not in heaven.If you smile -- just stand in front of a mirror and smile -- you will see that behind your smile there is anger, there is sorrow, there is desire; it is not a pure smile.It cannot be, because the source is poisoned.Nothing is pure - not only are there counterfeits in the market, you are adulterated too.You can't smile, how can you kiss if you can't smile?But you say to the child, "Don't be angry, suppress your anger. It's not good, you shouldn't be angry." But who, who is assuming these things?Is it possible to transcend nature?who are you? At most, you can do this one thing -- you can force him.A child is helpless, if you force him, he must obey you.He is weak and he depends on you because you will take your love back.He needs your love and he will have to follow you.When he feels anger he doesn't express it, so the anger will flow into the blood.Because anger is a chemical, his whole body will be poisoned.To expose it is a beautiful phenomenon; to suppress it is a disease.Now, when he smiles, that smile will carry that anger, that virus; now it's in the blood.You have suppressed so much that whenever you want to smile something stops you, you are afraid to go with the flow, because smiling is a way of going with the flow. Eternal beauty is here and now, not in heaven.You say that in heaven love is pure and eternal - love will be pure and eternal here and now, there is no need to wait for heaven.Wherever love is, it is eternal and pure, because time does not exist for love. Eternal doesn't mean forever: Eternal means not temporary, eternal means timeless.Even if there is only a moment of love, it is eternal.At that moment there is such depth, at that moment time stops, at that moment there is no future, there is no past, there is a moment that you are so much, and you permeate the whole existence -- the whole existence belongs to you, the whole you belongs to existence.That moment itself is eternity.Wherever love is, there is eternity, and then there is the possibility of prayer.If your smiles are false, your kisses will be false, your love will not be real, and all your prayers will be words and nothing else.How can you discover a god, how can you be like a god if you are not real?You seek the truth but in your life you remain untrue.How can a man who is not true meet the truth?This seems to be an almost impossible thing.The truth will knock at your door, and you don't have to go anywhere; just be there.When I say just exist truly, I mean just exist naturally. Nature is truth, and there is no truth but nature.This is Zhuangzi's prophecy, one of the world's greatest fables. Now we will try to get into this beautiful story.Zhuangzi was fishing by the Pu River with a bamboo pole. Can you imagine the Buddha fishing by the Pu River?Can you imagine Mahatma fishing?possible. "Zhuangzi is fishing by the Pu River with a bamboo pole." What does this mean?This means that Zhuangzi is an ordinary person, he does not make any publicity, he just enjoys being ordinary.He does not live by principles, he lives by instinct.He doesn't attach his ego to his nature, he just follows it - he's just a human being. That's the meaning of his fishing in Pushui; only an ordinary person can do that.Outstanding people, what do they do?They have many "shoulds": this should be done, that should not be done.They live by virtue, they live by principle.What are you doing?A man of knowledge, fishing?It's not hard to imagine that you are killing fish! Zhuangzi believed in nature, and he said that whatever is natural is good.He's just an animal, and he doesn't create any morals just to feel superior.The story says just be ordinary and enjoy the ordinary, only then can you go deeper and deeper into nature; otherwise you will become unnatural.This fishing is symbolic only.Whether Zhuangzi fishes or not fishes is not the point, but he is the kind of person who can fish, he can sit with his rod. That's why you can't make a statue of Zhuangzi, it's difficult.Buddha is perfect, you can make a statue of him; as if he was born only to be made a statue; you cannot find a better man, so like a statue.That's why, naturally, there are millions of statues of Buddha, more than anyone else.He looks perfect, the perfect prototype of a statue; sitting under the linden tree with his eyes closed, doing nothing.He looked utterly ideal, utterly "should," as one should be—absolutely nonviolent, utterly truthful, utterly meditative.He was like marble, not at all like a human being.You cannot make a statue of Chuang Tzu, or you will find him in an inappropriate place.He's just a regular guy, and that's the beauty of it, that's the whole moral of it.Just ordinary, holding a fishing rod, fishing, Zhuangzi said that this is enlightenment. I also want to say to you that Buddha may have attained enlightenment - perhaps it was easy for his nature to sit under a tree - but if you follow Buddha you will only turn into stone, Zhuangzi is more important to you. better. Just normal.For the Buddha maybe sitting...is normal.So he got it.But as far as I know about you, Zhuangzi is better for ordinary people, ordinary human nature, and all living beings.When I say better, I'm not making any comparisons, I'm just saying that he's so normal, then you can be comfortable with him without any tension.If you follow Buddha you may become tense.If you follow Chuang Tzu you will become more and more natural. Zhuangzi was fishing on the edge of the Pu River with a bamboo pole. The king of Chu sent two doctors with an edict: We hereby appoint you as the prime minister. Politics is the ego, it is the ego's journey, the ego's game.But Zhuangzi is a well-known wise man, so there is no need to publicize it.When wisdom is present, it is such a flash that you cannot hide it, not even Chuang Tzu.You can't hide ordinary love.If a young man falls in love, or a young woman falls in love, you can tell love is coming just by the way they walk.You cannot hide, because every demeanor changes, becomes radiant; a new quality enters, and you cannot hide it.How can you hide the love of the whole existence?How can you hide prayer when it is there?Even Chuang Tzu - the one who says to hide it - cannot hide it, it is impossible.People will be suspicious. How can you hide the light?If your house is bright, the neighbors will know because the light will shine through your windows.No, you can't hide it, but it's good to try to hide it. Why does Chuang Tzu say to hide the inner light when it shines?He just said that to take you away from that opposite extreme because you like to flaunt it.Some people do not have light yet, there is no light yet, their house is dark and empty, but they like to make public that they have become wise.The ego likes to pretend even intellectually.So Chuang Tzu says, "Don't say anything about who you are, who you are, just hide yourself." Those who have eyes, they themselves will seek and follow you; they will come to you.You don't have to knock on their door, it's the phenomenon that will attract them, followers will follow and follow you wherever you are.Those who are not followers, do not take care of them, because their coming is of no use.They will be just a distraction, they will create obstacles for those who follow.hide the truth.But people will still know. The king must have known that Zhuangzi had become enlightened. The king of Chu sent two doctors with an edict: We hereby appoint you as the prime minister. In ancient times, the prime minister was not elected by the people's vote, because how could you be elected by the people's vote?How can the people choose their leaders?They are willing to choose, but they cannot.What democracy pursues is only a dream. In ancient times, the prime minister was not elected by the people.The prime minister is appointed by the king, and the king must find a wise person.Brahmins have to be explored, sought out, because a wise man is not in an election, he does not knock on doors for votes -- he rather hides himself.The king will visit.The king must have known that Chuang Tzu had become enlightened.He sent two doctors to appoint him as Prime Minister.Zhuangzi held the bamboo pole.Nothing has changed.The doctor stood there with an edict and said: "You have been appointed as the Prime Minister of the country." This is the most remarkable appointment, but Zhuangzi is still the same, and Zhuangzi is still looking at Pushui with his fishing rod.He didn't even look at the doctors.He didn't read the edict, as if it wasn't worth looking at. Zhuangzi held the fishing rod, still looked at Pushui and said: "I heard that there is a tortoise, which has been dead for 3,000 years. , placed above the temple." The turtle is still there, and the turtle is studded with gold and gems.In the Forbidden City in Beijing, not the emperor's capital that was open to everyone, it still is.Now it's almost 6,000 years old - a dead turtle, encrusted with gold and precious stones, enshrined in a shrine and enshrined by the king himself. "What do you think? Is it better to give up life and leave a sacred skeleton for 3,000 years in the smoke of incense offerings as an object of worship, or to live like an ordinary turtle and drag its tail in the mud?" Zhuangzi asked: Which was better - to just live as an ordinary turtle, or to die, studded with gold and worshiped?This is a problem that everyone faces, and there are two choices in front of everyone.People will worship you, but they cannot worship you if you are alive, because life is amoral -- it is neither moral nor immoral.Life does not know any morality, it is amoral; life does not know any should, it just lives by unconsciousness.It is very difficult for anyone to worship you if you are just alive.If you are just living and enjoying, you cannot expect that incense will be lit around you, a temple will rise, a group of devotees, a sect, people will worship you for thousands of years.No! They worshiped Jesus not because he was enlightened, they worshiped Jesus because he was crucified.Just think about the story of Jesus: if the crucifixion never happened, there would never be Christianity.Christianity is not because of Jesus, but because of the cross; that's why the cross is the symbol of Christianity. Why a cross?The human mind is a neurotic mind, adoring death over life: the closer you are to death the more you can be worshipped.If you're alive you're not worthy of worship because you didn't sacrifice anything!Sacrifice is worshipable, because sacrifice means sacrificing life, a kind of crucifixion that gradually goes up.If others crucify you, people will adore you, and if you crucify yourself, people will adore you even more.People worship death; Christ is worshiped because he was crucified. If you leave that part of the story aside, who is the Christ?It was difficult for you to remember him then, because Christ was a wanderer like Chuang Tzu.The only difference in the story is that Chuang Tzu was never crucified and Jesus was crucified - otherwise he would be the same person.You'll find him on the bank with a bamboo pole, fishing - he's very friendly with the fishermen.He must have fished on the Sea of ​​Galilee, and the fishermen were his followers.You'll find him with a whore because the whore loves him and adores him and he doesn't know the difference.He was in the company of gamblers, drunkards, outcasts—that was his crime!He was crucified because it was his sin: he lived an ordinary life in the company of ordinary people.That cannot be tolerated by the respectable world, that cannot be tolerated.This man hangs out with whores, gamblers, drunks, he is found in an inappropriate group, this man says he is the Son of God!This is heresy! This man wants too much, he has to be punished, because if these things go unpunished, the whole morality will be destroyed; this man lives against all the rules, he has no rules but life.Jesus and Chuang Tzu are the same.Only one thing was different: Jesus was crucified.The Jews are very guided by the canon, they live according to the canon, they are Confucianism, it is difficult for them to admit that a person who does not live according to the canon is a good person.Judaizers are very moral, and their concept of God is vengeful.The God of Judaism is vengeful, and if you disobey him, he will throw you into the fire.Obedience seems to be the highest rule.This Jesus, the son of a carpenter, an ordinary man, in the company of dubious people, claimed that he was a prophet, a prophet that the whole Judaic world was waiting for, no, he had to be punished. China is more tolerant.Chuang Tzu was not punished because China did not have a concept of a vicious god; in fact there was no concept of a god.Confucius never believed in God, he believed in rules; he was the foundation of China.But he said the rules are human, there is no divinity, they are arbitrary, relative, you can change them.Man must obey them but they are not divine nor absolute.That's why Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu lived without punishment. But there is one thing you must remember.If Chuang Tzu had also been crucified, there would have been a large following.No.Chuang Tzu has no followers, he won't have one, because people worship death.He refused to be a turtle and was regarded as a sacred object, because the condition was: death!Don't do this, don't do that, just keep pruning and sacrificing yourself; just sit, not even allowed to breathe.Then people will worship you, then you will be a dead turtle. "What do you think? Is it better to give up life and leave a sacred skeleton for 3,000 years in the smoke of incense as an object of worship, or to live like an ordinary turtle and drag its tail in the mud?" "For this For a turtle," said the two doctors, "I'd rather be alive dragging my tail in the mud!" Of course, this is logical for turtles: it's better to be alive dragging your tail in the dirt!Zhuangzi said, "Go back, and leave me here dragging my tail in the mud!" Let me just be an ordinary turtle.Please don't try to consecrate me, for I know your terms - first I must die and leave a husk, a dead husk, and then you will consecrate me, you will consecrate me as The object of worship, you will build a temple around me, with incense and cigarettes, and you can worship me for 3000 years.But what will I get out of it?I am a turtle, what will I get out of it?What does a turtle know about gold and precious stones?They are human stupidity and turtles never believe them.The turtle believed in the mud, and the turtle dragged its tail in the mud and enjoyed it. This symbolism is very meaningful because dirt is dirt to us.But dirt is nature; dirty or not - those are your inferences.The soil is nature, and a turtle dragging its tail in the soil, playing games and enjoying the soil in its lifetime is a good symbol.This is what a natural person should look like: don't blame the mud, don't say that this body is nothing, mud to mud, dust to dust, this body will return to mud, so it is mud. "Drawing its tail in the mud." Nature is muddy, it exists.You are made of it and you will merge into it.But if you want to be worshiped for thousands of years, that's not a problem.If you want to have a group of believers around, if you want to be a god, put in a temple, put in a shrine, deified, that's fine, but you have to give your life.is it worth itIs it worthwhile for you to give your life to be respected?Is it worth losing a moment of your life to earn the respect of the whole world?Even then it's not worth it, no.If the whole world adores you, that's not enough to lose a moment of being alive.Only life is precious, there are no precious stones, only life is gold, there is no other gold, only life is a temple, there is no other temple.Only life is the incense, the fragrance, and there is no other fragrance.This is what Zhuangzi said: let me live.You can accuse me of being just a turtle dragging its tail in the dirt, but that's the best thing that can happen to a turtle.Even you agree with me, so go back, I will not enter the court, I will not be the minister of state, it is not suitable for me, because you will kill me. There are many ways to torture a person, and crucifixion is just one of them.You can also put him on the throne, then he will also be tortured, in a subtle way; unusually, non-violently kill him.Whenever you start worshiping a man, you start killing him, because now he has to pay; he has to watch you -- what to do, what not to do. I used to live in a family of Jains.They've never met me before, but they've read my books, and through them they have a lot of respect for me.So they invited me to live with them when I came to their town.So I stayed.As night fell, some people came to see me, Jains eat before sunset, they are very traditional.A woman came and she said, "It's getting dark, you have to end your meeting with these people, or you will be late for dinner." I said, "I can eat later, there is no rush. But these people come from far away , from a distant village, they are true seekers, so I must tell them something, I must give them something before they go." She didn't believe me, it was too late after those people had gone, the sun It was setting and it was getting dark.The woman came again and said, "Now you can't eat, are you ready to eat at night?" So I said, "It doesn't make any difference to me, because a hungry man doesn't know day and night. I'm hungry and I will eat." ① Jainism: A religion that originated and spread in the South Asian subcontinent. "Jaina" (Gina means victor) is the title of the legendary founder of the religion, Ratama.The rise of Buddhism at the same time as Buddhism in the 6th to 5th centuries BC was one of the thoughts against Brahmanism at that time.This teaching has been preserved until modern times. ——Editor's note. As if her whole image of me was shattered, she said, "We thought you were an enlightened person, but you shattered the whole image. How can an enlightened person eat at night?" It is unthinkable for a Jain because they live by the rules, they have been living by the rules of death.If you want their rules, you have to follow their rules.If you follow their rules, you are imprisoned.So I said, "It's better not to be enlightened, because I don't want to go to bed hungry, that's too much. I can just not be enlightened" The day I told them the story and left me dragging my tail in the dirt, it wasn't worth it.Someone thinks I'm enlightened, should I kill myself in order to keep his imagination alive? But that's the way it is. Never beg for respect, beg for respect because of ego.Never beg for the respect of others, because that is a delicate bondage, and you will be locked up and shut down very quickly.Just live normally, just live according to your feeling and nature, don't care about anyone else.No one else is responsible for your life but you.Responsible only to yourself and no one else, it will be difficult for you to create a group of believers around you.But if people come, they are true believers.If you seek respect, the wrong people will come around you; if you don't seek their respect, if you don't care about them, if you just follow your natural trajectory, then true followers will come and they will treat you It will not be a prison.Only those who are not prisons to you will help you, otherwise followers will guide their leader; disciples impose rules on their master.How ridiculous is that?Both of them will remain in the dark. 始终记住一件基本的事情:不会有比自然更多的东西,自然是一个整体。所以你必须找到一条从你生命被驯化的模式中退出,并进入自然流动的途径。 你被冻结,正如你被驯化。怎样才能再次融化,变成一条河流呢?这是艰难的,因为冰冻是被崇敬的,自我会说:"你在干什么?现在没有人会尊敬你,现在你将不是一个令人尊敬的人!你在干什么?"自我将会说:"只是遵守规则,有什么害处?"在规则中有那么多投入。如果你遵守一般的规则,每个人将会崇拜你。但崇拜能得到什么?它不是对生活的替代。崇拜能得到什么?它不是对存在的替代。存在,让事情发生。 如果有人尊敬你,甚至那时还是由他作出决定,你不必去关注它。如果你关注它,你会变成神经病,每个人就是这样变成神经病的。周围有许多人,他们都期待你做这做那。那么多人,那么多期待,你试图去满足他们的一切期待?你不能满足所有的期待。整个努力会以你自己深深的不满告终,没有人会满足。唯一可能的满足是你自己的。如果你满意了,只有少数人才会满意你,但那不是你关注的事情。 你存在不是为了实现任何其他人的期望,他们的规则,他们的蓝图。你在这里是实现你自己的存在!那是你的命运,不要偏离它,没有什么是值得的。 但周围有许多诱惑,它们看来是如此清白,诱惑看上去非常清白。可是它们不那么清白,它们非常狡猾。有人说:"你晚上不吃饭有什么不好?人们将给你以崇敬。"吃或不吃不是主要的。如果你不想吃饭,那很好,不要吃。人们说如果你早晨5点钟醒来,印度教徒会崇敬你。那个时候起来并没有什么不对;如果你感觉很好,起床,不要考虑印度教徒。如果你起床是因为他们,那你会错失你自己,渐渐地你会越来越被缠绕。因为有些人如果在标准时间(brahmmuhart),在5点钟起床,他们会整天不愉快。 有一段特殊的时间是必须在睡眠中通过的,每晚2个小时。现在科学家发现在24小时中每天有2小时人体的温度下降;那2小时是睡眠的最深层。如果你错过了它们,那么你会整天觉得错失了什么东西。如果你能在那2小时里睡眠,那就没有必要睡5~7小时,它们足够了。但是那2小时对每个人是不同的,而规则却不是对每个人不同的——这就是问题。如果有人体温下降的2小时是在3~5点之间,那么在5点他会神清气爽地起床——那是他的标准时间。但还有些人在5点真正入睡,他的体温在5~7时之间下降,如果这个人遵从印度教,他整个的生命将会丧失平衡。 你必须探索你自己,这是各不相同的,一切都是各不相同的。没有什么规则是你必须生搬硬套的,你必须找到你自己的规则。 只是去领悟——无论什么给你快乐与祝福,和平与安宁的,探索那条道路,更多的将很快到来。那就是尺度,如果你快乐,我说你是个具有宗教性的人,尽管你可能不去寺庙。如果你不快乐,但你一直去寺庙,我也不能把你称为一个具有宗教性的人。如果你快乐、喜悦,如果你的整个存在渗透出喜乐与安宁,在存在中如鱼得水,你是个具有宗教性的人——无论你信不信神。那些只是文字,不要在乎它们。 找到你的和平,找到你能拖着尾巴并活着的泥土,那就是你的寺庙。没有其他人的寺庙会适合你——不会适合你,因为每一座寺庙都是某些人为某些人造的。 佛陀以他自己的方式生存,于是一座寺庙诞生了,于是数千人跟上来,他们开始像佛陀一样地生存;他们错失了他们的目标。佛陀从不跟随任何人,他的道路是他自己的,他是快乐的——那就对了。但你跟从他将不会快乐。 不要跟从任何人,不然你会不快乐。你已经够不快乐的了,因为你跟从你的父亲、母亲、老师和宗教。你遵从了那么多,所有那些声音都是不同的,矛盾的,不一致的。你被拖着到处走,你怎么才能是整体呢?你是一种不完全的现象,一种堆积,一部分往东,一部分往西;下半身去了南方,上半身去了北方的喜马拉雅山。你是一种不完全的现象,不是整体。 作为整体存在!我告诉你,如果你保持整体,如果你不听从任何人,如果你只倾听你自己的声音,即使你有时会犯错,即使你有时会出岔——不要在乎。你会犯错,因为你是如此习惯于跟从他人,你失去了你内在的声音。你不知道内在的声音是什么。有许多声音,他们都来自他人。有时母亲说话——做这个!有时父亲说话——不要做这个!有时其他人,佛陀,基督,耶稣,庄子……离开所有的声音。倾听!静心是一种深层的倾听,倾听内在的声音。当你变得安静时,声音停止了。庄子回他的家去了,佛陀也回他的家去了,不再有耶稣,你的父亲和母亲真的走了,所有的人都走了,只留下了你,在你的虚空中独自一人。那时你的本性自行显现——那是一朵花。当种子开裂,探出身来,发芽,你的内在声音出来了,发芽了。那么跟着它:无论它领向何方,跟着它。不要倾听任何人;那是你走向神的路。一个师父所做的一切都是把你带向你内在的声音。师父不应该成为替代物,不然你会变得比以前更加繁杂。 不要让我成为你的声音,我不是你的敌人。不要听从我!只要这个就足够了:你深深地进入你自己,倾听你自己的声音。如果我能帮助你趋向那一方,那么我就是你的师父,不然我就是个敌人。一旦你开始倾听你自己的声音,不需要我了,你可以抛弃我。听着……就像有第三只眼睛,有第三只耳朵,在经文里没有谈到这个。有第三只耳朵,就像你第三只眼睛会让你瞥见你的本性,第三只耳朵将会让你听见你内在的声音。当这两只外在的耳朵停止工作时——当你不再听从任何人,你变得完全听不见,没有声音进入,你抛去了所有内在的声音,当你抛出所有的垃圾,你只是虚空,内在沉淀——你会感觉到那个声音。它始终存在,每个孩子生来就有。你无法让一只龟困惑,你无法让它相信你说的:"来吧,死去吧,我们将把你奉为神圣。"龟也将会说:"回去吧,让我留在泥土里拖着我的尾巴。"一日你感觉到你的声音,那就不需要规则了,你自身就成为一种规则。 你的声音越清晰,你的脚步越是落在正确的方向。它成为一股向前的越来越强的力量,每一步都越来越把你引向你的命运,你会感到更加自在。你将感到一种没有什么不对的深层的满足,你会赐福,你也会被所有的一切保佑。 宗教是一种反抗,反抗他人,反抗那些祝福者,反抗那些行善者。这是最大的反抗,因为你独自一人,没有其他人,你必须独自走完旅程。这是个人对群体的反抗。群体是非常、非常强大的。它会压碎你,它已经压碎了你。你被弄成残废,被压碎,你几乎死去。让你活着对群体来说是危险的,因为你将遵从你自己的途径,群体有它自己的途径——它要你遵从它。群体想要你成为一个邮局的职员,一个小学教师,一个医院的护士,你内在的声音可能对它没有准备。你内在的声音可能会把你带向佛陀和庄子,但社会不需要佛陀——它需要一个完美的执行者。要佛陀干什么?他是经济上无用的一个负担。 有一次摩拉·纳斯鲁丁戴着一顶贝雷帽,穿着一件工作服,留着一把飘动的胡须去见一位心理医生。心理医生问:"你是个艺术家吗?"纳斯鲁丁说:"不,根本不是!"心理医生说:"那么这贝雷帽、工作服和胡须是为什么?"纳斯鲁丁说:"那就是我要来这里咨询的,为什么?我从未要过它;这是我父亲,他要我当一个画家,一位伟大的艺术家。那就是为什么我来这里咨询的原因。" 你的状态是如此之糟,因为那么多人想你做成那么多事情。如果你满足他们,你将仍是不满足的,因为没有人的期待刚好符合你的命运——对此你必须探索,这是一种内心的探寻。那就是灵魂!你可能称它为神,你可能称它为真理,名字不同,但真正的事情是找到你存在的真正使命,不然终有一天你不得不去找心理医生询问。每个人都在走近心理医生的门。甚至连心理医生本身都状态不佳;因为他到其他的心理医生那里去作出对他们自己的分析——他们相互作心理分析。这真是一件惊人的事:心理医生自杀的比其他任何人都多,是任何其他职业的两倍。发疯的人也是其他职业的两倍,而他们存在是为了帮助他人! 每个人状态都很坏,因为没有人听从他真正的存在。听从它!不要听从任何其他人。 这将是艰难的,你将不得不失去许多,许多投入将会失去。这就是我所说的桑雅世:就是放弃虚假的投入,就是放弃他人和他们的愿望,他们的期待,就是一个作为真正的自身存在的决定。 齐桓公在堂上读书,造轮子的人扁在外面的院子里做一个车轮。扁放下椎子和凿子走上堂来,对桓公说:"冒昧地请问,大人,您所读的书是些什么呢?"桓公说:"是圣贤的话语。"扁问:"还在不在世上?"桓公说:"死了很长时间了。""那么",造轮子的人说,"你所读的只是他们留下的糟粕啊。"桓公答道:"你知道些什么?你只是个造轮子的人。你最好给我作一个合理的解释,不然你必死无疑。"造轮子的人说:"我是根据我的观察来看这些事的。我做轮子的时候,做宽了它们就松散开来,做紧了它们又安不进去。但如果我既不太松也不太紧,它们就恰如其分,做出的东西正是我要的那个样子。"你无法把这个用话说出来,你只需知道它是怎么回事。我甚至无法把怎么做的技巧准确地告诉我的儿子,我儿子也无法从我这里学到它。所以我在这里,70岁了,还在做轮子!"古人带着他们所有真正知道的东西一起进了坟墓。所以,大人,您所读的东西里只有他们留下的糟粕罢了!"
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