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Chapter 30 wise solomon

People began to rally around the king. In this way, the whole country was divided into two, one part supported David, the other part supported Absalom, but the majority supported the king. The two armies fought in the forest of Ephraim, east of the Jordan River.Before the battle began, David asked his men to spare Absalom.He has always cared about this child in the depths of his heart, despite his shameful betrayal. The king's army fought with the prince's army all day, and suffered heavy casualties. It was not until evening that the king's army gained the upper hand, and Absalom retreated.

Absalom, who was riding a donkey, ran away desperately, but a thick branch caught his long hair. The donkey was frightened and ran away, and Absalom was hung in the air. One of David's soldiers saw him. Remembering the king's request for mercy on Absalom, the soldier did not kill him, but ran back and reported to Joab. Joab, a wretch who had no rules, ran up to the place where Absalom was hanged, threw his spear, stabbed him dead, and threw his body in a pit under an oak tree. The black slave ran to the king's tent and reported joyfully that the enemy had been defeated and that Absalom was dead.David couldn't be happy, he was heartbroken.

He remembered the prophecies of the prophets and his own sins. Although he was victorious, the rebellious tribes sued for peace, but poor Absalom never came back, and David walked up and down the palace, weeping bitterly. Unfortunately one after another.The king grows older and older, and the sun goes down.He no longer had the strength to lead troops into battle.But the Philistines invaded again. Dazao Sanctuary Then Absalom's younger brother Adoriah rebelled. This reminds David of his final great act of crowning Solomon king. Knowing that Solomon was much smarter than him, Adoriah immediately surrendered to his brother and was forgiven.

David no longer paid attention to these things. He sat in a dark corner deep in the palace, muttering to himself, thinking of his son Absalom who had dared to defy his father and was killed.It was not until the merciful god of death ended his life that his heart was at peace.Since David broke the commandments handed down by Moses and Joshua, he has never had peace. Solomon is now king of the Jews, and many things have changed dramatically since the first pioneers left Ur and settled in the mountains and plains on the banks of the "Great River" (Euphrates). If Abraham wanted a treat, he would tell his servants to kill a sheep.

But Solomon was different.On his daily table was the following: thirty corms of flour, seventy cors of cornmeal, ten fattened oxen, twenty lean oxen, dozens of deer, deer, chickens, and other game. When Abraham moved to a new place, he pitched a simple tent and slept on some old rugs. And Solomon spent twenty years building a palace for himself, and he ate with plates made of pure gold. These things are fun to say, but cost an astounding amount of money.Hundreds of years later, when the Jews were exiled in Babylon and recorded this history, they liked to look back at the luxury and glory of King Solomon's time.According to them, King Solomon was the undisputed master between the Euphrates and the Mediterranean.

However, the subjects of the Almighty King were forced to work voluntarily for all of Solomon's works, and had to pay annual taxes to repair the palace, the temple, the castle of Fathi at Milo, the walls of Jerusalem, and the three border cities that Solomon built .They are dissatisfied with this and ready to rebel at any moment. Fortunately, Solomon was a wise man, and he kept court expenses in check. Like Joseph and other Jewish leaders, Solomon had frequent dreams of divine revelations.Not long after he succeeded to the throne, he dreamed that Jehovah asked him: What do you want. Solomon replied that he wanted wisdom, which in ancient Hebrew translates both wisdom and cunning.

Solomon was really a bit of both, he was never reckless. As king, Solomon also served as the country's chief justice.The first case brought in was that of two women fighting over a baby.Solomon ordered the babies to be cut in half, one half, knowing what would happen next. That real mother begging not to kill the baby.She said: "If this is the case, I would rather give the child to that woman than kill the child." Such clever judgments convinced the common people and made Solomon's prestige deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.Even in his old age, he did many stupid things, but he could not shake the love of his subjects.In this way he ruled for forty years, from 943 to 903 BC, spending money like water during his reign.

First, he built the palace, a vast building with numerous halls, courtyards, and all leading to the temple.Inside the walls there was an armory, a hall in which the king summoned his courtiers and dealt with his cases, and many lofty rooms for the king and his retinue to live in.The concubines lived in the harem, hiding from the curious eyes of the crowd. All of this was built of stone and decorated with cedar wood, and it took twenty years to declare its completion. Second, Solomon built the temple. The ancient temple is different from the modern church.No one preaches, it is a holy place for believers to offer sacrifices to the only God, Yahweh, and the stream of sacrificers is endless all day long.

Solomon's Temple was not very large, only ninety-five feet long and thirty feet wide, about the size of a modern country schoolroom.
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