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Chapter 25 David kills the lion alone

One day his flock was attacked by a lion.Another time a bear attacked his flock, but David alone killed the beasts and protected his flock. David is also a good musician. He can not only sing, but also play the harp. When he is herding sheep alone, he often writes lyrics, composes music, and sings by himself.The "Psalms" (lyrics) he created are famous far and wide, and people from all over the world come from afar to listen to his singing. Everyone knows that Samuel loved David, and David was destined to have a bright future.Everyone said that the people Samuel chose were good and would bring happiness to the people.

Only one person showed no enthusiasm for the young harpist. This is Saul. His conscience troubled him. He knew that Samuel was right. He should not have kept those sheep and cattle against the Lord's command. He was afraid of David, restless all day long, and wished he could get rid of this opponent immediately.But what could he do, with the Jewish people watching their every move? Fortunately, war came to his aid again, and the Philistines fought again.They raised a new army and invaded Saul's eastern territories. Leading Felix's army was a giant named Goliath.He was as tall as a house, and wore a gigantic armor unheard of by a Jew.

Every morning and evening, he walked up and down in front of the confrontation between the two armies.He yelled at the Jews, asking who would dare to come out and confront them. He waved a seven-foot sword viciously, cursed the Jews as cowards, and cursed many harsh words, which made the Jewish soldiers very tired. Day after day, weeks passed, and no one came forward to fight. The Jewish soldiers were ashamed of their cowardice, and they hoped that someone would take up the responsibility. Saul is the commander in chief, he takes full responsibility, why can't he compete with the giant of Felix.

The reason is very simple, he is sick.He was silent and did not respond to others speaking to him.There must be a way to cure his illness without delay. The ancients had already understood the miraculous effect of music in healing diseases, and some people proposed to use David's beautiful singing to relieve Saul's worries.This was a great idea, and the boy came, and his singing was so successful that Saul was moved to tears and felt much better. But he still didn't leave his tent, the Jews stood still, Goliath still yelled and scolded every day, and at a certain time, the Philistines came out of the fortifications to watch, and they laughed until their cheeks were sore.

If David hadn't come to the barracks for something, I don't know how long this situation would last. David had eight brothers, three of whom were in the army. At that time Jewish soldiers were required to bring their own rations.Jesse's son sent a message to his father to bring some food.Jesse told David to take the corn to the camp.When David came to the barracks, he heard that everyone was talking about the giant, as if the fate of the whole army was in his hands. David couldn't understand why everyone was so afraid of this man, after all, he was also a human being.David, like all people who live alone, has thought about religion.He believed in the divine power of Jehovah.A righteous person will definitely be protected by Jehovah, and no one can harm him.

He applied to fight, without anyone's help, and went to kill the giant alone. The soldiers said that this was an arrogant and stupid idea.David's resolve did not waver in the slightest.So everyone prepared for him to go into battle.All (including the king) gave him their armor. But David refused, he didn't need swords, swords, shields and the like. All he needed was Jehovah's support. He went to the river, picked up some round pebbles, took a slingshot, and went out to fight. When the Philistines saw a boy about to fight a giant twice his height, they called their hero out and taught him a lesson.Goliath didn't need to be greeted by others, and rushed out with his huge sword.

But unexpectedly, the stone shot by David hit the giant's right eye, and Goliath fell to the ground, throwing the giant sword.
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