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Chapter 31 Chapter 02 "Guilty", "Conscience Condemnation" and Others (14)

moral genealogy 尼采 926Words 2018-03-20
This outline is certainly incomplete, and punishment is evidently overused, all the more reason why we should delete from it an imaginary use, though in the popular consciousness it is the chief use,—the belief in punishment Although it is now on the verge of collapse, faith continues to find its strongest support precisely in punishment.Punishment is said to have value in order to arouse a sense of guilt in the prisoner, and people look for that real function in punishment that can cause feedback from the soul, which they call "conscience", " Conscience Confession".But even if this kind of speculation is used today, it still distorts reality and distorts psychology. If it is applied to the longest history of mankind, and to the prehistoric period of mankind, it will be even worse!It is precisely because among criminals and prisoners there are so few genuinely repentant people that prisons and penitentiaries are not the favorite suckling-places of these moths.All serious observers would agree with this, though they would always utter such judgments reluctantly and quite against their will.In general, punishment can make people hard, cold, and focused. Punishment can intensify alienation and strengthen resistance.If it should happen that punishment drains energy and causes a pathetic exhaustion and inferiority, the result is undoubtedly less satisfactory than the general effect of punishment, which is characterized by a dry, gloomy seriousness.But if we really think about the thousands of years before human history, we can conclude without hesitation that it is precisely punishment that most effectively prevents the development of guilt.At least from the point of view of punishing the machine's victims.So we should not overlook the extent to which criminals exercise self-restraint after witnessing legal and law enforcement procedures, and to what extent they feel that what they have done is base.In fact, what he saw was that Fa was doing the same thing, but in the name of good, in the name of conscience, such as spying, deception, bribery, trapping, a whole set of sophisticated and cunning public security techniques, The art of prosecuting, not to mention looting, rape, cursing, imprisonment, torture, murder, all of which are not reprimanded and sentenced by judges, but under certain conditions and for special purposes There are exceptions. Conscience, the most mysterious and interesting plant in the vegetation of our planet, did not grow from this soil.In fact, for quite a long time, the judge, the executor himself, did not realize that he was dealing with a "criminal", he thought he was dealing with a troublemaker, an irresponsible The person who is about to be punished also feels that his punishment is a misfortune, so he has no "inner pain" when he is punished, but feels that some unexpected event has suddenly occurred, a terrible natural feeling. Event: A rock fell from the sky and smashed him, and he had no strength to fight anymore.

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