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Chapter 114 (14) When the sentence is right

"Talking about Art" Reader 周振甫 939Words 2018-03-20
(Huang Tingjian) "From Baling to Tongcheng Chengdao Chun" says: "Wild water adds to the fields and fills the water, but the sunny dove calls the rainy dove to return." Tianshe notes and quotes Ou Gong's poems.According to the 12th volume of "Oubei Poetry Talk" on Xiangshan's "Ji Tao Guang" poem, it is believed that this syntax is derived from You Cheng's ② "The green hills on the city are like houses, and the east and west neighbors flow into the west."This style was created in Shaoling, and its name was determined in Yishan ③.Shaoling heard that the officers and soldiers took over the two rivers and said: "That is to say, from the Ba Gorge to the Wu Gorge, and then go to Xiangyang to Luoyang"; "Qujiang Duijiu" says:

"Peach blossoms are finely chasing poplar flowers, and yellow birds are also flying white birds"; "Bai Di" says: "It is better to return to Ma Yi than a military horse, and a thousand families have hundreds of them today." "The drunken guest in the seat keeps the awake guest, and the clear clouds on the river are mixed with rainy clouds"; "Spring Day's Heart" says: "Even if there are flowers and the moon, there is no wine and no one"; There is a pair of sentences, the first couplet says: "The light in the pool is uncertain, the light in the flower is chaotic, and the sun is at the beginning of the air, and the air is dry." In addition, famous scholars such as Changli's "Qianxing" said: "Don't worry about the world and your own affairs, and the world is more than dreams. Between." Xiangshan's "Occasionally Drinking" says: "Today's mood is the same as in the past, and the autumn wind smells like spring breeze"; "Send to Zen Master Taoguang" says: "The water in the east stream flows in the west stream, and the clouds in the south mountain rise from the clouds in the north mountain. The sound of bells from the upper realm is heard from the lower realm." (11-12 pages) ① "Oubei Poetry Talk": written by Zhao Yi in the Qing Dynasty, ten volumes.The eleventh volume of its volume says: "There are some ancient syntax that should not be used. Baixiangshan's "Eastern stream flows into the west stream, and the clouds in the south mountain rise from the clouds in the north mountain" is based on the sentence "the water flows from the east to the west", but it is inferior to its implication. .”

②Youcheng: Tang Wangwei, once served as Shangshu Youcheng. ③The name is determined in Yishan: Li Shangyin has a poem "When the sentence is right": "Mi You Pingyang is connected to Shanglan, Qinlou Yuanwa and Hangong Pan. The light in the pool is uncertain, the light is chaotic, and the sun is dry at the beginning of dew.But I feel that the bees and the butterflies dance, but I don't know that the lonely phoenix remembers the separation from the luan.Three stars rotate three mountains away, Zifu Chengyao Biluokuan. "The rhetorical feature of this poem is that each of the eight sentences is a pair, just as the title says "the sentence is a pair".

The sentence pair is a kind of duality.For example, Huang Tingjian is cited here as an example: "The wild water fills the fields with water, but the clear dove calls the rain dove to return." dove", "dove" The word reappears.This article points out that the pairing of the sentence was created by Du Fu, such as "that is, crossing Wu Gorge from Baxia, and then going down to Xiangyang to Luoyang". "Xiangyang" versus "Luoyang", the word "Yang" reappears, all of which are place names versus place names, and the two pairs are opposite each other, which is quite intentional.Li Shangyin "Even if there are flowers and the moon, it is worthwhile to have no wine and no one." .Bai Juyi "East Jianshui flows to Xijianshui, Nanshan cloud rises to Beishan cloud".

Two characters; the next sentence "Nanshan cloud" is opposite to "North mountain cloud", and the word "mountain cloud" is emphasized again, and the two sentences are opposite at the same time.Zhao Yi thinks that this kind of syntax originated from Wang Wei's inaccuracy, and Mr. Qian corrects it here, thinking that the corresponding sentence was created by Du Fu.
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