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Chapter 85 (11) Ways to live and ways to die

"Talking about Art" Reader 周振甫 3816Words 2018-03-20
"Ting Zhai Poetry Talk" contains the gist of Jiangxi's ancestors talking about art①, saying that Lu Donglai's poetry "talks about living methods"②. Volume 95 of "Houcun Daquan Collection" "Jiangxi School of Poetry Preface" also quoted Dong Lai's "Xia Junfu's Preface" as saying: "When you study poetry, you should know the living method. Those who live the method have the rules and come out. Outside the rules, changes are unpredictable, but not contrary to the rules. Xie Xuanhui has a saying ④: 'Good poetry is like a bullet', this is the real way of life." Houcun said: "Testing Xuancheng poems is like Jingongji Brocade, a jade man cuts jade, it is poor and ingenious, and then it can be rounded and beautiful. Recently, scholars have misunderstood the metaphor of bullets and tended to be easy; so Fang Weng's poem said: "The theory of bullets misleads people." But if you want to know Ziwei Poetry Those ④, looking at the preface of this collection, you will know that the words of the bullets are not about Yu Yi" and so on.According to the work of carving jade, it is the middle language of Chen Ke's "Preface to Nine Monks' Poems".As far as the circle is concerned in the husband's poems, it is like learning the Tao and proving the circle, it is not light and smooth.Zhao Zhangquan is called Donglai and Fu Weng together⑤, and he has repeatedly said that it is round and lively, such as "On Poems with Chenqing" in Volume 17 of "Chunxi Manuscript", which says: "The method of living must be self-integrated, and it can be seen that the carving is exquisite. If Fu Weng does not die in Donglai, Anders Wen will hit him again." The five characters "seeing Linglong in carving" can release Weng's confusion.Houcun cited Fang Weng's words, see "Answer to Zheng Yuren" seven ancient times, said: "The beauty of a mere district is not perfect, and the theory of bullets is misleading." Fang Weng's own poems are unavoidable. Among ancient and modern poets, the one who imitated and praised the most is the ancient Mei Wanling.Volume 17 of Chen Zhensun's "Zhizhai Shulu Jieti" says ⑥: "Sheng Yu's poems, in recent times, are rarely liked, or added to destroy Zi, but Lu Wu values ​​it. This can be the way for those who know." Yu Yin "Jiannan Ji" "The poems in ", which imitate Wanling, include "Rewarding Zeng Xueshi", "Eating Oranges in the Yellow River in the Forest", "Sending Su Zhaosan to Shu", "Talking about Ghosts and Gods with the Same Officials", "The Master Philosopher Takes Duan Inkstone" "Leaving Son Yu", "Fake Mountain", "Spring Society Day", "Smoked Mosquito" and so on. In "Rainy Night Huai Tang'an", "the fireflies follow the wet grass as a journey", and in Wanling's "Yiyun and Zichong Yeyu", "wet fireflies follow the grass"; ", Ze Wanling's "Yi Yun and Yan Xianggong" "The bitter words are not yet mature, and the stabbing drama is Lingqian".

"Reading Mr. Wanling's Poems" says: "Ou Yin chased back the six classics, and Mr. Poetry is good at majestic and vigorous. The source and flow of rivers and stones are upright, and Weiyue's high weather is respected. Wen. I have always been ignorant and ridiculed, and I dare to guarantee that everyone will not come to the door." And "Reading Wanling Poems" said: "Li and Du will not write again, Mei Gong is really strong. How can it be that every bone is changed, if the door is opened. There is no spare power in training, and the origin has its own origin. The rest of the blade will be restored alone. "And "Shu Wanling Jihou" says: "Suddenly surpassing the Yuanhe Zuo, the majestic and independent alliance. The righteousness of all families has fallen, and this old saying can only be followed. Zhao Bi is even priced in the city, and Sui Zhu shines on the eyes. You can get a glimpse of the outline. It is also enough to comfort one's life." "Preface to Li Yubu's Poems" says: "Songs and poems are retro, and Mei Wanling is unique in his lineage." "Mei Shengyu's Preface to Bie Ji" says:

"Mr. Poetry, you have to learn to be able to do it, but learning can't be better. Putting characters is like Dayu casting a tripod, refining sentences is like making music after Hou Kui; writing a poem is like Zhou Gong's peace. If you want to learn, you can't, and if you want to praise, you can't" Yunyun .Singing and sighing so much, there is nothing wrong with his family.Just like Yu Shaoling, he only mourns his aspirations and uses it as a general term, without discussing the rhythm of poetry in detail.Visit "Dongtun Gaozhai Ji", "The Portrait of Shaoling in Thatched Cottage", the Five Guesses, "Reading Du Poems" Qijue, "Reading Li Du Poems" and other works.Ouyang Yongshu's "Shengyu Epitaph" said ⑦: "His first love is beautiful and leisurely, but after a long time, it will be profound and profound, and he will also carve it out to show strange ingenuity"; and the poem "Water Valley Night Walk" says: Cut, stone teeth to wash cold lay." And Fang Weng's "Xi Ziqian" said: "I am a beginner in poetry, but I want to work on painting. I started to realize less in middle age, and gradually I saw Hongda. Strangeness also appeared from time to time, like a stone. Shu Tuanse"; all take the official name of Wanling in Europe to speak by themselves.Wanling's "He Yan Xianggong Rhyme" said: "Because the temperament is suitable, I want to be plain"; "Reading Shao Buyi's Poetry Volume" said: "There is no ancient and modern poetry, but it is difficult to create plain." Volume" said: "Most of the essence is close to the vulgar, and the pen force can be driven to meander." Fang Weng's "Poetry Volume Inscribed by Xiao Yanyu" said: "The heroes of the poem volumes are easy to get names, and you come to be idle and alone Xiao Qing"; "Wen Qing Gong Presented to Professor Zhao" said: "The depth of the work is flattened"; "Ye Sitting Showing Sang Nephew" said: "A good poem is like a panacea, not mixed with meat. It is a great skill to thank Zhu Zhuo, and it will be destroyed just now." ; "Reading Poems of Recent People" says: "Cutting and cutting is naturally a disease of articles, and it is extremely dangerous and hurts the bones. You see that the taste of Taitang is mysterious, and the crab claws and clam pillars are not of the same family"; "He Jun's Tomb Table" has The section "Poetry wants to be crafted, but crafting is not the ultimate in poetry" all repeats the purpose of affirming the plain. "Shaw's Hearing and Seeing Records" said that ⑧ "Lu Zhi's poems go to the place that people love, and Sheng Yu's poems go to the place that people don't like."

According to Wu Ke's "Zanghai Poetry Talk", Dongpo Xie Li Gong chooses Hui's poem post saying: "Public choice makes it possible for people not to love"; Only when people don't like the hateful place will it work." Shao Shigai used Su dialect. "Luancheng's Last Words" contains Lu Zhisheng's poem about the holy order⑩, which can be visited. In the volume of "Paulu Poetry Talk" there is a saying ⑾: "Song poetry can reach those that ordinary people don't love, but it is as yellow as Yuzhang";Fang Weng used his words repeatedly. "Tomorrow's Fuli Mengzhongzuo" said: "Poetry until no one loves it"; "Said: "Ordinary people still love poems that have not been written." According to this meaning, it is the positive side of what Changli's "Yu Feng Su Wenshu" called "small ashamed and small good, big ashamed and great good".His steps towards painting in Wanling are meticulous, and few people know the beauty of different quantities.Suppressing his own illness, the flow of his poems is easy to show, and he wants to take Wanling's deep heart and indifferent appearance as the right medicine.Volume 26 of Quan Xieshan's "Ji Qi Ting Ji" "Preface to the Collection of Chunfu" states that Dongpo's poems are Li Dubie's son⑿, but he is dissatisfied with Li Du when he discusses poems, and his words and deeds do not match.According to "Weinan Anthology" Volume 15 "Mei Sheng Yu Bie Ji Preface" ⒀: "Su Hanlin is not an ancient person, but the second rhyme and Tao Yuanming and his two poems." Mausoleum, but no one has heard of it.However, the harmony between the two families is not in harmony with Dongpo's poetic style, and Si is also the teacher of Weng's previous affairs, and Xie Shan's theory has been proved by circumstantial evidence.Wanling's "Yi Yun and Yan Xianggong" said: "The bitter words are not yet mature, and the sharp mouth is full of water chestnuts", which is the theory of bullets.Yan Canglang opposed the Jiangxi School, and his theory of "poetry", one said "the language must be round", and the other was "must participate in living sentences", which is incomparable with Lu Donglai, the author of the "Jiangxi School". different.Fang Weng's "Gift to Talented Talents" poem also said: "I have a Zhuan language in Chashan, and the article must not refer to dead sentences." Therefore, those who know the circle and life are the father of the poet Jin Xiangzhi⒁, not the private words of a family. (Pages 115-117) ① "Tingzhai Shihua": Song Zeng Jili (No. Tingzhai), one volume.

② Lu Benzhong: Song poet, scholar called Mr. Donglai.There is a volume of "Ziwei Shihua", so it is called Ziwei. ③ "Houcun Daquan Collection": written by Liu Kezhuang (word Qianfu, No. Houcun) in Song Dynasty, one hundred and ninety-six volumes. ④ Xie Xuanhui: Xie Tiao, a poet of the Qi Dynasty in the Southern Dynasties.Xuancheng people, so it is also called Xuancheng. ⑤ Zhao Zhangquan: Song Zhaofan characters.He has written twenty volumes of "Chunxi Manuscript". ⑥Zhen Zhensun: Song Dynasty book recorder.He has written 22 volumes of Zhizhai Shulu Jieti.

⑦Ouyang Yongshu: Song Dynasty writer Ouyang Xiuzi.Sheng Yu: the word of Mei Yaochen, a poet of the Song Dynasty. ⑧ "Shao's Hearing and Seeing Records": written by Song Shaobo, 30 volumes.The 20 volumes in the first record were written by his father Shao Bowen, and the latter record is his continuation. ⑨ Ten volumes of "Swallows in the Stone Forest" and one volume of "Zanghai Poetry Talk", both of which are poetry talks by Song people. 10 "Lancheng Last Words": Song Su Zheyan, Su Jiji, one volume. ⑾ "Pao Lu Poetry Talk": written by Shen Tao in the Qing Dynasty, three volumes.

⑿Quan Xieshan: Qing Quan Zuwang word.He has written thirty-eight volumes of "Ji Qi Ting Ji" and fifty volumes outside. ⒀ "Weinan Anthology": written by Song Luyou, fifty volumes. ⒁ Chashan: Zeng Ji, a poet of the Song Dynasty, named Chashan Layman.Jin Xiang: refers to the pursuit of yearning. In ancient and modern Chinese and foreign art talkers, when discussing poetry, they all regard "circulation and beauty" as the best, just like Xie Tiao said, "good poetry is like a bullet". Gentle, soft style.Lu Benzhong's discussion of poetry "talking about living methods" means that poetry should follow the rules of poetry style without being restricted by the rules, and can have surprising changes without violating the rules. He thought that "like a bullet" is the real life. Law.Liu Kezhuang took Xie Tiao's poems as an example, thinking that it was not easy for him to reach the state of "circulation and beauty" after being carved by poor workers like a jade carver.Lu You thinks that "the theory of bullets misleads people" is really a misunderstanding.It is pointed out here: the smoothness of poetry is not light and smooth, but what Zhao Fan said "cutting and carving to see the exquisiteness", which can only be achieved after a lot of tempering.Lu You's poems are very slippery. He likes to imitate other people's poems, and among them, Mei Yaochen's poems that imitate the ancient and simple are the most.Chen Zhensun said that Mei's poems are rarely liked by contemporary people, but Lu You likes to imitate them.This article cites several examples of Lu Youxian's imitation of Mei's poems, and even some poems are only slightly changed, such as imitating Mei's poem "Damp Ying Yi Cao Mei" as "Ying Ying Yi Shi Cao is the same as a journey" and so on.Lu You imitated Mei's poems, and really felt that Mei's poems were good. In "Reading Mr. Wanling's Poems", he called Mei's poems "the origin and flow are correct", "the weather is respected", and "the poetry is good at vigorous and powerful"; Compared with Li Du's poems, Mei is called "Jie Niu Shou", and Yu Shi "has no spare power to exercise, and the origin has its own origin"; "Shu Wanling Collection" compares Mei Ji to the priceless Zhao Bi and Sui Zhu As long as you "get a rough glimpse of the outline", you will "comfort your life"; he believes that Mei poetry cannot be learned, and even if someone learns it, he can't surpass him, because Mei's selection of each word is "like Dayu casting a tripod" steadily. It is solid, and the tempering of each line of the poem "like Hou Kui's music" is skillful in changing, and the layout of the whole poem "like Zhou Gongzhi Taiping" is meticulous and proper, and it is impossible to learn it even if you want to learn it.Lu You's comments on Du's poems are mostly general praises, without specific comments, but he chewed on Mei's poems carefully and admired them endlessly.Ouyang Xiu Zeng Chu liked the beauty and ingenuity of plum poems, and Lu You also agreed with this.Mei Yaochen thinks that he is "unsatisfied with hard words" ("Yi Yun and Yan Xianggong"), advocates plain poetry style, and believes that plain poetry is also a difficult state to achieve in ancient and modern poetry.Lu You admired Mei's poems, and believed that his plainness meant to be free from vulgarity, not to join in the fun, not mixed with meat, not to be refined, not to make strange dangers, which is what Shao Bo called "Yao Chen's poems are in places that people don't like".Su Shi even used poetry to make things that everyone doesn't love and hate.The so-called "everyone doesn't love it" is what Shen Tao said "ordinary people don't love it". Lu You repeatedly used this phrase in his poems, such as "Poetry is so good that no one loves it." Good poetry will never cater to the taste of ordinary people.The question raised by Mr. Qian in this article can be explained by Song Yu's "Ask the King of Chu", that is, "its music makes it taller, and its harmony makes it weaker."There are some high-pitched tunes that ordinary people can't understand. Only those who can appreciate high-pitched tunes can understand them.Mei Yaochen's poems pursue plainness and are not easy to be appreciated by people. Lu You's poems are easy to show, which is different from Mei's poems with deep heart and simple appearance, but Lu You can appreciate it, which is rare.He wants to make up for his shortcomings with Mei Shi's deep heart and humble appearance, so he tries his best to praise Mei Shi.Han Yu also had a similar creative experience: people would say no to the works he was satisfied with; if he was dissatisfied and dared not show his works to others, everyone would say yes to them, and he would always be ashamed of the small ones, and the big ones.In this regard, Han Yu realized the truth of composition, to "abandon vulgarity", "follow the lonely way", and avoid "competing for fame".This meaning can be said to be placed on a profound foresight.

The French poet Bellay said that all he liked was the annoying kind, and the English poet Chapman was not dissatisfied that no one liked his poems.They all realized the truth of composition and did not strive for fame for a while. In short, whether it is the mediocrity pursued by Mei Yaochen, Su Shi's so-called "people don't love and hate it, it is work", or the valuable experience summed up by Han Yu, they are not far from the "bullet".In Yan Yu's theory of poetry, he emphasized that "words must be rounded" and "living sentences must be included", which is consistent with Lu Benzhong of the Jiangxi School of Poetry that he opposed.It can be seen that artistic flexibility is the highest state pursued by various art schools. "Talking on Art Records Supplement" also mentioned that there are expensive and live sentences in poetry, and the problem of cheap and dead sentences, and that there are also living and dead sentences in poetry reading. For the understanding of the sentence, Mao Qiling of the Qing Dynasty pointed out in "Xihe Shihua": "The goose is also a prophet", that is, it dies under the sentence.Composing poems that are relevant to the topic without sustenance is a "dead sentence", and reading poems that are too muddy is also a dead reference. Therefore, reading poems also has the problem of mellowness, and we should not be too rigid in literal interpretation.

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