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Chapter 44 (21) Extension

"Talking about Art" Reader 周振甫 390Words 2018-03-20
Wang Jingan's "Tiao Hua Ci? Butterfly Love Flower": "The past is long and detailed. When I saw that he was born, I was afraid that he would make a mistake. Even if the alliance is not lost in the end, can I remember this life at that time?" "The so-called: "When he was born, he was reborn in the same room, who is not the king!" ("Qian Zhongshu Research" p. 22) This is the extension of "Wen Xin Diao Long? Rong Cai": "If you extend it, two sentences will be combined into one chapter", and the two sentences will be developed into one chapter.Qian Zai's "Reminiscence Poem" "He was born and returned to the same room, who is not the king!" Wang Guowei expanded it into the second film of "Butterfly Love Flower".The first film reads: "In the setting sun, thousands of mountains cry Du Yu, send them back to people, and don't send them to live in. Since the soul goes away first, there are no words to say on the desolate sick bed." Qian Zai's two sentences are more condensed.Wang Guowei started from the past, and said that he was "afraid that he would make a mistake".It further said that even if it is correct, it will not remember this life.There are differences with Qian Zai's words.Therefore, it is not certain whether Wang Guowei's words coincide with Qian Zai's intentions, or whether they are expanded by Qian Zai's words.It is obviously expanded, like Du Fu's "Qiang Village": "The candle is held at the end of the night, which is relatively like a dream." Cheng Qiyan.

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