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Chapter 26 (3) Talk about inspiration

"Talking about Art" Reader 周振甫 542Words 2018-03-20
"Zhu Zi Yu Lei" volume 18 discusses "Programs for Enriching Knowledge" ①: "Thinking one by one, you will naturally feel it. As the proverb says: beans are bursting in cold ashes." Nietzsche himself said his experience cloud of "smokers covered with pure" ②: "Thoughts in the mind are suddenly like flashes of lightning, and they are illuminated immediately, and there is no escape, and they cannot be moved." (601 pages) ① "Zhu Zi Yu Lei": Song Li Jingde edited Zhu Xi's quotations in one hundred and forty volumes. ② Nietzsche: German philosopher in the nineteenth century.Smokey Pilichun: Inspiration.

This one is about creative inspiration. "Talking about Art" on page 286 states: "The enlightenment of otherworldly religions is compared to the sudden light in a dark room, and the enlightenment of worldly knowledge is like clouds shining like lightning, and the state of mind is no different." The "enlightenment" mentioned here refers to "inspiration". .Zhu Xi talked about "enlightenment", that is, "enlightenment", starting from "extending knowledge and investigating things", thinking one by one, and self-enlightenment after a long time, such as "beans bursting in cold ashes", which means that after a long period of hard work, one will naturally gain enlightenment. The Enlightenment of Learning", "It's like the cloud opening and the lightning", the light of the "electric shooting" is just like "inspiration".Mr. Qian talked about Lu Ji's "Wen Fu" in "Guan Zhui Bian": "If the husband responds to the meeting, the discipline of Tongsai, the coming is unstoppable, and the going is unstoppable." For me, it was not caused by the rest of my strength, so I feel sorry for myself when I caress my empty chest. I don’t know the reason why my husband opened up the barrier.” In a big section, it is said that the writer’s stagnation is beyond the author’s control, and it is near future generations. ', 'Yanshi Pilichun'. The intense stage of the creator's deliberation and thinking on the basis of rich practice, due to the inspiration of relevant things, prompts the important links in the creative activities to be clearly resolved, generally known as Obtaining inspiration. Serious and diligent working attitude and responsible spirit, rich practical experience and knowledge accumulation, profound artistic accomplishment and mastery of artistic skills are the prerequisites for obtaining inspiration.

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