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Chapter 5 (3) On Poetry Notes and Citations

"Talking about Art" Reader 周振甫 752Words 2018-03-20
Fang's "Yingkui Lusui" is quite thin in Yanhu's "Banshan Shizhu" ①, which has been repeatedly said.Even looking at his book, it is not quite as expected.It is easy to quote posterity's poems as annotations, especially if it is not legal.For example, Wang Fengyuan's poem "Ji Shen Boyun" included in the collection is "suitable for suave but not low-key". The Yanhu Note is a quote from Lu Juren's poem.In the past, Li Shan annotated "Selected Works", and "Practice the Wenlu of Traveling Far" in "Fu of Luoshen"

Under the sentence, Fanqin's "Dingqing Poetry" is quoted as saying: "There is such a statement, but the origin is not detailed."Therefore, at the end of Volume 36, Liu Chenweng commented: "I have seen it attract the attention of contemporaries or later generations of poems. I don't know if Jing Gong has seen it like this." (Page 79) ①Fang Shi: Fang Hui of the Yuan Dynasty had forty-nine volumes of "Ying Kui Lu Sui".Yanhu Lake: Song Li Bi, named Yanhu Layman, wrote Wang Anshi's poems.Mid-Levels: Wang Anshi No. This article talks about the citation problem of poetry annotations, which is related to appreciation.Fang Hui was dissatisfied with Li Bi's annotations on Wang Anshi's poems, such as Wang Anshi's "Winter Solstice": "The capital opens a road, and the festival is full of sun." Gambling is prohibited on weekdays, but the ear cannot be suppressed on festivals.” Here it is pointed out that Li Bi’s notes are not enough.Mr. Qian pointed out that Li Bi's annotation mixed Wang Fengyuan's poems into Wang Anshi's collection.It is also pointed out that Li Bi quoted later poems as annotations, Lu Juren, and Lu Benzhong characters.Lu Benzhong was born after Wang Anshi, and Wang Anshi couldn't see Lu Benzhong's poems, so he quoted Lu Benzhong's poems to note that Wang Anshi's poems were incompatible.Besides, Wang Feng was originally Wang Ling's name, and Wang Ling died earlier than Wang Anshi.It is also inappropriate to quote the poems in Lu's book to annotate Wang Ling's poems.Mr. Qian quoted Li Shan's annotation of "Wen Xuan", "Luo Shen Fu" has a sentence "Practicing the Wenlu of Traveling Far Away"; , the origin is unknown." Mr. Qian believes that Fanqin and Cao Zhi, the author of "Luo Shen Fu", were contemporaries, and Cao Zhi may have seen Fanqin's poems.Li Bi cited the poems in Lu Ben to annotate Wang Anshi's poems, but Wang Anshi had never read the poems in Lu Ben, so the quotations were inconsistent.It is okay to quote the poems of the author's predecessors to annotate the author's poems, because when the author writes poems, he sometimes uses allusions, including quotes from the poems of the predecessors, which are triggered from the poems of the predecessors.Citing the poems of the predecessors for annotations can understand the author's feelings from the poems of the predecessors, so it is necessary to quote the poems of the predecessors for annotations.Citing the author's descendants' poems as notes, the author cannot see his descendants' poems, and the author cannot get triggers from the descendants' poems, so the quotation is unnecessary.

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