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Chapter 67 Reading Notes The Dangerous Road to a New Life

Can Xue's Selected Works 残雪 5682Words 2018-03-20
The Dangerous Road to New Life--Analysis of "Hamlet" 1. The business of communicating with ghosts Man cannot communicate with the soul.But in any era, there are such a small group of strange people. Because they are completely desperate for the life of the world and refuse to give up life, they turn to madness and start a very ambiguous and shady career.The transformation process of Hamlet from a normal person to a "madman" is the gradual realization of this dark cause.On the surface, he is involuntary, forced to be expelled, but in fact it is a free choice and the display of bloody impulse.

Communicating with ghosts is a revolution, and the appearance of the ghost goes straight to the point: it is fully armed, and it fills the air with murderous aura; it, the culprit who provokes conflicts, is not interested in outsiders, and focuses on Hamlet, because only the prince's The physical body is his sustenance; it will set off a big storm and create a divided personality of the prince.In the eyes of the world, the mysterious ghost appeared in the appearance of the former king, which is both noble and majestic, and terrifying.Because generally speaking, people in the world will only see ghosts at very special moments, that is, the so-called moments of "being punished by heaven", and such unconscious encounters generally do not change people's lives.Only the prince, on the eve of the catastrophe, had already met the conditions for revolution, that is to say, he had the idea of ​​​​abandoning the secular life composed of conspiracy, and he had not completely stopped the impulse from the world. He had to obtain spiritual inspiration from the ghost. Motivation to resolve their own contradictions.The current situation of Hamlet's social life is described by the reigning king: He just poisoned his brother, held his brother's funeral, and then held a grand wedding and married his brother's wife.

"A mood that seems to rejoice in bitterness / Like one eye smiling and the other weeping / Like making funerals and funerals reconcile with joy, songs and cries / Make sorrow and joy match each other and correspond to each other..." See Hamlet, p. 271 , Zhejiang Literature and Art Publishing House, 1991. This is also the status quo of people in any society, and people can only live like this.But Hamlet is the prophet of that society, he is not willing to submit, for him, he would rather die than drift in the filth and pass the ordinary life.At the moment when survival is impossible and death is impossible, ghosts appear.A ghost made of hellfire, it's not here to rescue Hamlet.No one can save him, what he needs is a revolution, a split.The process of splitting oneself in half is the process of adulthood in the ultimate sense, otherwise Hamlet would not be Hamlet but only king, only queen, only minister Polonius.That kind of growing pain can be said to be no less than the brimstone and fire in hell.In the continuation of suffering, people can only go crazy.It is the responsibility of the ghost to bring about a split in the prince's self, in which the prince must communicate with the ghost again and again, and that effort to communicate cannot be interrupted whether the ghost is present or not.

The death of his father was the beginning of the split of the prince's personality. He suddenly found that he had separated from everyone and stood in a very dangerous situation.He can no longer live with his relatives and lovers, because life is a blasphemy to the dead; his thoughts cannot be spoken, because they belong to the inexpressible, dark language, which can only be hidden in the heart.The responsibility of a free man thus fell on his shoulders.The passionate Hamlet not only undertakes, but also acts.When the ghost indirectly invited him, he confessed: "If it appears again, in the form of my father/Even if hell opens its mouth and tells me to be silent/I will still speak to it..." See Hamlet, p. 280.

His words fully reflect his determination to communicate with ghosts even if he is desperate.What did his father want him to do? What did his father want him to do? Under the circumstances, the ghost of his father wanted him to do the most impossible thing-not only wanted him to continue to mess with the wicked, but also wanted him to engage in murder.Only a ghost who is both an angel and a devil can be so contradictory, allowing desire to fight its way through the conflict.The ghost asked the prince only one thing: "You must remember me." For the prince, remembering it is remembering his own heart, remembering his restlessness, remembering his love and hate, what else can be compared with I remember this more firmly? The prince, who grew up in the communication with the ghost, finally saw clearly what he had to undertake, and how impossible it was to complete his career with actions.The bloody killing must first start with oneself, that is, to split oneself into two halves, one half belongs to the ghost, and the other half is still lingering in the world.Maybe this kind of split is the unity of personality at a higher stage; the prince full of heroic ideals did not really go crazy until the end, but maintained a strong and clear mind, pushing his career to the peak in extremes, thus Completed the shaping of the soul.

2. Toxic love Ophelia described: "He held my wrist tightly and didn't let go/ straightened his arm and retreated as much as possible/ covered his brow with the other hand/ looked at my face so carefully/ as if he was going to draw it He looked at it like this for a long time / when he came, he shook my arm lightly / he nodded his head up and down three times in this way / there was a sad and painful lament / it seemed that his whole body was broken by the sound / his life was gone It's over..." See Hamlet, p. 304. This is the coming-of-age ceremony for Hamlet to separate himself. What could be more painful than this? Farewell is inevitable after all. He wants to enter the realm between humans and ghosts, where secular love cannot be tolerated, no matter how strong the love is.The consequence of doing so is madness; his madness is both a disguise and a revelation of the truth, and the connection between the two is seamless.

The ghost makes Hamlet change his eyes.Standing in a different realm, the prince saw the dark and dirty side of his most beautiful ideal love.The two poles always go hand in hand, the more brilliant the flame of love, the more poignant its tattered and miserable side.It's not that the prince was completely ignorant of this before, it's just that the catastrophe now makes him start to understand the essence of love again.There is no love that falls from the sky for no reason, and Ophelia is not an angel, just an ordinary, well-educated girl.If the prince's love is not as strong as a storm, but gentler, maybe he can tolerate the worldly desire in Ophelia.But the fact is that he cannot tolerate her, nor himself; he must corner himself and his lover, love in such an extreme form, and show his heart by killing himself.All this is due to the terrible conversation with the ghost; seeing the ghost, the murderous spirit rises in the prince's body.Ophelia, who didn't know it, didn't notice the qualitative change in love, and didn't know that the gentle and elegant lover had been possessed by the devil. She became the sacrifice of this crazy love.It can be seen that the ghost does not want Hamlet to stay away from love, but wants him to elevate the worldly love, which is the so-called "crazy love".In the realm of ghosts, when a person loves, he must go mad; he bears his own cruelty, loves with a bleeding heart, with a love that cannot be expressed.Hamlet's love is love in the realm of art.The ancestors of hundreds of years ago already knew the essence of love. He played mature and independent love to the extreme, allowing people to appreciate the dark and terrifying core; However, he did not let the evil relationship end, but made the entanglement more and more tight, and finally ended with the disappearance of life.This kind of elevated love can also be called poisonous love. Everything is poisoned, with a sense of obscenity and obscenity. For a heart like the protagonist, it is better to die than love.The ghost doesn't let him die, but wants him to live to bring out this poisoned love to the end, it's like going up a mountain of knives and down a pan of oil.Through the mad words of the prince's love, readers can feel his inner lava-like heat and ice-like coldness.How do people unify these two extremes in their souls to create a miraculous character? Once the ghost sleeping in each person's body rises to make trouble, what kind of horror and magnificence will be performed? Isn't it worth it? want to try it?

The tragic fate of Ophelia brings out the seriousness of the prince's inner suffering; the more ignorant and innocent she is, the more heartbroken the prince is, and the process is like tearing a heart in half slowly.Her innocence, tenderness and purity all remind the prince of the existence of hypocrisy, conspiracy and poisonous schemes. The two are inseparable like yin and yang, like two sides of a coin.Regardless of knowing or not knowing, evil is an innate survival pattern.Only those with abnormal personalities (such as princes) will resist.In this way, the prince who was an insider used his own hands to destroy his most cherished person.Half-blind and half-awake, possessed by the devil, he committed serious sins without thinking; it was only because of the eruption of the volcano in his body, and only because the sins of the previous life flowed in his veins.

3. The human heart is a prison "God created us and gave us so much wisdom / so that we can look forward and backward. It is by no means that we / this kind of wisdom, this kind of god's rationality / is rotten and useless. But is it due to / the forgetfulness of animals, or is it because Consequences /Thinking too carefully, thinking it over /Are only one part worldly, three part cowardly--" See Hamlet, p. 378. The ending keeps getting delayed.Certainly not because of sophistication, nor because of cowardice, but because, as a living person, the prince could not escape life.What is life? Life is the fight between two opposites in the heart. That kind of fight takes place in the prison of the heart symbolized by the Kingdom of Denmark. It not only hinders, but also promotes the final completion of the prince's career. The zigzag, The trajectory caused by Zhang Yichi is left in the process of fighting.

The ghost pointed out the way of revenge to the prince, and it was difficult to realize the meaning of revenge only after practicing it.So he collided, so he killed himself in the collision, so he had that kind of one-way communication with the ghost in the self-killing, and he savored the word "revenge" carefully.But it turns out that revenge is the revenge of one's own soul against the body; everything that has been done is unbearable and will be punished; everything that exists should be destroyed; however, if the body is destroyed, the soul will have nothing to cling to; so always In the hesitation of leaving something behind.First killed Ophelia's father, then killed Ophelia (not with a knife), and then killed her brother... If you think about it carefully, everyone who was killed was actually the prince's In part, by killing them, he cut off his connection with the world, and the world is the soil that bred his flesh and blood.The prince, whose fate was all over, finally converted to that illusory idea when he was dying.How terrifying was that process, the prisoner held up the butcher knife to break through, and what he slashed at was his own body.However, how can we not break through? How can we live or die inexplicably full of grievances? People’s hearts, what is going on?! Why are impulse and reason always just opposite? Why is the see-saw between them It has lasted for thousands of years, but the strong nerves have not been sawed off? What is he going to do with the prisoner who made himself a prison? Hamlet doesn't know.He could only obey the call of his heart, the mysterious call that led him to where he was going--the dark void, and yet he was still alive.To live is to procrastinate, and revenge is just a symbol of ideals, leading him towards his final destination.

After being enlightened by the ghost, the imprisonment of Xin was really realized by the prince.Hamlet, who is too stubborn, can't really go crazy. All "crazy" is realized, even after the fact.However, this kind of "crazy" is completely different from the "pretending to be crazy" that ordinary people often say, because it really comes from the impulse of the heart.Being impulsive and conscious at the same time, this is the meaning of "prison".Indeed, without a strong, conscious imprisonment, the dance of the soul cannot unfold, and even the ideas will disappear with it." What a work of man is man! How noble is reason! How infinite is power! How well-groomed and splendid in manners! How like an angel in action! How like a god in understanding! The splendor of the universe! !" See Hamlet, p. 317. In order to work hard in the direction of this big blow? Man, Hamlet voluntarily turned himself into a prisoner, otherwise he could only become a thing "crawling between the sky and the earth". The Danish castle has not seen the sun for many years, and it radiates everywhere. The musty smell of corruption, but it does also breed a generation of talents like the former kings and Prince Hamlet, who are as bright as the sun. The light they emit pierces the smog of the century and shows the truth of the immortality of human nature. Such Prisons are gloomy and noble. "...a fool, poor wretch, languid/Dreaming all day long, forgetting all hatred/Speaking not a word; no matter what king/Has it been shamelessly taken of all/Destroyed precious life! I am a A coward / Who called me a villain, broke my skull / Pulled down my beard to blow my face / Twist my nose, stick my finger straight in my face / Call me a liar?" See Hamlet, p. 328 . Every moment during the delay, the heart will be subjected to this kind of severe torture and torment. The prison's punishment officer is stern and selfless, and there is nowhere for people to escape.Man is being forced to hand over his most beloved and most precious everything step by step: love, family affection, friendship, until finally handing over his body.Don't assume that there will be any pardon at all, on the contrary, the punishment will only become more and more terrible. If your will can't bear it, you can only give up your efforts to be a "human being" and become a mere "crawling around in the world". guy.The so-called "true qualities of a hero" is this kind of infinite endurance, this kind of impulse in the deadly clamp - every impulse is ruthlessly extinguished by oneself, and in the end it will still revive and launch a more violent charge against fate.Therefore, Hamlet's fate has formed such a pattern: patience--explosion--endurance--explosion again.If it is not for the needs of the drama, this process will not end.The outbreak was only a momentary thing, but patience constituted his daily life, and he became the most melancholy prince in history. "Oh, from now on, nothing but bloody thoughts shall be in my head!" See Hamlet, p. 138. The prince's words are regret for his delay, but also a strong urging.Although the determination has been made, man cannot change his nature.With Hamlet's upbringing, his strong rationality, and his profound thinking, he is destined to have only "Hamlet-style" revenge.Of course, the ghost living in Hamlet's body has already seen all this. He didn't give the prince any specific instructions, but simply asked him to "remember me".Of course, this sentence is superfluous. The former king is the soul of the prince. He passed on the most intense conflict and the hottest blood to the prince. How could the prince forget it? What is revenge? Revenge is to repeat the ancient, eternal The paradox of life is to perform life on the big stage of life.And real performance is not something that can be achieved in one step, it is a fruitless and painful process.Therefore, in the description of the ghost, the throne, the country, etc. were thrown aside, and it only wanted to talk about its hatred and hatred to the prince to activate his inner contradictions.Hatred is aroused, and the purpose of the ghost is also achieved.The spiritual world of the former kings and princes in the same spiritual mode is the epitome of the long-term development of human spirit, and this is where the unfailing vitality of this drama lies.Artists who dare to imprison themselves must shine with the light of eternal life in their works. 4. The attitude of "speaking" From the beginning to the end of this tragedy, Hamlet can be said to have completely ignored the "reality" in the secular sense. It seems that the throne and the future of the country are not in his consideration. Putting all his attention on the matter of the human heart, he naturally became an explorer of humanity, and once he started this fearless exploration, he never looked back.Since a person has seen through the dangers of the human heart and no longer has any illusions about life, why does he still live in this world? Of course it is for the greatest cause—the cause of "talking".Against the background of darkness and filth, talk about people's dreams, people's yearning, and people's pursuit; not only talk about it, but most importantly, talk about it with actions, and show it to the world.He wants everyone to know how unwilling he is to die, and how real the world he pursues is.See what he said to his friend Horatio who attempted suicide: "Ah, Horatio, this doesn't tell the truth/I'll ​​leave a hurting name/If you really put me in your heart/Now you slow down and find comfort/Pain in this cruel To leave a breath/Tell my story." See Hamlet, p. 426. He didn't want to die by himself, although life was much more difficult than death, but his heart didn't have the urge to die, only the struggle to survive.Since the death of his noble father held a coming-of-age ceremony for him, all he has done is how to survive in the gloomy prison, not only survive, but also tell everyone about life, and serve people with a suffering body. Set an example.Through his verbal and physical narrations, people saw how the heart suffers in terrible confinement; love and family affection are brutally strangled; extreme anger and hatred and endless suppression of this anger and hatred; and endless extinguishing The sanction of the desire to live.All of these are giving birth to the capitalized "person".Perhaps in the secular reality, Hamlet will never meet the standard of the image of a "man", and what happened to him is rather the opposite; but in the reality of the soul, in the prince's stubborn "speaking" gesture , the image of "human" has come to the fore, a more tenacious and persistent image than the previous king, a newly born young ghost. Consider again what the prince said: "What a work of art is man! How noble is reason! How infinite is power! Appearance and manners..." See Hamlet, p. 317. He can't himself, and we all can't become the "person" he said. Only the gesture of speaking shows the possibility of the future.
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