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Chapter 65 Reading Notes Helen's Mode--Reading "Faust"

Can Xue's Selected Works 残雪 2003Words 2018-03-20
Fulkuas (played by Mephisto), who appeared in the ugly appearance of the "Daughter of Chaos", was determined to use the original power he obtained from the depths of the spiritual world to make a bold experiment on the Greek beauty Helen. Of course, this move is also for the spiritual growth of Faust.The essence of this experiment is to continue to split the personality of the crazy and enthusiastic beauty in the past, and to accomplish the great cause of love in the split.To achieve this, Helen must first overcome her existing concept of beauty, and have a fall combined with "ugliness".And Fulkuas himself is the embodiment of ugliness. In fact, she is also the unstoppable evil desire deep in Helen's heart, which led her to create a series of love miracles in the past.In order to bring Helen to that conscious depravity, Forkouas tried his best to seduce her.Of course, this excellent woman also understood, obeying the seducer and breaking into another new world.This relationship between Faucuas and Helen shows how beauty and ugliness are inseparable, and also shows that the basis of the most beautiful things must be the ugliest. Ugliness is life force, and beauty is the awareness of this life force.What gave birth to Helen's glamorous and charming demeanor was exactly the Forcuas that her soul longed for forever.

As soon as Helen appeared on the stage, she tried to maintain a kind of lady-like beauty. She seemed to stay in the beauty of this noble concept and could not tolerate the slightest bit of vulgarity.She also regarded all her past evil deeds as a dream.The reason why she looks like this is because she faintly feels the threat of death: "...the immortal gods doomed me to an ambiguous reputation and destiny. They are beautiful and unreliable fellow travelers. Even supporting me on this threshold, they all showed a gloomy and threatening look." "Goethe Collected Works Volume 1 ", translated by Lu Yuan, 329 pages, People's Literature Publishing House, 1999.

Death is her coming husband, beauty's destiny is to make sacrifices.Helen doesn't want to die, and she doesn't fully believe that she is dying. Like all living people, she still has illusions about death (husband).Her real situation needs to be shown and enlightened by Fulkuas.The structure of man's fate fully demonstrates the dependence of human consciousness on vitality, and the superficial rationality must constantly renew itself with the help of vitality.Forcuas told Helen that there was no way for her to escape. If she wanted to remain a lady, she had to be killed by that cruel husband obediently.

"Beauty is indivisible; those who possess her would rather destroy her than share it with anyone." "Goethe Collection Volume One", translated by Lu Yuan, 346 pages, People's Literature Publishing House, 1999. "Can you hear the horns ringing and the weapons flashing?" "Goethe Anthology Volume One", translated by Lu Yuan, 347 pages, People's Literature Publishing House, 1999. Fulkuas is actually enlightening Helen on death awareness, revealing that death is also provoking her desire to try life again, urging her to fight desperately and break into the hopeless situation in the chaos.They finally arrive at this point:

"Oh, we are glad to go / in a hurry / behind death / in front of / towering fortress / inaccessible walls." "Goethe Collection Volume One", translated by Lu Yuan, 347 pages, People's Literature Publishing House, 1999. Helen, who is still beautiful and extremely vigorous, begins a new pursuit of life step by step under the temptation and instigation of Fulkas, both rationally and instinctively.At this moment, she had vaguely recognized Fulkouas in front of her eyes, and felt intuitively that she was the devil who always gave orders in her heart. She had always obeyed her and must obey her now.To do what she says, is ahead of adventure, passion, burst of vitality, and endless depravity; against her, it is horror, nothingness and death.Helen chose the former.

"Is this a palace? Or a deep tomb? It's terrible to say the least! Sisters, alas, we are locked up, and we are locked up after all." "Goethe Collected Works, Vol. 1", p. 349. But it was just a false alarm.Everyone has to go through a desperate death show before being reborn.Relying on primitive brute force, Helen's group marched forward in nowhere, and broke into the "whimsical" medieval castle. Helen, who symbolizes the highest ideal of beauty, has her inner boiling wild power activated entirely by Fulkuas.The function of Fulkuas is to constantly break through the existing concept of beauty with heterogeneous and restless agitation, so that beauty can be updated from time to time, and beauty can be combined with ugliness instead of artificially separating it from ugliness. Form rigidity.To achieve this, Fulkouas must have a peculiar vision, seeing beauty and ugliness at the same time, seeing both as one.Just as she discovered the great ethereal beauty from the Daughter of Chaos and the Sphins before, now she sees the ugliness of primitive brute force from Helen, and the two grow and transform each other.So she tried her best to provoke Helen, let Helen realize the ugliness inside herself, and by bringing this ugliness to its peak, she could achieve the sublimation of beauty.Helen, who is sensual by nature, listens to the original call of her heart in this way, and completes the journey of beauty both intuitively and rationally.Helen's pattern is the pattern from which all beauty is born.Without absorbing nutrients from the dirty life at the bottom, beauty will wither, so Helen's life is also a life of "evil", and the lust of men aroused by her has turned the world into darkness.The author endows the beauty of Helen with sublime reason, and this beauty becomes eternal.Where does the deep rationality come from? Of course it comes from Forkouas.Mephistopheles, who has been to the primordial area of ​​the spirit world, not only stole the ancient impulse from there, but also acquired the self-awareness of this impulse at the same time.These two things, one is the shadow of the other, together they form a beautiful shape, and when they develop, they become the Helen model.The coexistence of impulse and consciousness is the coexistence of life and death. As long as beauty is in the process of realization, death is always accompanied.So whenever Helen and Faust's love reaches its climax, the huge shadow of Helen's husband covers the sky.There is no relief, and there is no luck. The only way is not to look at it, forget it temporarily, seize every moment to survive, and deeply understand what belongs to you.Helen, who entrusted the author's ideal, is a natural model of art, but only a great heart can inject the ancient model with full artistic vitality.

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