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Chapter 54 Reading Notes "The End"--Reading Borges' Novels

Can Xue's Selected Works 残雪 896Words 2018-03-20
It is a beautiful short poem, readers can smell the rich fragrance in the atmosphere of the poem. Fate paralyzed Reka Barron, the owner of the grocery store, in bed, unable to speak, but fate gave him an unexpected gift according to the principle of symmetry, which is the ability to build mazes.So Rekabalon "focused on the present like an animal" in a severe situation, immersing himself in his own illusion.The labyrinth is filled with eternal beauty, but also hides the approaching murderous intent.Lying on the bed, Reka Barron started the dream interpretation game again.After entering his world, we realized how good it was for him to be paralyzed, so that he could concentrate on entering the core of the labyrinth.

There are two opponents in the maze (this is the general pattern of mazes).The black man has been waiting, waiting for the doomed death to come, playing endless notes on his guitar, waiting for seven years.The struggle between life and death begins.The valiant Negro "brought out all the courage and cunning" as he asked the other party, and killed the other party.And Reka Barron in the house saw the ending before that.The layout of this labyrinth is very simple, and what makes people intoxicated for a long time is its atmosphere, that kind of heterogeneous, unforgettable pictures at first sight, and the crying music.

Rekabalon stroked the bell with his left hand, as if casting a spell, and a wonderland between existence and nothingness immediately appeared: The plain under the setting sun is a bit illusory, as if seen in a dream.On the horizon there is a black dot pulsating up and down, getting bigger and bigger. It turned out to be a rider... "Borges Anthology - Fiction Volume", page 191, Hainan International Press and Publishing Center, 1996. The scenery before the end is profound: There comes a moment in the evening when the plain seems to have something to say; it has never said it, perhaps it has been telling it for eternity and we do not understand it, perhaps we do understand it, but it is as inexplicable as music... "The Collected Works of Borges" #8226; Fiction Volume", p. 193.

No words can explain that landscape, but people clearly feel its strong hint.Lying on the bed, Reka Barron certainly understood what Ping Yuan said, because he saw the ending ahead of time. The brave and melancholy Negro, the elf inside Rekabaron, has once again vanquished death.A person who has experienced death has no place in the world anymore, and now he can only drift forever, just like the scene at the beginning of the story of Rekaballon: "Rekaballoon lay on the small bed with half-opened eyes, and saw A sloping reed ceiling. From another room came the strumming of guitars, a terribly clumsy maze of notes endlessly intertwined and unraveled..." "Borges Anthology&# 8226; Fiction Volume", p. 191.

He must be strong enough to endure the harsh and lonely reality, and of course he will be rewarded with instant happiness.
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