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Chapter 20 novella boy xiaozheng

Can Xue's Selected Works 残雪 20699Words 2018-03-20
The boy is the grandson of Teacher Yuanpu. He is twelve years old this year. He is an impatient and fast-moving child.Teacher Yuan Pu is a retired rural mathematics teacher. Teacher Yuan Pu had a big fight with the school over his retirement, because he didn't want to retire at all, he just wanted to continue working in the regional middle school and die.Of course, this kind of thinking is unacceptable, so the principal ordered Yuan Pu to retire.Teacher Yuan Pu has no lessons, so he stays in the reception room every day, making up lessons for some students who are poor in their homework.Later he led the students to his home again.His home is separated from the school by two villages, but there are still poor students who travel long distances to come to his home for tutoring at night.

The teachers and students shared an oil lamp and spoke in a low voice while turning the pages of the book.Usually five or six students always come, sometimes two or three.Xiaozheng was also crowded among the students, and everyone surrounded a table tightly.Xiaozheng noticed that whenever a gust of wind blew and the flames in the oil lamp trembled, Grandpa's face turned into a fox's face.The fox's eyes were gloomy and miserable.When Xiaozheng saw his grandfather's face turned into that, he screamed in fright.As soon as he yelled, grandpa got angry and told Xiaozheng to "get out".When Xiaozheng looked up again, the fox disappeared.He felt so strange and wronged, why didn't everyone see Grandpa's fox face? Maybe they saw it too, but no one dared to say anything?

This kind of supplementary lessons for families is also very unusual. Although they are flipping through math books, no one talks about math.Almost every time, Xiaozheng heard his grandfather talking to his students about a new tragedy somewhere around.Occasionally, instead of talking about tragedies, one day would talk about the water quality of the rivers in the area.Unexpectedly, these young people came to his house from such a long distance just to talk about this kind of thing, Xiaozheng was very puzzled.When Grandpa spoke, his voice was originally low, but when he mentioned a key point, he suddenly raised his voice.This is especially true when he turns into a fox face, he will suddenly open his blood red mouth and roar.Once this happened, Xiaozheng threw himself on the table and passed out.When he woke up, there was no one around, and the oil lamp was burning quietly.He vaguely heard some voices outside, opened the door and saw that it was Grandpa saying goodbye to the students.

"It's hard life without students." Grandpa said as he walked into the house. "What the hell are you doing on the table?" He suddenly asked Xiaozheng. Xiaozheng replied that he was too lazy to play tricks, he fell asleep at that moment. "That's all right. It's good for children to dream." But Xiaozheng never dreamed, even if he did, he couldn't remember it.He felt that Grandpa was trying to scare him, which made him very angry. In recent years, Mr. Yuan Pu has stopped teaching students.Xiaozheng never saw his fox face again, so he was a little bit regretful, and a little nostalgic for what happened when he was a child.He was still not sure about what he saw, so it was useless to ask his grandfather.Xiaozheng thought, why didn't he think of reaching out to touch that furry pointed face at that time? If it was now, he would definitely do so.Today, grandpa asked him to make that airplane model again, but he was very unwilling, so he saw wood with a saw angrily and quickly.The plane model is about the length of a table.Grandpa worked as a carpenter when he was young, but he seldom did it. He just directed Xiaozheng to work.After sawing for a while, Xiaozheng threw the saw away when he saw his grandfather going out.

Xiaozheng went to play with Wenxuan.Wenxuan is cooking pig stew in the stove. "My grandfather has something to hide from me." Xiaozheng said. "Yes. I saw him eating in the woods while I was chopping wood." "Why do you eat in the woods?" "What he eats is not ordinary. It seems to be a handful of green things. Does he want to live forever? I think my grandpa also wants to live forever." "possible." Both teenagers were lost in thought.The fire was burning very vigorously in the stove, and Xiaozheng smelled a special stench, which made him very uncomfortable.

"What firewood did you burn?" "It's not the little trees that were cut down on the mountain." Xiaozheng couldn't sit still, so he stood up and wanted to leave.Wen Xuan also stood up, leaned into his ear and said word by word: "I'm afraid of your grandpa. They say he's about to become an invulnerable ghost." Xiaozheng stood under the big tree boredly observing the cicadas for a while, then turned to catch the longicorn in the orange tree.I caught a few, felt bored, and threw them all away.He guessed that grandpa had gone to the woods in the back mountain, and he felt excited, so he walked in the direction of the back mountain.

The back mountain is very high, there are not many trees, and the forest is sparse, but there are many miscellaneous shrubs that grow fast, so the villagers always like to go to the back mountain to cut firewood.Before Xiaozheng reached the stone bridge, he ran into his grandfather who had returned from the mountain. He took a hard look at his grandfather and found that there was a trace of green juice at the corner of his mouth. "Children don't work hard, what are they doing here?" Grandpa is very upset.Grandpa was holding a branch in his hand, it was the smelly tree that Wen Xuan burned.Along the way, he met a few woodcutters, and they all greeted grandpa with a smile. Xiaozheng felt that these people seemed to meet his grandpa on the mountain every day.Grandpa naggingly said to Xiaozheng that he must work hard, especially making models. This kind of labor requires endurance, and he needs to do it one by one.Xiaozheng promised, but he wanted to run away.When he was about to get home, he met a neighbor. Grandpa was standing on the side of the road talking to him, and Xiaozheng took the opportunity to run away.

Xiaozheng ran to the ridge of the field and saw Qiuyuan coming up from the field with a plastic bag of eels. "Just caught it. Let's eat at my house." "No." "Ha, you must be full of fairy fruits with your grandfather, right?" Xiaozheng glared at him, but he ignored Xiaozheng and left by himself.A terrible idea popped into Xiaozheng's mind: Will grandpa turn into a goat that eats grass? Xiaozheng saw his father coming out of the house, holding some fruit tree saplings in his hand.His father was an agronomist in the area.Xiaozheng wanted to hide, but his father stopped him and told him to stay at home and not to go out.He had to go sawing wood again in desperation.It was like this every time, he could escape his grandfather, but he couldn't escape his father, and his father quietly helped grandpa control Xiaozheng.

After a while, his arm became sore, and Xiaozheng sat down to rest in a gloomy mood.He waited for a long time, but grandpa still didn't come back.So he went to the door to look around.Strangely, there was no sign of grandpa, and grandpa left again.Xiaozheng looked at the model airplane with only one wing in frustration, and remembered what his grandfather had said.Grandpa told him that he was going to fly the model tonight.Grandpa is obviously bragging, how can wood fly into the sky? Just two days ago, grandpa's student came to see him, and he told the student that his model airplane was about to go up into the sky.Xiaozheng didn't know where his grandfather got this confidence, but he had to know that in normal times, his grandfather would never brag or tell lies.Thinking about these boring things, Xiaozheng's mood was gloomy.He casually took an old newspaper from the table to read, and fell asleep on the bench before finishing a piece of news.

At this time, Teacher Yuanpu was munching on a kind of grass called Panax chinensis on the mountain.He discovered that he could eat grass by accident. At first it was just a whimsical attempt, but later he couldn't stop.The types of grasses are limited to those herbs: fenugreek, lavender, wild onions, and sometimes basil in vegetable soil.But recently, he found himself wanting to taste any grass.Generally, the grass is pulled up, stuffed into the mouth, chewed slowly, and swallowed slowly, like an aging cattle.Because of eating grass, he came to the back mountain almost every day.I was also afraid that people would find out, so I didn't dare to hold too much grass in my hand. I pulled out a little bit and ate a little bit, and threw it away immediately when I saw someone coming.He knew that people were talking about him, but those people didn't know that what he ate was grass.Teacher Yuanpu also practiced eating grass like a cow in the past two days. He found a place with dense grass and squatted down to practice, but the effect was not good. The grass was hard to get into his mouth, and it was hard to bite it off .He is still studying tirelessly, thinking of the old saying in his mind: "As long as you work hard, an iron rod can be ground into a needle".One day, when he was lying prone on the ground and turning his head to do this, he was discovered by the child Wenxuan.Wenxuan asked him what he was eating, and he replied that he would eat fairy fruit. Wenxuan was very envious, and asked him if he wanted some, but he shook his head repeatedly at his request.Just this morning, he started eating shrub leaves again, the smelly little shrubs that everyone burns as firewood.He was very happy, because standing in the bushes, he could pretend that he had come to chop wood.

Teacher Yuan Pu feels that his physical strength and energy have been greatly enhanced since he ate grass.He ate less and less and didn't sleep much.His nocturnal sleep became a form, often waking up just after a nap.After he woke up, he wandered in the woods. Many people saw him in the early morning, and two old men who got up in the middle of the night also saw him.People who saw him avoided him and called him a "ghost" behind their backs.Teacher Yuanpu has recently felt that Xiaozheng has become his heart disease, because this child has begun to pay attention to his whereabouts.He didn't want to let him know about his private affairs now.He felt that this child was like his father, who accepted death and didn't easily believe in things he hadn't seen.It was to improve his grandson's temperament that Mr. Yuanpu ordered him to make airplane models.His approach appears to have had little effect so far. Because of the rain this morning, Teacher Yuanpu smelled the strong fragrance of green grass and leaves, so he couldn't wait to go up the mountain.After he lay down on the ground and ate some newly grown grass vigorously, he suddenly smelled a strange fragrance.He searched around and finally found the scented plant.It was one of those smelly shrubs that people use for firewood, with little white flowers on them.Everyone in this village likes to burn this kind of firewood, but Teacher Yuanpu doesn't like to burn it, thinking it is too stinky.Ah, these leaves will release an intoxicating aroma at a specific moment! Especially those little white flowers, Teacher Yuanpu felt extremely happy after smelling them a few times.So without doing anything, he sat among the flowers and leaves and ate.While eating, I sighed in my heart: It turns out that the villagers already knew the mystery here! Teacher Yuanpu passed out quickly, and when he fell down, he saw many colorful golden pheasants flying towards him. When he woke up, he saw someone chopping wood not far from him.Teacher Yuanpu jumped up in shock and quickly left the bush.But that person didn't know him, he was a young man, Teacher Yuan Pu saw that all the shrubs he cut down were the kind he ate just now, he had already cut a large piece, Teacher Yuan Pu felt that he didn't need the firewood on the ground at all. Maybe he picked it back, but he was still chopping.Teacher Yuan Pu gradually became uneasy: What exactly is this man going to do? After waiting for a while, he saw that the man slashed wildly, and the bushes fell down with a groan.He finally couldn't bear it and walked over, patted the young man on the back and said: "Hey, take a break." The man rolled his eyes at him, threw the machete away, and said angrily: "Take a break." Teacher Yuan Pu found that the young man was barefoot, didn't even wear straw sandals, the trouser legs of a pair of linen trousers were hung ragged, and the cloth shirt on his upper body was made of two sweat towels. "Are you chopping wood?" "Bah! I'm chopping and playing, and the firewood here is easy to chop!" "Aren't you from here?" "Of course not, I'm walking around." "I have a grandson who is just as irritable as you." Teacher Yuan Pu was taken aback by what he said, and he felt as if he had been possessed by a demon. "Then he won't end well either." Teacher Yuanpu saw him bend down, picked up the hatchet and left.He was puzzled for a while: How could this person not be afraid of the wooden thorns piercing his torment? When his eyes fell on the large piece of broken branches and leaves on the ground, he couldn't help but pick up those flowers and eat them. When Teacher Yuanpu met his grandson Xiaozheng later, Xiaozheng took the branch in his hand and sniffed it, frowning and saying that it stinks to death.Teacher Yuanpu felt that his attitude further proved his judgment: this child is like his father. A long-lost student of Mr. Yuanpu came to visit him.Xiaozheng saw him sitting stiffly on the bench, rubbing his hands uneasily.There was a lot of mud on his trouser legs.When he moved his buttocks, Xiaozheng was taken aback, because there was a white and short tail on that buttocks, which swung back and forth with his small movements.Grandpa seems to be very satisfied with this student, clapping his palm on his shoulder from time to time.As for the issues that grandpa talked with him, sometimes Xiaozheng could understand, sometimes he couldn't understand.As they talked, their heads stuck together, and Xiaozheng saw them gnawing each other's faces.As soon as Xiaozheng coughed, they separated immediately. "Mushrooms grow very quickly in this kind of day. The teachers and students in the school eat mushrooms every day." The student said. Teacher Yuanpu nodded seriously, as if recalling something. After sitting for a while, the student stood up and wanted to leave. Teacher Yuanpu said that he would go with him.Xiaozheng saw that the tail disappeared as soon as the student stood up, and he couldn't see it no matter how he looked.When he followed the students to observe, Grandpa gave him a hard look and gestured for him to get out of the way.Xiaozheng stood at the door and looked at the backs of his grandfather and students from a distance. He saw that they were not walking towards the school, but towards the mountain.Xiaozheng was very angry, rushed into the room, took a hammer and smashed the model airplane.The fuselage was smashed with a wide gap, and the tenon came out.Xiaozheng discovered that there was actually a long-necked bottle in it, and there was a kind of yellow-green beetle in the bottle. Those beetles piled up and climbed up, but they could never reach the bottle mouth. They did this hopeless labor again and again. . Xiaozheng's father came over after hearing the loud noise.He is a taciturn man, widowed in middle age, and he seems to have lost confidence in life on the surface. "You can't let grandpa know that you're wreaking havoc." Yuan Wen said from a distance, as if he didn't want to come to see the scene. "One day I'm going to find out what the hell Grandpa is up to!" "You can't hold your breath. It's not good." Although Xiaozheng was furious, he also became a little scared.He wanted to repair the cracked fuselage, but the cracks got bigger and bigger.So he gave up in a panic, and hurried to saw the planks, which was the job his grandfather had assigned him.He worked hard on sawing, while thinking about how to trick grandpa. When Teacher Yuan Pu and his student Yuan Yi climbed to the top of the mountain, both of them were already sweating profusely. Along the way, Yuan Yi kept looking around, trying to find some abnormal signs.But no, this is just an ordinary Chai mountain, which is a bit boring, because there are neither big trees nor strange rocks on the mountain, only some miscellaneous shrubs.Yuan graduated from school a long time ago, and now he is farming at home. He is Teacher Yuan Pu's favorite student.When Teacher Yuanpu just retired, he often came to his house.Later, Xiaozheng saw Yuan Yi and his father Yuan Wen talking alone in the room. That day, Teacher Yuan Pu hid upstairs and did not see Yuan Yi.Later Yuan Yi stopped coming.Yuanwen met Yuan Yi on the road, and Yuan Yi told him that he was working on the invention of watermelon grafting.Yuan Wen told his father about his situation, and Teacher Yuan Pu nodded frequently in amazement. "Teacher, are there any legends about this wild place?" "Oh, don't believe other people's nonsense. What legends, passed down from generation to generation, are all lies. We must judge for ourselves." Yuan Yi heard the wind blowing on the opposite mountain, but there was no wind on the mountain they were on.For a moment, he felt that he and Teacher Yuanpu had become two fossils, which made him a little panicked.What did the teacher bring him here for? "Yuan Yi, tell me honestly, have you encountered any strange things in the past few years since you left school? For example, has anyone come to you?" "Ah, teacher," Yuan Yi seemed a little excited when he replied, "I am busy in the fields every day, what strange things can I encounter? Who will come to me?" "Think about it carefully." Yuan Yi fell into deep thought.He raised his head for a while, wanted to speak but was a little hesitant, Teacher Yuan Pu encouraged him with his eyes. "It was Teacher, you came to see me, in a dream, when I was sleeping. Why did you use this method to contact me? I chased you so hard. You disappeared in the blink of an eye." "I don't mean myself, someone must have come to you, you forgot." Teacher Yuanpu said gently. Yuan Yi murmured in a low voice: "Maybe, maybe." He heard the wind break a big tree on the opposite mountain, and that tree hit another small tree, making a series of cracking sounds.Yuan Yi shivered, thinking of the reed hen at home.The chicken was bitten off by a wild cat from outside the cage, and now it is staying in the nest to survive.The life in the school has long been far away from him, and there is only one thing that will never be forgotten, and that is the fact that Teacher Yuanpu was expelled from the classroom.Originally, the principal had arranged for another math teacher to teach them, but Teacher Yuan Pu came to the classroom first and started teaching without hesitation.Then the embarrassing scene happened.At that time, most of the students were gloating and watching the excitement, and some even helped the principal and the dean of teaching to push Teacher Pu away.Teacher Yuanpu's face was pale, dripping with sweat, and while being forcibly pulled out of the classroom, he shouted: "I will not forgive you for being rough on me!" The onlookers all laughed.He remembered that Teacher Yuanpu also laughed later, but it was just a wry smile. "Don't you want to live another life? The life that the person who came to you told you?" Mr. Yuanpu looked into the students' eyes expectantly. "I work in the fields every day..." "It doesn't interfere, not at all." He interrupted his complaint. Yuan Yi suddenly felt that it was because Teacher Yuan Pu was sitting on this hill that the wind stopped blowing here.Teacher Yuan Pu has many lofty things in his heart that Yuan Yi can't reach.He finally left school, but he didn't break down, something inside him continued to grow.Yuan Yi also heard that Mr. Yuan Pu ate some strange food while hiding in the mountains, but he didn't believe that what he ate was longevity fruit.For some reason, he felt that it was inconvenient to ask the teacher about such things. Yuan Yi felt that he should go back, because the sky was getting dark.He said this to Teacher Yuan Pu, and Teacher Yuan Pu asked him to go first. "What about you? It's inconvenient when it gets dark." "I'll just sleep on this rock, and my grandson Xiaozheng will come later." "Really?" "No mistake." It was completely dark while talking.When Yuan came down the mountain, he stumbled and stumbled in the bushes, and some birds screamed.After a while he walked away.There is no moon, and the star has not risen.Teacher Yuanpu took out a lighter, grabbed some firewood and lit it on the rocks. The small bonfire burst out with straight flames, and he stood beside him adding firewood.In fact, the firewood he had prepared was everywhere around the stone. Mr. Yuanpu listened while smoking a cigarette, the footsteps of "cha-cha" were getting closer, he smiled knowingly, and made the fire more lively. "Have you finished all the work for today?" He asked Xiaozheng. "Done. Just something to tell you." "Stop talking, I know you well. Did you come when you saw my campfire?" "I didn't see it at first. Daddy told me." "Your dad, I can't figure him out." Both grandparents were silent.Xiao is thinking about smashing the model, while Teacher Yuan Pu is thinking about Yuan Wen.Later, when Xiaozheng raised his head, he saw that the opposite mountain was on fire, and someone was running wildly in the howling wind.Look at grandpa again, adding firewood to the campfire as if nothing had happened. After turning off the fire, Teacher Yuanpu called Xiaozheng to go down together.After walking a few steps, Xiaozheng looked up at the mountain opposite again. The fire on the mountain was still burning, and the wind was still blowing so loudly. "Let's sit down and have something to eat." Teacher Yuanpu said. Xiaozheng's heart was pounding.Grandpa groped in the dark for a while, but couldn't find anything to eat.He seemed a little irritable as he muttered words.Xiaozheng was also groping, and when he touched a tree with a bad smell, he broke off a branch and gave it to Grandpa.Grandpa beat the surrounding grass with the branch. "Ha!" said he, "your father is quite another man than I thought!" Teacher Yuanpu was very excited. Originally, he wanted Xiaozheng to taste weeds and exercise his stomach, but now he changed his mind.He decided to let Xiaozheng finish the airplane model first. When we got home, the wind picked up.Xiaozheng turned his head and saw that the back mountain they had just descended was dark and the forest was whistling by the wind, and he couldn't help feeling very depressed.What the hell is Grandpa doing there alone? Yuanwen said respectfully: "You guys are home." Teacher Yuanpu glanced at him and went straight to his room.Suddenly his mind brightened, and he remembered that Yuanwen often burned those dead leaves in the backyard, and stood by the fire for a long time thinking about his thoughts.The daughter-in-law died of illness the year before last, and as soon as the daughter-in-law left, Yuanwen's soul was also taken away.On the surface, Yuanwen was still the same as usual, and he did not appear sad.But one day Mr. Yuanpu discovered a strange thing when he got up to roam in the middle of the night.He first walked into the bedroom where his son was sleeping alone, and he heard Yuanwen snoring loudly one after another, which is how he usually snores.That night, the moonlight was not very good. Teacher Yuanpu saw the quilt on the bed collapsed suspiciously through the dim light. He bent down to the pillow again, but he didn't see Yuanwen's head.This time he was very surprised, so he reached out his hand to check under the bed, and it was empty! Yuan Wen was not there, but the room was full of his snoring! In the morning, Teacher Yuan Pu saw Yuan Wen making breakfast in the kitchen , nothing unusual at all. "Yuanwen, did you sleep well?" "It's okay." This happens all the time.Teacher Yuan Pu is also used to it, he knows that Yuan Wen didn't go out, just "absent".During the day, my son traveled hundreds of miles around to deliver the technology the farmers needed, never daring to slack off in the slightest.His rigid and pious work attitude is also a mystery to Mr. Yuan Pu. Are those tomatoes, watermelons, and rice really that important to him? Under his fiddling, the grapes in their yard grow It is as big as a pigeon egg, but Mr. Xiao Zheng and Yuan Pu don't like to eat it, because they are afraid.However, Yuanwen, who is often "absent" at night, is a very down-to-earth person.Teacher Yuan Pu remembered that he was a man of action since he was a child, and he didn't like to talk, but he pointed out that he was a man of many years and sent him to the agronomy school hesitantly. Xiaozheng finally plucked up the courage to admit to his grandfather that the model airplane had been destroyed by him.When he got home, he saw that all the beetles had disappeared from the flask, and he panicked.After much deliberation, he had no choice but to report to grandpa immediately, he was worried that there would be a big mess.Grandpa sat under the oil lamp, raised a finger, and told Xiaozheng not to go on. "Listen!" Teacher Yuanpu said to Xiaozheng. Xiaozheng heard the sound of insect wings flapping in the room, more and more, more and more dense.But it was impossible to see what kind of insect it was.He stood up and wanted to look for it, but Grandpa blew out the oil lamp again.In the darkness, I could only hear that sound all over the room.Grandpa told him not to move around, because this kind of beetle is very lethal. "How can a job that has started be stopped halfway?" Grandpa said this sentence over and over again. Xiaozheng felt his cheeks itchy from the wings of flying insects, but he didn't dare to scratch them.After staying like this for an unknown amount of time, the door opened with a "squeak" and Yuanwen came in, holding a lantern in his hand.As soon as Yuanwen came in, the insects disappeared, neither seeing nor hearing. Yuanwen murmured softly while putting the lantern on the table, Xiaozheng heard him seem to be saying that the bugs would fly into the house when it rained outside.He put down the lamp and turned to go out. "He, no one wants to know what's on his mind!" Grandpa said loudly. Xiaozheng thought, could it be that grandpa suspects that daddy released those beetles? Why did daddy do such a thing? Although the bugs disappeared as soon as the light was turned on, Xiaozheng felt that those bugs must be lurking somewhere in the house. Xiaozheng was very afraid of these destructive insects.Suddenly Xiaozheng heard a noise in the outer room, and he wanted to get up to look, but Grandpa held him down.Grandpa unscrewed the lantern first, then grabbed his hand and said vaguely, "Come with me." After Xiaozheng and his grandfather touched the outside room, they looked carefully at the faint light coming in from the window, and found that the huge thing that was originally placed in the middle of the room had disappeared, and grandpa was kneeling on the ground and groping. "Here's the fuselage!" he said sharply, banging on a board. "Yuanwen, bah!" There was a strange poignancy in his voice.Infinite pity filled Xiaozheng's heart, and he also knelt down involuntarily, crying and saying: "Grandpa, Grandpa, I will never..." "Silly boy, what's the matter anymore? Have you found the wings?" Xiaozheng handed the long thing to grandpa, and grandpa stood up immediately.He seemed to have touched a few tools in the dark, and was doing some kind of modification to the wing.He gripped and filed things in the vise without looking.Xiaozheng felt extremely tired after going through this series of tossing, and fell asleep as soon as he fell on the bench.But soon woke up again, because grandpa made a deafening noise when assembling the model.As soon as Xiaozheng opened his eyes, he saw that big guy standing in the middle of the room again.Then Grandpa carried him to the bedroom. After a long time, Xiaozheng was still thinking about these questions: Did Dad really smash the model airplane that night? Was there any grudge between him and Grandpa? Where did those beetles go? Teacher Yuan Pu's body has gradually lost weight recently, but the weeds and leaves have made his body more energetic.At home, he still feels uneasy about his son Yuanwen because Yuanwen never fully reveals his feelings to him.He rides around on a broken bicycle and is basically not at home during the day, but Teacher Yuanpu can still feel that he penetrates deeply into his heart, which can be seen from his behavior of destroying his model airplane.His mother probably had some secret hope in him when she sent him off to agricultural school all those years ago. Xiaozheng polished the unattached wing with sandpaper.Just now, he looked in through the window hole of the fuselage and found that the long-necked bottle was placed in it again. He even saw those beetles. He felt that Grandpa was like a magician.After polishing for a while, he put his ear on it, and he could hear the buzzing inside, like a generator starting in a distant place.Then listen to other parts of the model, the same sound.Xiaozheng felt his hair was dizzy, and he couldn't work at ease again.This is a job without a bottom line. When will he finish it? Originally, the wing has been finished, but now there are several gaps in it, and it needs to be repaired again.Dad went out early in the morning, and grandpa came to arrange Xiaozheng's work after dad left, and asked him to repair the damage as soon as possible to make it "as good as new".Grandpa seems to want to do these things without telling dad. The student named Yuan Yi came again, and his grandfather stood at the door talking to him, and then he followed his grandfather outside like a dog.Xiaozheng looked carefully, but did not find a tail behind Yuan Yi.Could it be that his eyes were dazzled that night? In the past few days, Yuan came every day, and each time he came, he brought a long-necked bottle filled with colorful insects.He dumped the insects on the table, and the insects flew all over the room.At this time, grandpa opened the windows and doors to let all the bugs fly outside.Xiaozheng noticed their strange behavior, but Xiaozheng didn't understand at all, he just thought they were two madmen.Insects are poisonous, so Xiaozheng developed blisters and swellings for no reason, which disappeared on his feet and reappeared on his arms.Yesterday Daddy suddenly said to Xiaozheng, pay attention to Yuan Yi, don't have skin contact with him, and wipe down the chairs he sat on several times with disinfectant.Xiaozheng asked why, and his father said that it was because he contracted a strange disease.Xiaozheng wondered if his father would also be jealous of the relationship between Yuan Yi and his grandfather? Xiaozheng also saw his grandfather and Yuan Yi eating in the room. As soon as he entered, the two of them stopped chewing together and made nothing. The appearance of having eaten.He was really furious at that time! Wen Xuan once again confirmed to Xiaozheng: Grandpa indeed found a kind of longevity fruit on the mountain. "It's in the shape of a gourd, and his face is full of juice." Although it is an unreasonable speculation to find a longevity fruit on such a barren and barren mountain, Xiaozheng still likes this speculation very much.This made him eager to try, and he wanted to share the precious fruit with his grandfather.But now that Yuan Yi is caught in the middle, it seems that the only person grandpa values ​​is him.Just like the insect game, grandpa only played with him. "Yuan Yi, go to hell." Xiao Zheng said in his heart. During the autumn harvest, Xiaozheng saw the principal of the middle school appear at their home.The principal is much older, with thinning hair and a slightly bowed back.For some reason, he had a long non-poisonous snake on his arm, like a wanderer.He strode into the room and put the snake on the table, and the snake started to walk on the table, but it didn't fall off. Teacher Yuanpu smiled awkwardly, neither spoke nor left, just sat there smoking.The headmaster sat across from him, didn't speak, just stared at the snake's movement intently. After some time, Yuanwen came back from outside.Xiaozheng stopped Yuanwen outside the gate and said loudly: "It's not good, the principal has come to settle accounts with grandpa!" "Nonsense!" Yuanwen blushed. When Yuanwen stepped into the door, the principal had already stood up, the snake was still on his arm, and his hand was holding the snake's head.Yuanwen took two steps back in fright at first, then collected himself and stood firm. "Morning Principal Sun." He flattered and bowed. "Come early and finish early." The principal raised his head proudly and did not look at him. "This grudge has been going on for too long. I heard that Teacher Yuan Pu is working on a new life, which is quite encouraging. My student Yuan Yi reported this to me." Teacher Yuanpu thought to himself, the headmaster is still as energetic as he is.Originally, he could have stayed in the school for a few more years, so what was he thinking? When he was kicked out of the school by them that time, didn't the principal say that from now on, "well water will not violate river water"? He What are you doing now? In fact, Teacher Yuanpu doesn't blame the principal in his heart, it's just that he has been feeling melancholy for a long time and can't make up his mind.Now that the old matter is brought up again, Teacher Yuan Pu feels a little proud in his heart. When the headmaster's eyes fell on Xiaozheng who sneaked into the room surreptitiously, his eyes became gloomy.He raised the head of the snake in his hand, gave Xiaozheng a hard look, and said: "What's the matter with this kid? Why doesn't he go to school?" There was disgust in his tone. "This is my grandson, I let him study with me." Teacher Yuan Pu also made a provocative expression unconsciously.Xiaozheng quickly slipped out. "It turns out that you have other arrangements, that's fine." The principal's tone softened, "Then let him come to my place once, and I want to talk to him." When the principal was leaving, Yuanwen politely sent him far away, nodding and bowing.Xiaozheng heard his father say loudly to the principal: "This child will be entrusted to you from now on!" "What are you asking the principal for?" he asked Daddy. "The principal is a good man." Yuanwen replied simply.He doesn't like to talk. Xiaozheng waited in fear for several days, but the principal didn't come to ask him to go, maybe he forgot him, maybe Xiaozheng didn't understand what the adults said.But because of this, he worked harder, as if trying to fix some mistake. Teacher Yuan Pu started to make the tail fin, and something in his heart is becoming clear.Yesterday he brought Xiaozheng up the mountain and let him witness the scene of him grazing.Xiaozheng also wanted to imitate his grandfather, but he frowned and chewed a few pieces of grass, then frowned and spat it out again.Teacher Yuanpu told him that his stomach was still too tender, so he didn't need to eat all of it, just taste it.When they were practicing this, a large group of sparrows flew from the air and landed in the grass, making a fuss in panic.Later, Teacher Yuanpu led Xiaozheng into the cave again.The cave was very shallow, and he hit the wall within two steps, and Xiaozheng had a bump on his forehead.The grandparents and grandchildren witnessed the headmaster's figure haunting the grass in the cave. The man was running in a hurry, and the bushes stepped down by him rattled angrily. "The principal seems to be hiding something." Xiaozheng said to his grandfather. "The snake is chasing him, don't you see? Those are two big pythons that live in a hole over there. The snake that the headmaster usually has on his arm is used to lure them out of the hole." After Teacher Yuan Pu said these words, he felt that the matter in his heart had come to a conclusion. "If you want to lure them out of the hole, why do you hide from them?" Xiaozheng asked with a puzzled frown. "Can a boa constrictor not hide? Some will swallow people in one bite!" Xiaozheng hugged his grandfather in fear.Thinking that there was such a big python on the mountain, and he was not alert, he couldn't help feeling a little scared.He had heard that snakes were the fastest way down the mountain, so he thought it was no wonder the principal didn't run down the mountain, but always went around in circles.Teacher Yuanpu looked at Xiaozheng, understood his thoughts, laughed and said: "He, no one can run faster than him!" They were overtaken by the principal on their way home.Xiaozheng clearly heard the principal repeating that he wanted to talk to him, but when he asked his grandfather later, his grandfather said that he "got it wrong".Grandpa didn't like Xiaozheng's thoughts very much, and said: "Little boy, don't blame yourself for everything, the future will be long." He made Xiaozheng look very wronged. While doing the tail fins, Teacher Yuanpu remembered what happened yesterday.When the tail wing just took shape, Mr. Yuanpu himself was taken aback.Because the tail is actually longer than the wings, thin and long, it is really hard to understand why it looks like this.打磨到后来,他就在心里慢慢认同了这个尾翼。倒是小正并没有表现出吃惊,他还对这种异型的尾翼显出有兴趣的样子。到底是小孩子。远蒲老师上午看见远文交给小正一个网兜,网兜里有一些蝴蝶。后来那网兜就不见了,他估计是小正藏起来了。远文从未想过要将小正培养成农艺师,而是听之任之,让他同爷爷混。以前远蒲老师认为他的魂让老婆带走了,所以对小正也没多大感觉了,现在看来并不完全是这样的,只不过他的感官用异于常人的方式发生作用罢了。 小正将耳朵在尾翼上贴了一下,脸色变得惨白。有一种勾魂的声音在那木材里头旋转着,使得木头"喳喳"地裂响。他走开去,那声音还是追逐着他。尾翼被它里面的声音震得微微颤动。小正想,难道木头里面掏空了吗?他可是亲眼看到爷爷的制作过程了啊。再说这种又细又长的东西,是用什么工具将里头掏空的呢? 小正不相信爷爷在山上吃的是草或树叶,他觉得爷爷还没有将秘密讲出来。他对草或树叶之类没兴趣,他感兴趣的是那种从未见过的东西。一个天天吃草的爷爷对于他来说是一个乏味的爷爷。当然他对文选说的什么"长生果"也不感兴趣。那种"长生果"全村人都知道,不过是一种石榴罢了。他又问过文选,文选告诉他说,他爷爷吃的东西"肯定不是草"。不是草,会是什么呢? 远文在沟边捕那些蝴蝶时,有种末日来临的感觉。蝴蝶粘在纱网上,美丽的翅膀无力地扇动着,那景象给他带来种种的回忆。那时在他们家的院子里,母亲种的那些花儿特别招蝴蝶。有时候,一连五六只闯进他的睡房里来,年幼的他对这些不速之客十分害怕,只好惦记着关窗的事。但总有疏忽的时候,那种时候它们就像树叶一样飘进来了,然后粘在他的衣物上面。无奈之下他去求母亲,母亲就给了他捕蝴蝶的网子。他小心地将它们一只一只捕进网里,又一只一只弄到外头放飞。他的母亲,似乎在锻炼他的耐力。 "远文叔叔,您怎么有闲心来干这个呢?" 正在他干得起劲的时候,父亲的一个学生突然出现在他面前,好像从地里冒出来的一样,浑身都是土,两只亮晶晶的眼睛眨巴着。他站在那里望着远文傻笑。 "是给小正玩的呢。"远文的脸都红了,他对自己很生气。 后来他同小正放飞这些蝴蝶时,它们大部分已经死了,小正不善于伺弄它们。 长颈瓶里的昆虫的确是他砸烂瓶子放出来的,他已经忍了好多天了,气不过,才做了那件事。虽然可怜那些昆虫,自己却又有捕蝴蝶的冲动,所以又生自己的气。有时他也会想一想:他和父亲两人,谁更极端呢? 小正同父亲一起从沟边回来时,月亮已经变得又大又圆。他想起被他抛在沟里的那些死蝴蝶的尸体,心里头懊悔不已。当时他应该听爹爹的,将它们放出来。可是这些小东西实在太美丽了,他就生出了要独享快乐的念头。沟边到处是一丛一丛的野菊和金银花,还有丁香,野玫瑰,怪不得飞来这么多蝴蝶呢。爹爹告诉他说这些个花都是当年奶奶撒下的种子长出来的。小正从未见过奶奶,听了爹爹这样一说神智就有些恍惚,有些搞不清是何年何月了。 父子俩回家后一会儿,远蒲老师也从外头回来了。远蒲老师不知在什么地方摔得鼻青脸肿,浑身都是土。远文看了看父亲,一下子记起遇见他的学生的那件事。 "孙校长搞了一场人蛇大战。"远蒲老师干巴巴地说。 "哦"。远文答应了一声。 他们各回各的房去了。 夜里小正敞开窗户站在那里久久地等待。他听见爷爷出了两趟门,都是出去一会儿又回来了。他幻想着蝴蝶从窗口鱼贯而入,他也幻想着奶奶回来了,手执一束他从未见过的怪花,每一朵花的花芯里都爬满了小苍蝇。 "小正啊,你看看这尾翼,是不是取消算了?"远蒲老师说。 "我不知道,我从没见过真飞机。" "我也没见过嘛。"远蒲老师不满地说。 被爷爷拆下的尾翼放在墙角,不再发出嗡嗡的声音了。再回过头来看飞机本身,也好像失去了从前的虎虎生气,成了一堆普通的木头。昨天小正在工作的时候校长真的来了,但他根本没有要找小正谈话的样子。他用一根铁条敲打着飞机模型,口里鄙夷地叨念着:"这种无用的庞然大物,我可见得多了,完全是一种庸俗的爱好嘛。"他绕着模型转来转去,完全不看小正一眼。小正偶然一抬头,发现校长的臀部鼓起一个大包,虽有衣服遮着,还是很显眼。那是不是一条尾巴呢?小正心里头升起一股恐惧,手里的活也干不下去了,心里盼望着爷爷快回来。可是整个上午爷爷都没回来,连校长都好像是等他等得不耐烦了,才愤愤地离开的。他从椅子上起身离开的时候,臀部那一团东西撑得裤子的线缝发出绷裂的声音,他却丝毫没有觉察。有人站在大门口等校长,小正往外一看,那人竟然是爷爷。然后校长又对爷爷骂了一句粗话,扬起拳头威胁着,骂骂咧咧地同爷爷一块走了。 想起这些事,小正的劳动劲头完全消失了。不就是一堆木头吗?盘弄来盘弄去的也上不了天。时不时的,小正恨不得从家中出走。他想到很远的山里去捕蝴蝶,捕那种从未见过的珍稀品种,捕到之后再放飞它们。他可以同爹爹一道去。想到爹爹的态度,他又泄气了。爹爹总是叫他"好好劳动,别胡思乱想"。不,爹爹完全不理解他。文选也是不行的,他每天要煮猪潲、喂猪。没有人同自己一起,小正是不敢去那边的大山里头的,据说那里是野猪出没的地方。 "小正,你胡思乱想些什么呢?" 爹爹进来了。爹爹用手抚摸着机身,一遍一遍来来回回地摸,好像它是他的儿子一样。这时小正听见木头在爹爹粗糙的掌下发出"嗡嗡嗡"的声音,先前被他打磨得光滑可爱的木头表面也似乎在柔软地起伏,飞机又被注入了生气。小正不由得为刚才的念头羞愧,谁能肯定飞机飞不起来呢? "奶奶长得什么样子?"他问爹爹。 爹爹没有回答,他不喜欢回答这种问题。令小正惊讶的是,他将手从机身的窗口伸进去,一把将里头的长颈瓶弄出来了。窗口那么小,瓶子那么大,他是如何完成这个动作的,小正一点也没看清,他的这个动作就像闪电一样快。他观察了一阵瓶子里那些半死不活的昆虫,又用闪电似的动作将瓶子放回去了。小正凑近去看那些小窗口,窗口完好无损。他又想将自己的手臂也伸进去,却不行,口子太小了。就在他将手缩回来之际,机身忽然剧烈地跳了几下,轮子离了地,里面发出很响的嗡嗡声。莫非飞机要起飞了?小正急忙向后退去。当他镇定下来时,看见没有尾翼的模型仍然立在屋当中,而爹爹已经不见了。 远蒲老师似乎不打算将飞机完工。他又在做新的尾翼,这一次的宽而短,形状老是定不下来。小正每次遵照爷爷的旨意修改时都抱着期待的心情。经历了那些事,他所劳作的对象就不再是简单的木头了,有时他竟心花怒放。他把他的好友文选带到家里来参观他的模型。文选来的时候,飞机很不争气,无论小正如何样跳上跳下地解释,它始终以平凡的样子立在屋当中,那种样子根本不像发生过奇迹。文选听得不耐烦,就要小正住口,说他在将他当傻瓜。"我才不是傻瓜呢。"他反复强调说。小正看到他那嘲笑的样子,心里更急了,就要文选凑到模型窗口去看那只长颈瓶。 "你看到了么?"他眼巴巴地问道。 "是啊。" "就是这个大东西,我爹爹从里面拿出来过。" "他在玩一种魔术。也许他有种方法将机身拆开又飞快地装好,你看不见,这种事现在很多。"文选一脸的不相信。 "爷爷做的东西谁能拆开?用榔头砸都砸不开呢!"小正气愤地嚷起来。 "别吹牛了。我问你,这瓶子是如何放进去的?你爷爷当初不是拆开它放进去的才怪呢。"小正闷闷地涨红了脸,他知道什么全是白说了,文选为什么不开窍呢?文选还在仔细寻找木头之间的接缝,小正看了他的背影就生气,可是他又没有办法对他说清自己看见的事。他觉得自己真是昏了头了,居然向这个人公开心里的秘密。他是谁呢?不就是村里一个小孩么?他天天喂猪,打柴,从来不出远门,怎么会相信自己没见过的事呢?小正自己是出过远门的,虽然对那次旅行记忆模糊,但毕竟是在一个完全陌生的地方呆了好几天,不像村里这些人,一辈子从不外出。 "好吧,我就相信你这一次。"文选让步了。 小正知道他根本就不相信。他走过去,没精打采地拿起爷爷新做的尾翼看了看,突然又一次对这工作产生了厌倦。 "我要走了啊。"文选怕他生气,轻轻地说。"我还得去打猪草呢。" 小正听见文选走出了院子。这时手里的木头又一次"嗡嗡嗡"地响起来,像在唱歌一样。他急忙追到外面,大叫文选的名字。 但是文选已经走远了。小正返回来,记起文选对他说过爷爷吃长生果的事。是啊,这么一个死脑筋的,没出过门的小孩,怎么会相信他的话呢?他就知道人人都谈论的长生果!小正发誓不再把自褐赖氖赂嫠呷魏稳肆耍蛭侵皇亲匀∑淙琛?/p> 文选也在发誓,他发誓再也不相信小正说的话了。"他凭什么要我相信他编的故事呢?"一路上,他都在叨念着这句话。 很久以前,他就听人说了远蒲老爷爷做模型的事。村里人都认为他做的不是模型,而是他死去的老婆。有人还看见那老婆的脚放在窗台上,于是夜里去偷,偷到手里一看,那脚趾头还能动,于是他又放回去了。文选当然也不相信这种人的鬼话,他希望小正自己告诉他这件事。但是小正并不乐意谈论,只说他在"做苦工"。文选觉得小正一家人同村里人不太一样,尤其他爷爷,行踪诡秘,老是惹得人议论纷纷的。文选没有上过中学,不曾目睹远蒲老师在学校里那场风波,他仅仅感到这老爷子不好接近。有一天他打猪草回来,看见远蒲老师睡在路边的水沟里,很多彩蝶停在他身上,他以为老头死了,就叫起来。后来他爹爹来了,制止了他的呼叫,告诉他说这老爷子是因为偷了学校的教学仪器,被赶出来,想不通,才倒在这种地方睡觉的,因为"溪水可以使人头脑清醒"。第二天他又看见了老头,果然一点事都没有。文选想着这些事就到家了,一到家就看见小正的爹爹在帮他家弄院里的那些橘子树,自己的爹爹也在帮忙。 "远文叔叔好啊!"他招呼道。 远文没有理他,却对他爹爹说:"小孩子还是要管严点好,不然就乱套了。" 文选的爹看着文选,不住地点头,很信服的样子。 文选心头升起怒火,闷头进了屋。他想,小正的爹爹实在讨厌,自己的儿子说谎也不去管,倒是管到他头上来了,这人脑子一定是有问题。 他从窗口伸头向外看,看见娘也回来了,也站在橘树下听小正的爹爹说话,还频频点头。这个小正的爹,平时很少开口,今天是中了什么魔呢?文选看到自己的爹娘都这么信服这人,而这人又对自己很鄙视,心里真是说不出的味道。 娘悄悄地进了屋,娘凑到他脸前说: "文选啊,千万不要到小正家里去。" 当树的叶子全落光了,草也枯黄了的时候,远蒲老师就把全部心思都放到了那架飞机模型上头。尾翼已经做好了,既不细长,也不粗短,而是适中。小正以为爷爷这下要完工了,但是他又将机头部分拆下来重做。这一次,他是亲自动手。小正看见爷爷的注意力前所未有地集中,有的时候,他还半夜起来工作。像机身一样,机头的里面也是空的,但是小正总感到爷爷会趁他不注意的时候放些什么东西进去,就一直警惕地注意着安装的过程。一个星期后,飞机终于初步装好了。小正问爷爷飞机什么时候上天。 "要有耐心,要每天来打磨它。"远蒲老师说。 小正想说自己也很寂寞,张了张口,没说出声来。远蒲老师瞥了他一眼,沉下了脸,将手中的锯子用力往地下一扔。 远蒲老师感到自己心里的激情正在落潮,当冬日的阳光晒到他左脚上面时,左脚会短暂地消失,然后又慢慢地再显现出来。这一现象开始时令他感到有点怪异,后来他就习惯了。在屋里时,他总是伸出头去看院门,他在等袁一。 小正知道爷爷在等谁。但是爷爷常常一连几个钟头盯着他自己的脚,这事让小正犯疑。他想,莫非爷爷快死了吗?爷爷的确越来越瘦了,走起路来脚步还有点虚浮。校长在厨房里对爹爹说,爷爷已经"来日不多"了,那是什么意思呢?因为担心爷爷,小正总是紧紧地跟着他,就连他上厕所也跟着。爷爷不反对小正跟着自己,只是喜欢嘲笑他"目光短浅"。他还说小正的这种性格是从他爹爹那里遗传的,"不管怎么用力看,也只看到表面的浮华,这都是天生的能力啊。"爷爷说这话时语气怪怪的。 于是小正就不知不觉地用起力来了。他看过自己指头上的螺纹,看过母鸡的羽毛,也看过天上的云。他因为用力看而弄得眼珠胀痛,但他还是坚持努力。他记起了袁一和校长背后的尾巴,也记起了爷爷的狐狸脸(他好久没看见爷爷的狐狸脸了)。难道这些都是他的幻觉么?爷爷看见的到底是什么呢?小正又感到,爷爷看得见的东西爹爹也看得见,甚至袁一也看得见,更不用说校长了。只有他一个人被蒙住了眼,他看不见那些重要的东西,一定是这样的。比如说爹爹究竟如何从飞机里头取出长颈瓶的,他就没弄清过。 "爷爷,你怎么不告诉我呢?"他抱怨道。 "这种事,告诉你也没用,你还是你。" 爷爷现在不做模型了,因为已经完工了。他只是坐在模型边上,若有所思地看着这大家伙。机身里头的长颈瓶再也没被拿出来过。小正一睡着就看见甲壳虫全死了,干缩成了小小的一撮棕色物,聚在瓶底。有时醒来一两分钟,就听见黑暗中有小东西在飞旋,于是赶紧用被子蒙紧了头。小正时不时地产生这种念头:也许飞机永远不会飞起来了。爷爷越来越衰弱,出门的次数也越来越少,他的样子很像在等死。昨天他从厨房里的柴堆中抽出一根柴,就是那种有臭味的柴,他将它折断,放到鼻子跟前嗅了又嗅。小正看见他双目闭上,一副很过瘾的样子。 袁一的死讯是下午传来的,那时的天气特别的寒冷。袁一的表舅进了门,简单地对远蒲老师说,他已经"去了"。远蒲老师招呼表舅坐下吸烟,然后就沉默了。一直到表舅离开,远蒲老师也没有从回忆里摆脱出来。他在想他最初的那个飞机模型的方案,那时是如何样设计的呢?他想了又想,可是他的记忆通通从脑子里游离出去了,只留下一片空白。虽然远蒲老师本人什么都没回忆起来,小正却看见了爷爷脑子里的念头。当时他站在大柜的左侧,爷爷坐在桌旁,离开他大约三四米的样子。小正用力一看,就看见了爷爷头部上方的小小飞机。是他想不到的类型,尾部狭长,机翼宽而短。飞机绕着爷爷的头部转圈子,小正可以将它看得很清楚,但不知为什么,小正心里知道他看见的只是一个幻影。小正一开口,那飞机就消失了。 "爷爷,飞机会不会有另外的一种做法呢?" "你都看到了吧?那个东西,是袁一的设计。"爷爷回过头来看着他,满脸的悲痛表情。 "我什么也没看到。" "你已经看到了嘛,不要掩饰了,你的眼力增加了啊。" 爷爷蹒跚着进自己的卧房睡觉去了。小正呆在放模型的房里。他掸掉落在模型上头的灰尘,抚摸着机翼,心里头感慨万千。如果是像刚才看见的飞机那么小,飞到空中也算不了什么奇事,可是这样一个大家伙,要如何样才能起飞呢?他觉得爷爷并不是为了袁一的死悲痛,而是为了这架飞机模型。小正又想到自己的眼力,莫非他真的能看见那些不存在的东西,而且想看就可以看了?先前他倒是看见过爷爷的狐狸脸,还看见过袁一和校长的尾巴,可是那都不是他有意要看的,他也没有用力去看,只不过是无意中的发现罢了。但是刚才,他的确是出于好奇,想看见爷爷脑子里的念头,他的眼睛一用力,飞机就出现了。回味刚才的事,想着自己新获得的能力,小正又兴奋起来了。他注意到,模型并不在他的抚摸之下有什么变化,仍然是普通的木头,也不嗡嗡作响。这或许是时候未到,也或许是他的功力还远未达到他爹爹那个份上。 新的欢乐压倒了心里的忧愁,小正又变得跃跃欲试了。现在,只要不睡觉他就用力睁着眼到处看。不过他暂时还并没看到什么新的异象。 文选被他直愣愣的目光吓坏了,摇着他的肩膀问他耍什么花招。 "你要做一名法师么?我才不怕那些法师呢。"他冷笑着说道。 有一只鸡在院子里觅食,小正的目光追随它有很长时间,可是鸡的周围什么东西也没有,也许,鸡就是什么都不想的动物。 后来他又观察了很多小动物,他也观察了爹爹,观察了爷爷的两个学生,观察了校长……他一无所获。 他从模型的窗口望进去,连那只长颈瓶都看不到了。不知道是被拿走了还是他眼力衰退,看不清楚。他下个月才满十三岁,眼力怎么会衰退? 他的欢乐就像昙花一现,他又陷入了焦急的泥沼。爷爷似乎已将模型忘记了,他不再看一眼自己的成果,有时候,白天里他也在家中昏睡。 远文看到了父亲的变化。早上出门的时候,有什么东西撞在他脸上了,他伸手摸了一把,手里是一片枯干的叶子,发出难闻的恶臭。叶子的臭味将他的思绪带到了夏天。那些日子里,父亲是多么活跃啊,简直神出鬼没!现在是冬闲,并无什么农活可干,远文就骑上自行车出去游荡。 也许他走了很远,也许他就在门口转悠,远文感觉不到这些。这片他自小生长于其上的土地在他的轮子下面翻腾着,地底传出尖叫。冬天是荒凉的,但是远文心里涌动着激情。父亲的激情正源源不断地流向他的身体,他的身体有些战栗,一种麻酥的感觉,他明白这是父亲在同他说话。有人在很远很远的地方叫他:"远文--远文--",那人一定离开有几十里路,他无法骑到他所在的地方,所以他叫也是白叫。也可能那是一个垂死的人,近来乡下死的人很多,因为冬天太冷了吧。远文的眼前有些模糊,开始是一小片白花花的东西挡在前面,后来渐渐扩张,他看不见前面的路了。他只好下车,将车扔在路边。有一个汉子出现在他面前,那人只有一个身子,齐颈脖以上被白花花的雾遮蔽着,胸脯一起一伏的,显得很焦急的样子。 "我该怎么办呢?"远文听到他在上头说话。"种子全埋在地里了,可是冬天这么长,看来希望不大了。你是干这个的,说不定可以给我一个主意,这样的话,我就不怕冬天了,你说是吗?" 远文听得头发都竖起来了。他想去捡他的车子,可是那人老拦着他的路,唠唠叨叨着一些事,还提到他的儿子小正,说:"像那样一个儿子,如何熬得过这么长的冬天呢?"远文一低头,发现这个人的脚非常大,而且他没穿鞋,趾头张开,稳稳地踩在地上,脚趾甲里头尽是黑垢。又有人从对面骑自行车过来了,铃声从远方一路响起来,汉子慌了,连忙往旁边一让,"哗啦"一声倒在田里头。远文弯下身察看,看见田里躺着他的自行车,并没有什么人,而且对面那个人也没有将车子骑过来,铃声又渐渐远去了。 远文全然失去了游荡的兴致,他跨上车,心情郁闷地回家了。 小正一眼看见爹爹的时候,腿一软就坐到了地上。爹爹像往常一样推着车进院子,但是他赤着上身,背上长了一个巨大的透明的气囊,气囊里头满是蝴蝶在扑腾。小正从未见过色彩如此耀眼的彩蝶,它们中有的已经死了。那气囊同他背上的皮肤连了起来,皮肤由连接处渐渐变薄,最后变成薄膜。小正挣扎着凑近去看,看见彩蝶全是从爹爹胸腔里飞出来的,而且越挤越密,"嚓嚓"地扑动着。小正别转了脸,这景象太令他恶心了。"哈,我又看见了。"他对自己说。但是这一次他感觉不到欢乐,除了微微的恶心,他什么都感觉不到,他
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