Home Categories Portfolio Dwarf Sweet Potato's Selected Works: The Moon

Chapter 4 Prose: Yue-Ba Jin

Every time I face a round of bright moon in the sky, I would think: Is so-and-so looking at the moon leaning on the railing at this time? The full moon is like a bright mirror, hanging high in the blue sky.Our faces should all stay in the mirror, there must be someone's shadow in this mirror. Facing the mirror in the cold night, he felt a cold light hit his face.Facing Liangyue, I also felt this way. On the sea, in the mountains, in the garden, in the street, sometimes standing alone on the high terrace of the city in the quiet night, I look at the bright moon, and always feel the cold light and cold air invade my body.Late at night in winter, standing in the small courtyard and looking at the moonlight on the frosted ground, I felt as if thick frost had accumulated on my clothes.

Indeed, the moonlight was very cold.I know that dead planets don't emit heat.The light of the moon is the light of death. But why is there still the legend of Heng'e flying to the moon?Could it be that the beauty who took the elixir of immortality can regenerate this dead planet?Or maybe she saw someone's face in that mirror.
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