Home Categories Portfolio The Complete Works of Bing Xin Volume 7

Chapter 209 Preface to Anthology of Ge Cuilin's Children's Literature

Comrade Ge Cuilin has compiled a hundred children's stories she has written for various newspapers and periodicals over the years, and let me make a preface.I am happy and ashamed. I think Comrade Ge Cuilin is the only female writer who has been writing for children, and I believe she will write for a lifetime!I failed to do this. Why can she persist like this?Because in addition to loving children, she also goes deep into children's lives, participates in their various activities, and is familiar with their thoughts and languages.The things she wrote for children are full of optimism, upliftment, and healthy emotions, which make people feel warm, happy, and glowing red after reading it; The world, the future-oriented education.

It's a pity that I don't have any children around me now. In recent years, I have limited mobility, and I can't go out to find children to read to them.I wish mothers and kindergarten teachers in my country could get this book.I think this book will make your time with young children rich and sweet!1984 National Day ① "Ge Cuilin's Selected Children's Literature", published by Anhui Children's Publishing House.
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