Home Categories Portfolio The Complete Works of Bing Xin Volume Six

Chapter 101 To Zang Kejia①

Comrade Ke Jia: The matter of writing to you has always lingered in my heart like a debt! I have already received your reminder poem, and I wanted to write it before May Day, and present it in person, but it failed, and I did not go out on May Day (only Wen Zao took a few children there. visit the park). In the office this morning, I boiled the pen, sharpened the ink, and wrote a very ugly handwriting (it’s only because I don’t practice usually, and I can’t help it). Anyway, you keep it as a souvenir, so let’s keep it. Hurry, I wish you a higher poetic joy!Bing Xin (This letter was collected by Comrade Zhou Dabao.) ① Zang Kejia, poet. Born on October 8, 1905, from Zhucheng County, Shandong Province. At the beginning of 1927, he entered Wuhan Central Military and Political School. In 1929, he went to the Chinese Department of Qingdao University to study. In 1933, the first collection of poems "Brands" was published.

After arriving in Chongqing in 1942, he met Bing Xin.After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as a member of the National Federation of Literary and Art Circles, secretary of the Secretariat of the Writers Association, and editor-in-chief of "Poetry Magazine".He has successively published many collections of poems, novels and essays.
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