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Chapter 94 The glory of Chairman Mao will always guide me forward

"The great leader and mentor Chairman Mao Zedong will live forever!" When I lowered my head and heard the last sentence of the "Message to the Whole Party, Whole Army, and the People of All Nationalities in the Country", my tightly clenched hands were already numb.The constant stream of hot tears fell on my hands and woke me up into a world of agonizing grief and choked-up voices! Chairman Mao, our beloved leader, left us so suddenly?is this real?Is this possible? No!Absolutely not! "The brilliance of Mao Zedong Thought will always illuminate the way forward for the Chinese people."

I held the drenched gauze tightly, my mind was churning!Chairman Mao's brilliant teachings sounded in my ears.Chairman Mao's benevolent faces flashed before my eyes.The scenes of the several holy places where Chairman Mao engaged in revolutionary activities that I visited also emerged in front of me... The first thing I recall is that in the autumn of 1949, I was sitting alone on a cliff on the coast of Japan In the middle of the day, bursts of sea waves kept coming and splashing around my feet.There was no sound, and I lowered my head and carefully read a booklet on my lap. It was Chairman Mao's most recent brilliant work: "On the People's Democratic Dictatorship".

I read it carefully from the beginning, the more I read, the faster my heart beats!Arrived: "The people's state is to protect the people. With the people's state, it is possible for the people to use democratic methods to educate and reform themselves nationwide and on an overall scale, so as to free themselves from the influence of internal and external reactionaries (this The influence is still very great now, and will exist for a long time, and cannot be eliminated quickly), reform the bad habits and ideas that you have acquired from the old society, and prevent yourself from walking on the wrong path led by the reactionaries, and Keep moving forward, toward a socialist society and a communist society."

The door of my heart was flung open, and a rain of hot tears fell upon this glorious booklet.I raised my head, and the brilliant morning sun had shrouded the sea, flashing thousands of golden lights.Waves of waves kept singing to me: "You have found a savior, you have a country." Thinking about it now, Chairman Mao's words are so profound and far-sighted.However, it was the first sentence of this paragraph that hit my heartstrings at the time: "The people's country protects the people." At that time, I was in a foreign country, empty and lonely, depressed, like a lost child struggling to walk in the knee-less mud in the deep mountains and jungles on a stormy night.From time to time, among the numerous peaks and mountains near and far, there are terrifying roars of tigers and cries of monkeys... At this time, how eagerly I hope that a guiding light and a guiding giant hand will miraculously appear in front of me. !

Now, this miracle appeared!A dazzling bright light came to me, and a warm giant hand stretched out to me.The darkness has been swept away, the tigers and apes have been dispelled, and I want to embark on a path of infinite light and happiness, as long as I can stand up, hold this giant hand, and keep walking! Full of hope and joy, I walked up the cliff from the bottom of the cliff with this glorious booklet in my chest.I am refreshed, I walk lightly, new life has been thrown into my weary and emaciated body.Since then, I have a country to protect me, and a savior to guide me, and I am no longer a helpless orphan.

Two years later, I returned to the socialist motherland and came to Chairman Mao's side.During the more than 20 years of sunshine and rain, when I was transforming myself to adapt to the needs of the new society and serve the people, I couldn't get rid of the bad habits and bad ideas from the old society for a long time. When I was not moving forward, Chairman Mao gave me the greatest happiness of listening to the teachings at this critical moment, and gave me the greatest strength to continue moving forward. Chairman Mao taught me: "If the intellectuals do not integrate with the workers and peasants, they will accomplish nothing." "We must integrate with the new masses without any hesitation."

When these teachings sounded in my ears, Chairman Mao's kind and tall images rose up in front of my eyes one by one: on the lush green grass in Zhongnanhai, Chairman Mao walked towards us with a smile on his face; On the majestic and majestic Tiananmen Gate Tower, Chairman Mao waved to us with a smile; on the stage of the Great Hall of the People, where the red flag hung high and the green bushes were low, Chairman Mao was listening to the speeches of the people's representatives with a smile... At this time, the people I visited I have visited the Peasant Movement Institute in Guangzhou, Jinggangshan in Jiangxi, and Zunyi in Guizhou... I have revisited the scenes of Chairman Mao's great revolutionary activities, leaving behind his painstaking efforts and the holy places of Tezawa...and especially In the early morning of July 12 last year, the 30 minutes I spent by the lotus pond in the former residence of Chairman Mao in Shaoshan, Hunan was the most exciting and happiest moment in my life!

I wrote in my diary: I stood alone by the lotus pond in Chairman Mao's former residence, under the rising sun, there was no sound, the air was so fresh, the rice fields were so green, and Shaoshan was so verdant.In front of this extremely quiet background, the former residence of Chairman Mao is so simple and so solemn!How happy I am to be able to visit this former residence together with thousands of thousands of revolutionary people! I was standing alone by the lotus pond, and the gate of Chairman Mao's former residence had not been opened... I suddenly felt that these bright lotus flowers, all of which emerged from the water, raised their heads together in the morning breeze, like a group of people with different skin colors and ages. The radiant face of the revolutionary people calls out "Long live Chairman Mao!" in the midst of the silence - and the dewdrops flowing on the round green velvet lotus leaves are just like my face at that time. Tears of gratitude and joy are streaming down my face... only one year has passed!While I was writing, tears of grief flowed on my face, but can the word "sorrow" express the surging emotions in my heart?

Outside the window is the bright morning sun, thousands of willows swaying in the sun.The tall buildings outside Liu are still standing.The water-like vehicles outside the wall were still running on the wide and flat road, and I heard the sound of their rumbling forward... I stood up, unfolded the tear-soaked veil, spread it on the window sill, and let it stand in this splendid Dry in the sun.Mao Zedong Thought is the sun that never sets; Chairman Mao has not left us, and Chairman Mao will always live in the hearts of our millions of people of all nationalities! Chairman Mao, Chairman Mao, I must turn my grief into strength, and I will always educate myself to transform myself under the guidance of your thoughts.I will use the sword of your thoughts to cut off the inextricable connection between me and the bourgeoisie, so that I will have a free and healthy body and mind, and continue to move forward after following the workers, peasants and soldiers!My years are limited and my ability is very small, but I must try my best to inherit your behest and be a person who benefits the people as you want me to do!

September 11, 1976. (This article was originally published on October 20, 1976, "People's Literature", No. 7, 1976.)
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