Home Categories Portfolio The Complete Works of Bing Xin Volume Six

Chapter 69 Watch the performance of "Treasure Ship" with Japanese children

We walked gently into the auditorium and sat in the last row of seats.The auditorium was full of children, only their thick black hair could be seen from behind.Some of the boys have crew cuts, some have short hair hanging on their foreheads; some of the girls have hair that reaches their eyebrows in front and covers their necks in the back, and some are braided and tied with big bows.They whispered to each other, and some also fought with each other, chattering and laughing non-stop. The Japanese friend who accompanied us, Mr. Uchiyama—he is a Japanese children’s playwright and the translator of the Chinese children’s play "Treasure Ship" written by Mr. Lao She—told us: This auditorium in Ota District, Tokyo, has a thousand Three hundred and fifty seats.

Today, those who came to see the performance of the Chinese children's drama "Treasure Ship" are all students from the third to fifth grades in several nearby elementary schools. Mr. Uchiyama showed a very serious expression on his face, and he said thoughtfully: "Japanese children don't know much about New China. It is very important to introduce Chinese children to Japanese children, especially New China's children's views on 'fraternity'! Chinese writers teach children: In order to build a new and beautiful society, we must recognize who is sympathetic to us and who is harming us. The so-called 'fraternity' is unacceptable. The old man Li Bashi in "The Treasure Boat" reminded Wang Xiaoer not to save bad guys like Zhang Busan, and it was from this point of view.Only by being able to distinguish between the enemy and ourselves can we solve many problems in real life... There are still good-hearted friends like Zhang Busan who pretend to care about the people in the world, but they are actually ferocious enemies who exploit the people. We adults and children should think about it carefully. these questions! "

At this time, an infuriating fact that another Japanese friend told us in the Tokyo hotel last night suddenly came to my mind.She said: "Do you know what kind of disaster Japanese children are suffering now? The American imperialists sold 850 million tons of skimmed milk powder to Japan at a price of 4 billion yen. This milk powder has already The dregs of butter and cheese were removed, and it was originally used as feed for livestock in the United States. The milk powder was shipped to Japan, not only moldy, but also ticks, currency, screw boards, leather boot fragments...not to mention the astonishing amount bacteria!

The U.S. imperialists hypocritically said that this milk powder contains a lot of protein, is very nutritious, and can be used as food for primary and middle school students.However, when Japanese children drank the milk powder, they immediately felt that the taste was not right, and they vomited and had diarrhea after drinking it. In one elementary school in Jiangjin City, 75 elementary school students were poisoned.Only then did we know that the U.S. imperialists did not hesitate to sacrifice tens of thousands of children in Japan in order to make profits. In order to refuse to drink the milk powder, some children brought a sponge to suck up the milk powder every day, and some simply poured it into the gutter, even the water in the gutter turned white.

They said angrily: I thought that after primary school, I would not need to drink skimmed milk powder, but I still have to drink it when I get to middle school. I really don't want to drink it anymore! "From this incident, Japanese mothers and teachers realized that if US imperialism is not overthrown, there will be no healthy growth of Japanese children, not to mention that we are surrounded by American cartoons, Books, movies and TV shows? "Therefore, our mothers and teachers took the struggle against imported skimmed milk powder as part of the struggle to defeat US imperialism and fight for national independence, and our children also bravely participated in our struggle..."

The auditorium suddenly fell silent, which woke me up from my memories. It turned out that the lights had been turned off, the curtains had been opened, and the performance of "Treasure Ship" had begun.Mr. Uchiyama told me that this Chinese children's play was performed by the "Sunflower Troupe" in Tokyo, Japan.From the translation of the script to the design of the sets, costumes, props, music, actions, etc., all have been carefully researched and pondered, so the acting is very realistic. But my attention is still focused on the children in the audience. In the dim auditorium, I looked at the small audience in the front seats, thinking of the conversation last night, and thinking of the innocent young people in these days. I feel angry for them for their unfortunate encounters and hard struggles in their daily life, and I silently pay tribute to their brave spirit of resistance.

At this moment, the bad guy Zhang Busan was being rescued from the boat, and he falsely explained the meaning of his name to Wang Xiaoer. "The audience shouted one after another, "You bad guy!" "You lied!" This reprimand, full of sense of justice, was as loud and solid as steel as the voice I heard in the Beijing Children's Theater, and my heart was surging! It was time for a break, and just as we were about to stand up, a female teacher walked over with a group of students smiling and said: "Our students heard that there are guests from Beijing, China, and they are all very happy. Please sign their name on their memory book." So many small hands passed many memory books, and when we sat down again with a smile, the side of our seats was immediately surrounded by wind and rain, and our laps were full of memory books , as well as a piece of paper and an instruction manual for "Treasure Ship".We didn't bother to look up at their faces, and just kept writing our names hundreds of times, until the bell rang for the resumption of the show, and the teachers reluctantly stopped the children who came later.

The situation in the second half of the stage became more heated.When Zhang Busan did not dare to compete with Wang Xiaoer, and Wang Xiaoer scolded him for being boneless, the audience shouted again: "You have no bones!" "You coward!" "You are bad!" In the end Wang Xiaoer and his friends won, and Zhang Busan turned into a big bad wolf, who was led around the stage by everyone, and the small audience Our joyful emotions have also reached the highest peak! After the actors thanked the curtain, Mr. Uchiyama accompanied us on stage to present flowers to the actors.We shook hands with the actors and turned around. Unexpectedly, some young people came up to the stage, handed us large bouquets, and asked us to say a few words to the small audience.

I held a bouquet of flowers and faced the 1,350 Japanese children under the stage. I was so excited and excited, I just felt that I didn't know where to start with a thousand words.I remember I said, I am very happy to see Japanese children like Chinese children's dramas so much; I said that I would also be happy to bring back the feelings of Japanese children to Chinese children; finally I said, I believe in Chinese children's dramas. The 100 million children in our country would definitely like to watch the performance of "Treasure Ship" with you today like us; I also ask you to believe that in building a better life in the future and in striving for world peace and human progress, China The 100 million children of the Communist Party of China will always stand closely with you!

This is what happened in Tokyo, Japan on November 22, 1963, and it is recorded in Beijing on August 13, 1964 as above.
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