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Chapter 41 If Uncle Lei Feng encountered such a thing

Since the activity of learning from Lei Feng has been vigorously launched among young children, it has sprung up all over the country, and a gratifying phenomenon of changing customs has sprouted.I saw some teenagers paste and copy the portrait of Lei Feng and the aphorisms in Lei Feng's diary in their brand new notebooks or diaries.In their notebooks or diaries, they all wrote down their sincere determination and concrete actions to learn from Lei Feng.I have also heard them talk about an effective way to learn from Lei Feng, and I think this method is worth introducing to everyone. They said that when we learn from Uncle Lei Feng, we read his diary and his deeds carefully at first, and we imitate all the good deeds he has done and the deeds that are beneficial to the people.For example: study hard, don't dislike old clothes and shoes, help classmates make up lessons, carry younger classmates across the water, send the old lady home, etc.However, there are also many small and small things that we encounter every day, but in Uncle Lei Feng's diary, they have never been mentioned.So when we don't know what to do, we stop and ask ourselves: "What if Uncle Lei Feng encounters this kind of thing?" , will stand in front of us gently and solemnly!We naturally know why this matter should be done this way and why it should not be done that way.

For example, after asking this sentence, we will never climb leaves on the side of the road to find feed for rabbits; we will never laugh loudly in movie theaters, theaters or other public places; We never write “××× Visited Here” on the wall when visiting the historic site; when we eat a piece of candy or a popsicle, we never throw the wrapping paper on the ground...these are very small things. Small things, but as soon as we use Uncle Lei Feng's spiritual yardstick to measure ourselves, we know what we should do, and we also persuade others to do the same. These words are very profound and very interesting.Lei Feng is a model of newcomers in socialist society cultivated by our great and correct party.The international class struggle is going on fiercely, and the domestic class struggle has not stopped. Today, each of us must work hard to learn from Lei Feng's communist style, which is public and selfless, so that we can carry out our great revolutionary cause to the end.For young people and children, they are the future masters of the great motherland. In the next few decades or longer, they will have to be impacted by the trend of international and domestic class struggle.If they can consciously test and exercise themselves repeatedly since they were young, and remind themselves to put collective interests above personal interests at all times, and form a psychological habit over time, they will be full of vigor and happiness in the future. With the great and glorious burden on our shoulders, we will triumphantly advance on the road of building socialist communism.

"Think big, start small", and use the method of "what if Uncle Lei Feng encounters this kind of thing" to test ourselves in every action, which should be adopted by each of us.May 29, 1963 (This article was originally published in Tianjin Daily on June 1, 1963.)
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