Home Categories Portfolio The Complete Works of Bing Xin Volume Six

Chapter 33 Congratulations to Mr. Kenzo Nakajima ①

60th Anniversary February 22, 1963 is the 60th anniversary of our beloved Japanese friend Mr. Kenzo Nakajima.On this day, our hearts of warm congratulations fly to Tokyo, Japan, and fly around Mr. and Mrs. Nakajima! I don't know where this celebratory rally was held?But I know exactly that it must be "the birthday feast is beautifully opened"!I walked up to the tall building, facing the blowing spring breeze, looking sideways to the east, I seemed to be able to see and hear everything at the birthday banquet: Mr. and Mrs. Nakajima, dressed in neat and quiet clothes, stood at the door, welcoming the endless stream of people. The extraordinary guests—many of whose faces are familiar to us—they bowed deeply to the birthday star and shook hands with him tightly. They rushed to raise their glasses and surrounded Mr. and Mrs. I congratulate him, wish him health, wish him a long life, wish him the work of promoting the friendship and cultural exchanges between the Chinese and Japanese people, and the work of opposing imperialism and safeguarding world peace, advancing day by day and achieving greater victories... I How I wish I could be at this birthday banquet too!

Mr. Nakajima is a famous Japanese literary critic, a famous peace person, Japanese ① Nakajima Kenzo, 1903-1979, Japanese critic.Born in Tokyo, graduated from the French Department of Tokyo Imperial University in 1928, engaged in translation and commenting. In 1934, he published a collection of reviews, "Doubt and Symbol", and in 1941, he published "On Modern Writers". After 1957, he visited China many times and made great contributions to the promotion of Japan-China friendship and the restoration of diplomatic relations. The standard bearer at the forefront of the people's anti-imperialist struggle.He is also the closest comrade-in-arms of the Chinese people. Almost every group of friendly cooperation between the Chinese and Japanese people is either led by him or has him participated.I myself was honored to have the opportunity to get close to Mr. Nakajima because of my participation in the friendship activities between the Chinese and Japanese people. This old man with white hair and full head stands awe-inspiring in front of the US imperialism and its followers, as if He is a steel that has been tempered a hundred times, but when he is with his friends, he is so gentle and kind.Whenever we go to Japan, at Haneda Airport, we recognize his white hair and steady figure from a distance in the crowd, we have the joy and comfort of being home and seeing an older brother .In Japan, we held meetings with him, traveled together, received his meticulous care and care in food and daily life, listened to his conversations during the trip, and saw him busy holding up the camera, which brought us together. Zhang and Xi took a picture, and when we saw the lively and humorous smile on the corners of his eyes and mouth, we always felt that he was full of youthful breath.

Mr. Nakajima is an optimist. His working environment in Japan is far from smooth and smooth. He once said: "I am a person who believes that Japan will prosper in the future, but at the same time I am not satisfied with Japan's current situation." He also said: "The biggest symptom of modern Japanese literature is that some people believe that political movements and creative activities are incompatible." All these made him "deeply consider political issues."This is what the U.S. imperialists and their followers dislike the most. They sabotage and obstruct the cause of friendly cooperation and cultural exchanges between the Chinese and Japanese people. However, Mr. Nakajima did not back down because of this. He resolutely said: "Therefore, we should We must actively promote the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China, even under difficult conditions, and deepen the friendship between the two peoples, and we must promote cultural exchanges based on this will.” The reason why Mr. Nakajima has such a strong It is because he clearly knows that the movement he has actively participated in, which is deeply rooted among the Japanese people, is the movement with the most vitality. The Japanese people demand the restoration of the normalization of Japan-China diplomatic relations and the strengthening of Japan-China relations. Cultural exchanges, the desire for independence, autonomy, peace, and democracy will surely turn into an irresistible material force.Therefore, Mr. Nakajima always has firm confidence and infinite courage in his work.Over the years, he has traveled back and forth between Tokyo and Beijing. Every time we pick him up at the airport, we always see him slowly stepping off the plane with a smile on his face. In constant struggle, he is forever young!

Mr. Nakajima, I hope you will always be young. For our common sacred and arduous cause, we must always unite, care for each other, encourage each other, and fight hand in hand to the end. Across the ocean, let us call out to the birthday banquet held in Tokyo: Chinese friends propose, for the health of Mr. and Mrs. Nakajima, for the smooth work of Mr. Nakajima, and for Mr. Nakajima’s hundred-year longevity—cheers! February 23, 1963, Beijing. (This article was originally published in Guangming Daily on February 27, 1963.)
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