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Chapter 30 congratulations to the people of cuba

The 650 million Chinese people, across the mountain of friendship and the sea of ​​friendship, offer heartfelt congratulations to the seven million heroes of our beloved Cuban people.We congratulate you, seven million of you stand up and block the rumbling attack of a violent storm.This storm has only washed you stronger and more radiant. Amidst the joyful songs celebrating the fourth anniversary of your revolutionary victory, with radiant faces and neat steps, you proudly stepped into 1963—another year of your victory. Your beautiful country, in the carnival of the festival, is like a big ship with bright lights and loud songs, parked on the blue Caribbean Sea.The people of the entire Latin America and the whole world, today, from the wind and sea blowing from the sky, heard your majestic music that inspires people and inspires fighting spirit.

From every corner of the world, we want to sing along with your music: US imperialism is not to be feared, and nuclear weapons are not to be feared.In the face of the united and fearless revolutionary Cuban people, the claws of the US imperialists have withdrawn, and the so-called "destructive" nuclear weapons have also disappeared.You not only defended Cuba, you also defended world peace.You have set a shining example to the revolutionary people all over the world. Heroic people of Cuba, we congratulate you. We congratulate you on your fertile land, under your strong hands we offer you mountains of grain and seas of syrup.

We congratulate your many factories, with your hard work, producing more items for you to enrich your lives. We congratulate your schools, large and small, for the successors they have cultivated are all like you, mighty and indomitable fighters who defend the revolution and peace. These are what you defend in the trenches day and night. We congratulate all that you defend, rising and prospering! (This article was originally published in "Beijing Evening News" on January 1, 1963, and later included in the collection of essays "Gleaners Xiaozha".)
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