Home Categories Portfolio The Complete Works of Bing Xin Volume Six

Chapter 6 The Combat Friendships of Asian and African Writers

Representatives of our Asian-African writers, flying on brisk spring wings, with excitement and joy, fly over steep mountains, across vast oceans, and across vast deserts. In the sunny sunshine, the shade of the banyan tree and the fragrance of roses, we tightly hold the fiery hands of our new acquaintances and old friends, and say excitedly: Dear colleagues, we are not ordinary friends, ordinary acquaintances, we They all came from various parts of Asia and Africa, the "cradle of world culture". Our nation has the most glorious history, and our people have all been or are being exploited and oppressed by imperialism and colonialism.

As writers, we are the vanguard of our people's anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist army.Our weapon is our pen, although we come from different troops, we know each other at first sight!Because our friendship is not ordinary, it is an unbreakable fighting friendship made of blood and sweat. It has been three weeks since I returned to my country, but the memory of the Cairo Conference still hangs in front of my eyes. I think of the majestic Parliament Building, and I think of the warm and friendly "Hercules" Hotel, where, How many impassioned speeches I have heard, how many heart-wrenching conversations I have had, how many brave and angry faces, and optimistic and excited eyes I have seen... These many fragmentary memories are like a majestic battle song. It is rippling in my ears, encouraging me to raise my pen gun and follow this majestic volunteer at a neat pace.

It can be said with certainty that the more than 200 representatives from 45 countries and regions present at the meeting fully estimated the importance of this Asian-African Writers Conference. The role played by the Asian and African peoples in their struggle against imperialism and colonialism, for national independence and for world peace” is a thorough understanding, especially for those who are fighting hard under the iron heels of the imperialists.In the third group—the history group discussing the development of the national culture of Asian and African countries and the revaluation of Asian and African peoples, when discussing against all forms of imperialism, an African female representative said loudly: We must understand Literally wrote the words "U.S. imperialism is the leader".May I ask which imperialists in Asia and Africa do not receive the support of the U.S. imperialists in their aggression and oppression of the Asian and African peoples?The area from which the old colonialists have reluctantly withdrawn, is not filled by the new colonialist, America, the fox more cunning than the wolf?No matter how much false and deceitful propaganda the U.S. imperialists make, how many disguised "peace corps", "missionaries" and "professors" they send out; from their own painful experience, the people of Asia and Africa have seen the chief culprit at a glance. In the end!

I met a young man named Mo Sanbi, only twenty-six years old.He is very calm, but also very enthusiastic. Years of arduous struggle against imperialism have made him look like a middle-aged soldier.We talked about many issues, and I admired him for his firm and unambiguous opinions and judgments. The representative of Angola gave us a copy of "Angola Solidarity" at the meeting venue. There were several horrific photos of Angolan heads cut off by the Portuguese imperialists for public display. The road of armed struggle is left!" When the oppressed people who are driven to a dead end take the only correct road, no modern sharp weapon can stop them from going forward desperately.

The heroic struggles of the people added piles of dry firewood to the fire of writers' pens. Asian and African writers realized from the bottom of their hearts that literature cannot be discussed without political independence and freedom.The representative of Cameroon said it well, "Today, the colonial system is collapsing under the blow of the people's armed forces, and the demons of imperialism are struggling and trembling in a pool of blood. Which Asian and African writer can accept 'art for art's sake', or The theory that 'literature should be separated from politics'? Especially today, any writer who accepts 'art for art's sake' is actually selling out his talents and becoming an accomplice in killing our people and culture!" This How can the righteous speech not move the audience, but run with one heart and one mind to the only creative path recognized by us Asian and African writers?

We must always be united under the banner of anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism, together with our people, and fight to the end for national independence and world peace. (This article was originally published in Wen Wei Po on April 8, 1962.)
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