Home Categories Portfolio The Complete Works of Bing Xin Volume Five

Chapter 58 "Chitra"

(India) Tagore This lyric drama is based on a story from the Mahabharata book. Arjuna came to Manipur on the way to fulfill his ascetic vows.He saw Chitra Angta, the beautiful daughter of Chidra Vahana, King of Manipur.Arjuna was amazed by her beauty and begged the king to marry his daughter to him.Chidravahana asked who he was, and when he heard that he was Arjuna of the Pandava tribe, he told him that Prapanjana, one of his ancestors in the Manipur royal family, had no children for many years. To find an heir, he practiced hard.Lord Shiva was pleased with his asceticism and gave him blessings so that he and his descendants would have a child from generation to generation.Every generation of this God-given child is a boy.He, Chidra Vahana, was the first person to carry on the family line with only one daughter, Chidra Anghta.Therefore he always regards her as his son and has made her his heir apparent.The king continued: "The son born to her must be the heir of my clan, and it is this son that I am asking for in this marriage. If you agree to this condition, you can marry her."

Arjuna agreed, and he married Chitra and lived in her father's capital for three years.When they had a son, he embraced her warmly and said goodbye to her and her father, re-boarding his journey.Character God: Madana - God of love. Vasenta - God of spring. people: Chitra - the daughter of King Manipur. Arjuna - Prince of the Kuru royal family.Belonging to the "samurai" caste, at this time lived as a hermit in the forest. Villagers in the suburbs of Manipur.In the first scene, Chidra, are you the god with five arrows, the master of love? Madana I was the first child born from the heart of the creator.I bind the lives of men and women in chains of pain and pleasure!

CHITRA I know, I know what the pain and the chains are. —Who are you, my lord? Vasenta I am his friend - Vasenta - King of Seasons.Death and old age dragged the world to pieces, but I followed them and attacked them constantly.I am eternal youth. CHITRA I bow to you, Lord Vasenta. Fair stranger of Madana, what oath did you swear?Why do you use confession and spiritual practice to carve out your youth?It is not fitting to worship Eros with such a sacrifice.Who are you and what are you praying for? Chitra I am Chitra, the daughter of the royal family of Manipur.Lord Shiva descended from the divine grace and promised my royal ancestors to be the male heirs that will last for generations.But God's will has no power to change the spark of life in my mother's womb - so strong is my nature, though I am a woman.

Madana I know, so your father raised you as a son.He taught you to draw the bow and shoot the arrow and all the duties of a king. Chitra Yes, so I put on men's clothes and go out of the boudoir.I don't understand women's tricks to win hearts.My hands can draw a strong bow, but I have never learned the art of arrowing with the eyes of the god of love. There is no need to learn Madana, beauty.The eye will work without a coach, it will know how well it has done and what heart it has hit. Chitra One day I was hunting alone in the forest on the banks of the Purna river.I tied my horse to a tree and went into the deep woods to chase a deer.I found a narrow and winding path through the deep shadows of the trees, where the leaves and crickets were chirping, when suddenly I came across a man lying across the road on a pile of dead leaves.I arrogantly told him to move away, but he ignored it.I poked him contemptuously with the handle of my bow.

His straight and tall limbs jumped up suddenly, like tongues of fire suddenly jumping up in a pile of ashes.A playful smile flickered at the corner of his mouth, perhaps mocking my urchin's appearance.At this time, for the first time in my life, I felt that I was a woman and knew that there was a man in front of me. During Madana's auspicious hour, I teach men and women this supreme lesson in self-knowledge.What's next? Chitra I asked him in terror and amazement, "Who are you?" "I am Arjuna of the great Kuru tribe," he said.I stood still like a statue in horror, and forgot to salute him.Is this man really Arjuna, the great idol of my dreams?Yes, I have long heard that he vowed to live alone for twelve years.Several times my youthful ambitions have tempted me to contest him, to challenge him in disguise, to prove to him my mastery.Oh, stupid heart, where has your conceit gone?If I could exchange my youth and all my aspirations for being a pile of dust at his feet, I would feel that is the most precious gift.When I saw him suddenly disappear into the woods, I didn't know what kind of whirlpool I was lost in.Oh, silly woman, you didn't greet him, you didn't say a word, you didn't beg his pardon, and when he walked away haughtily, you just stood there like a rough countryman! ... The next morning, I took off my man's clothes.I put on bracelets, anklets, and a waist chain, and a long robe of purple silk.Unaccustomed clothes made me very shy; but I set off hastily to search, and found Arjuna in the Shiva Temple in the forest.

Madana, tell this matter to the end, I am a god born of the heart, and I understand the mystery of these impulses. Chitra I only seem to remember what I said, and what kind of answer I got.Don't ask me to tell you everything.Shame hit me like a thunderbolt, but it couldn't tear me to pieces, I was just so strong, like a man.On my way home, his last words pierced my ears like red-hot needles. "I swore to live alone. I cannot be your husband!" Oh, a man's vow!You must know, God of love, that countless sages broke their lifelong vows at the feet of women.I broke the bow in two and threw the arrows into the fire.I hate my strong arms that are scarred by bowstrings.Oh, Venus, Venus, you set my manly vanity low on the ground, and all my manly training crumbles under your feet.Now teach me your skills; give me weak strength and unarmed weapons.

Madana I want to be your friend.I will bring Arjuna, who conquered the world, before you as a captive, to receive at your hand the punishment of his treachery. Chitra If I have time, I can win his heart slowly, without asking the help of a god-man.I shall stand by his side as a companion, to drive his chariot-horse, to attend him in the joy of the chase, to watch at the gate of his tent, to assist him in all his great warrior duties, to aid the weak, and to administer justice.Eventually one day he'll look at me and wonder, "Who is this kid? Is it a servant of my previous life, the same as my great achievements, who came with me in this life? "I am not the kind of woman who cultivates disappointment in solitude, feeds it with tears every night, and covers it with a patient smile every day. That is a born widow. The flower of my wish will never bear fruit until it bears fruit." will not wither. But it takes a lifetime of effort to make a man's true self known and honored. Therefore I come to your door, you Venus who conquers the world, and you, Vasenta, Young god of the seasons, take the injustice of talent and the unattractive commonality from my young body.

Just one day makes me beautiful, as beautiful as the love that suddenly opens in my heart.Give me complete beauty for just one day, and I will repay you with the days to come. Madana I agree to your request. Vasenta is not just a short day, but a whole year, and the charm of spring flowers will be pinned on your limbs.In the second scene Ah Shun, was I dreaming, or was the person I saw by the lake really there?I was sitting on the downy grass, contemplating the past in the slanting shadow of the evening, and slowly out of the shade of the leaves came a beautiful phantom, the perfect figure of a woman, standing on the white stone by the water.The heart of the earth seemed to breathe joyfully under her white bare feet.I feel that the mist-like veil on her body will disappear in space ecstasy, just like the golden morning mist on the snowy peak of Dongshan Mountain disappears.She bent down and saw her own face in the mirror-like lake. At first, she was startled and stood there blankly. Then she smiled sweetly. She waved her left arm carelessly and let go of her hair. Let it hang on the ground at her feet.She opened her breasts, and looked at her flawlessly formed arms again, full of unspeakable love.She looked down and saw her sweet and open youth, and her bright ruddy skin.She smiled in surprise.Just as the white lotus opens her eyes in the early morning, lowers her head, and sees her own shadow in the water, she will also look at her own shadow for a long time.But a moment later, a smile flashed across her face.Sad shadows slipped over her eyes.She put up her hair in a bun, pulled the veil over her arms, sighed softly, and walked away like a beautiful evening sinking into the night.For me, the highest satisfaction of desire appears and disappears as if in a flash... But who is it that pushes the door? (Chedra enters) Oh, it's her.Be still, my heart!

Don't be afraid of me, lady, I'm a warrior. Chitra Dear sir, you are my guest.I live in this temple.I don't know how to do my landownership. Arjuna's beautiful lady, seeing you is the greatest hospitality.If you are not surprised, I have a question for you. Chitra I promise not to blame you. Ah Shun, what heavy oath made you confine you in this lonely temple, so that all mortals could not see such a beautiful illusion? Chitra I have a secret wish hidden in my heart, and in order to make it come true, I pray to Lord Shiva every day. On that day, Ah Shun, what else do you wish for? Aren’t you the wish of everyone in the world?From the top of the extreme eastern mountain where the rising sun first left its fiery footprints, to the end of the land of sunset, I have traveled all over.I have seen the most precious, most beautiful and greatest things on earth.All my knowledge is offered to you if you say what or who you are seeking.

CHITRA The man I'm looking for is known to everyone. What about Ah Shun?Who is this favorite of the gods, whose fame has captured your heart? Chidra was born in the highest royal family, and he is the greatest hero among heroes. Miss Arjuna, don't sacrifice a beauty as complete as yours on the altar of fame.Fame spreads on people's tongues like a cloud in the dawn before the sun rises.Tell me who is the supreme hero of the highest descendants? Hermit Chitra, you are jealous of other people's reputation, don't you know that the Kuru royal family is the most famous in the whole world?

The royal family of Arjunajulu! Chitra Have you never heard of the greatest name of that famous royal family? Arjuna let me hear this name from your lips. Chitra Arjuna, conqueror of the world.I picked out this immortal name from the mouths of countless people, and treasured it in my maiden heart.Hermit, why do you look so bewildered?Is it because the name has only a false brilliance?If, let me tell you the truth, I would break my heart box without hesitation, and lay this false treasure in the dust. Arjuna doesn't care whether his name and reputation, his bravery and power are true or not, for the sake of mercy, don't drive him out of your heart—because he is kneeling at your feet now. You Chitra, it is Arjuna! Arjuna, yes, I am him, the love-hungry guest at your door. Didn't Chitra Arjuna vow to live alone for twelve long years? Arjuna But you undo my vows, as the moon undoes the darkness of night. How shameless you are, Chitra, what do you see in me that makes you unfaithful to yourself?What do you see in those dark eyes, in those milky white arms, for whom will you pay the price of your allegiance?What you see is not my real self, I know that.It can never be love, it is not the highest respect a man can give to a woman.Oh, this flimsy disguise, this shell, that blinds one to the splendor of the immortal spirit!Yes, now I do know, Arjuna, that your name is false. O Junna, fame, how vanity is that valiant pride!Everything seems dreamy to me.Only you are perfect, you are the treasure of the world, the end of all poverty, the goal of all endeavors, the one and only woman!The good in others is only discovered slowly, but one look at you sees the full perfection forever. Too bad Chitra, it's not me, not me, Arjuna!It is a deception by the gods.Let's go, let's go, my hero, let's go!Don't court to vanity, don't offer your great heart to illusion, go!Game 3 Chidra No, can't do it!Looking at this fanatical stare that can almost grab you, it is like a pair of hungry ghosts tightly grasping your hand, feeling his heart struggling, wanting to break the shackles and let it go. Passionate calls go through the body - how can I drive him away like a beggar - no, it can't be done! (Enter Madana and Vasanta) Oh, Venus, what dreadful flame do you surround me with?I was on fire, everything I touched was on fire. Madana I would like to know what happened last night. Lying on a couch strewn with petals of spring flowers in Chitra twilight, I recalled Arjuna's wonderful tribute to me--drinking drop by drop what I had saved in the long day up honeydew.My past life, like my past existence, is all forgotten.I am like a flower, only have a short time to listen to all the humming praises and low whispers in the forest, and then I must lower my gaze from the sky, lower my head, and breathe silently Surrendering myself to the dust ended this happy and short story with no past and no future. The glorious infinite life of Vasenta can open and wither in one morning. Madana is like a short song, full of meaning. Chitra Nanfeng patted me to sleep.From the pavilion of blooming jasmine above my head, silent kisses floated down on me. In my hair, on my breast, on my feet, every flower has chosen a bed for eternal sleep.I am asleep.In the deep sleep, suddenly I felt as if there were longing eyes, like the fingers of flames, touching my sleepy body.I awoke to see the hermit standing before me.By this time the moon was setting, and she was peeping through the leaves at the miracles that Heaven had wrought on the weak.The air was full of fragrance; the silence of the night sang to the chirping of the crickets, and the shadow of the tree hung peacefully over the lake, and he stood on his stick, tall and straight, motionless, like a tree in a forest.I felt as if, the moment I opened my eyes, I had died from all the realities of life, and was reborn in a dream in a land of shadows.Shyness slipped to my feet like loose clothing.I heard him call—"My love, my favorite!" All my forgotten lives gathered together to answer his call.I said, "Take me, take me all!" I held out my arms to him. The moon went down behind the trees, and a curtain of darkness covered everything.Heaven and earth, joy and sorrow, life and death, time and space all merged into an unbearable carnival... In the first dawn light and the first chirping of birds, I got up and sat leaning on my left arm.He was still awake, with a faint smile like a crescent moon in the morning on his lips.The rosy light of dawn falls on his noble brow.I sighed and stood up, pulling the dense leaves of vines to cover the streaming sunlight on his face.I look around, the landscape remains the same, and I remember who I am, and run like a deer afraid of my own shadow, through the hibiscus-strewn trails.I found a quiet place, sat down and covered my face with my hands. I wanted to cry, but no tears came from my eyes. Madana, you mortal daughter!I stole the fragrant and mellow fairy wine from the sky library, filled the night of the world to the full, and put it in your hand for you to drink—but I still hear this longing call! CHITRA (bitterly) Who's got this drink?The rarest fulfillment of life's wishes, the first union of love, has been offered to me, and has been snatched from my grasp!This borrowed beauty, this hypocrisy that enfolds me, will slip from me, and take with me, as petals from a dead flower, the only remembrance of that sweet union; woman, will sit and weep day and night.Venus, this accursed exterior follows me like a demon that has snatched from me all the rewards of love--all the kisses my heart desires. Madana, how empty your night was!The happy boat is in sight, but the waves keep it from shore. The kingdom of Chitra was so near that I forgot for a moment that it had not yet arrived.But when I awoke from my dream this morning, I found that my body had become my own rival.Every day I adorned her and sent her to my lover to see her caressed by him, it became my hateful duty.O man of God, take back your gift! Madana But if I take it back, how can you stand before your lover?Is it not cruel to snatch the glass from his lips before he has drunk his first sip of joy?How he will be angry with you! Chidrana is much stronger than that too.I'm going to reveal to him my true self, which is a nobler thing than a pretense.If he refuses it, if he ignores me and breaks my heart, I will bear it in silence. Vasenta Take my advice.Autumn comes, the flowering time is over, and then the fruits of victory will come.The time will come when the flowers of the body fall and Asuna will gladly embrace the truth of loving the fruit of your heart. O boy, return to your wild feasts.SCENE FOUR CHITRA Why do you look at me like this, my warrior? Arjuna, let me see how you weave this wreath.Subtly and gracefully, the twin siblings dance at your fingertips.I was watching and thinking about it. Chitra, what are you thinking, sir? Arjuna I think with the same soft touch and sweetness you are weaving my wandering days into an immortal garland and crowning me when I come home. The Chitras!This love is not for a home! Isn't Arjuna for a family? Chidra no, never talk about this, take the durable and strong back to your home.Leave the little wild flower where it grew; let it die beautifully in the twilight with all that dies.Bring no flowers to your palace and drop them on flagstones, for it has no mercy for what withers and is forgotten. Arjuna, is our love like this? Chitra Yes, that's it!Why regret it?That which lives for recreation never outlives the days of leisure.When it's time to go, the door closes, and joy turns to pain.Take it and keep it until you can't keep it anymore.Do not ask for more of your evening than what your morning desire will earn... the day is over. Wear this wreath.I am tired.Take me in your arms, I love.Let all futile dissatisfaction die at the sweet touch of our lips. Arjuna, be silent!Hear, my love, the prayer bells of the temple of the far village, Sneak by the evening wind through the silent woods!Scene V Vasenta I can't catch you, my friend!I'm tired.Keeping the fire you light alive is hard work.Sleep overcame me, the fan fell from my hand, cold ashes covered the firelight.I woke up from my stupor again, and used all my strength to revive the lingering flame.But the work could no longer be done like this. I know Madana, you are as impermanent as a child.You are always playing between heaven and earth.What you have carefully built over days, you will tear down in a split second without hesitation.But our work is coming to an end, the days with happy wings are flying so fast, this year is almost coming to an end, and I passed out in the ecstasy of satisfaction.Scene 6 Arjuna I woke up in the morning to find that what I got in my dream was a gem.I have no box to hold it, no crown to set it in, no chain to hang it on, and yet I cannot bear to throw it away.My samurai's right arm, idly grasping this gem and forgetting its duty. Enter Chitra. Chitra tell me what's on your mind! Arjuna My mind is busy thinking about today's hunt.You see, the rain pours down like this, pounding the hillsides with fury. The shadow of clouds and haze hangs heavily on the top of the forest, and the overflowing stream, like a reckless youth, crosses all dikes with mocking laughter.On rainy days like this, we five brothers always went to chase wild animals in the Chidraka woods.Those were really happy days.Our hearts dance to the thundercloud's drumbeat.The woods echo the peacock's song.The timid deer cannot hear our approaching footsteps because of the sound of rain and springs; the leopards leave trails in the wetlands, revealing the location of their dens.We shot pigs and raced each other across the rapids on the way home.I was full of restless thoughts.I want to go hunting. Chitra, catch up with the prey you are chasing first.Are you sure you can catch that charming deer you're stalking? No, not yet, when the wild thing is almost caught by you, it eludes you like a dream.See how the wind is chased by the storm that sends forth arrows.But it went away freely, unconquered.Our game is like this, I love it!You run after the swift-legged fairie, aiming every short spear in your hand at her.But that magic deer always runs away without being touched by you. Arjuna, my love, don’t you have a home where there is no kind heart waiting for you to go back?Have you not a home sweetened by your tender service, where the lights go out when you leave it into the wild? Why is Chitra asking these questions!Are the days of thoughtless fun over?Don't you know I'm only what you see me?For me, there is nothing else.The dewdrops hanging on the tips of the velvet petals have no name or character.It doesn't answer any questions.She you love is like this perfect dewdrop. Arjuna, isn't she in contact with the world?Would she be like a fragment of heaven, dropped to the earth by the carelessness of a god-man? Chitra Yes. Arjuna That's why I always feel that I'm about to lose you.My heart is not satisfied, my mind is not at peace.Come closer to me, you who can't grasp it!Put yourself under the constraints of name, family and parents.Let my heart feel you in every way, and live with you in the peace and security of love. Why should Chitra waste in vain trying to capture the color of clouds, the dance of waves, and the fragrance of flowers? Arjuna my queen, don't hope to soothe love with emptiness.Give me something elusive, something that outlasts entertainment, even endures pain. Chitra my hero, it's not been a year yet and you're tired of it!Now I understand that the flowers are short-lived because of the kindness of heaven.It would be an honorable death if my body withered with last year's spring flowers, but its days are numbered, I love.Spare it not, squeeze its honey, lest thy supplicant heart be like a thirsty bee again, When the summer flowers fall to the ground, With unsatisfied desires, Come back again and again.SEVEN MADANA Tonight is your last night. Vasenta, the beauty of your body, tomorrow will return to the warehouse of endless storage in spring. After the bright red of your lips fades from the memory of Arjuna's kiss, it will sprout again like two fresh carefree leaves, and the soft white radiance of your skin will reappear in a hundred fragrant jasmine flowers. O Chitra, god, grant this request of mine!Tonight, in the last hour, let my beauty shine brightest, like the last flash of a flame that has died down. Madana your wish will come true.Scene 8: Villagers, who will protect us now? Arjun, what, what danger is threatening you? Villagers A wave of robbers came from the northeast, like a mountain torrent, trying to wash away our village. Arjuna, is there no head of state in your country? The villagers, Princess Chitra, are the ones that all bad guys fear.While she is in this happy land, we fear nothing but a good death. Now she has gone out to offer incense, and no one knows where to find her. Is the head of state of Arjuna a woman? Villagers Yes, she is our mother and our father. (Exit.) Enter Chitra. Chitra why are you sitting here alone? Arjuna I am here to guess what kind of woman Princess Chitra is.I have heard many things about her from various people. Chitra, but she is not beautiful.She doesn't have lovely eyes, black as death, like mine.She can shoot through any target she wants, but she cannot pierce our hero's heart. Arjuna and the others said that she had the bravery of a man and the gentleness of a woman. Chitra This, indeed, is her greatest misfortune, When a woman is only a woman; and she is happy when, with smiles and whimpers, services and caresses, she wraps herself round the man's heart.What use were learning and great achievements to her?If you had seen her yesterday in the Shiva temple compound by the forest path, you would have walked by without even bothering to look at her.But have you been so tired of the beauty of a woman that you want to find the strength of a man in her? I have used the green leaves moistened by the spring to make a bed for us to take a nap in the deep cave as dark as night.There the coolness of the soft moss on the dark wet stone will kiss your eyes to sleep.Let me take you there. Arjuna isn't going today, love. Why didn't Chitra go today? Arjuna I hear that a band of brigands has approached this plain.I have to prepare weapons to protect those panicked villagers. Chitra you need not worry about them.Princess Chitra had placed strong guards on all the border roads before she went out to pray. Arjuna But allow me to do the work of a warrior for a while.I will ennoble my idle arm with new glory, And make it more worthy for your pillow. Chitra What if I won't let you go, if I hold you in my arms?Will you break free violently and leave me?Then go for it!But you must know that once the vines are broken, they can never be joined together again.Go, if your thirst has been quenched.But if you haven't, remember that the Goddess of entertainment is impermanent, and she waits for no one.Sit down a while, my lord!Tell me what uneasiness is playing tricks on you.Who has captured your heart today?Is it Chidra? Arjuna yes, it's Chitra.I don't know what she was going to do to pay the pilgrimage.What else would she need? What does Chitra need?This unfortunate thing, what had she ever had?Her character was like the walls of a prison, shutting her woman's heart in an empty chamber. She is dark, she is dissatisfied.Even if her woman's love is ruined, she can only feel satisfied.Mei rejected her.She sits like a morose morning elf on a hilltop, all her splendor hidden by dark clouds.Don't ask me about her life.Her life will never be sweet to the ears of men. Arjuna I long to know all about her.I am like a traveler arriving in a strange city in the middle of the night.The spiers of the temple and the trees of the garden looked dim and dark, and now and then the sea's brooding moans came from the silence of sleep. He longed for the morning to come, that all these wonders might be revealed to him.Oh, tell me her story. What else can Chitra tell you? Arjuna I seem to see her in the eyes of my heart, riding a white horse, proudly holding the rein in her left hand and holding the bow in her right hand, like a goddess of victory, spreading happy hopes around her.Like a vigilant lioness, she protects her cubs at her breast with fierce love.A woman's arms, even without other adornments but strength, would be beautiful!Beautiful people, my heart cannot find peace for a moment, like a giant dragon waking up from its long hibernation. Come on, let us ride fast horses and gallop side by side, skimming space like a pair of twin planets.Out of this dark green sluggish prison, out of this dank veil of fragrant intoxication and stifling breath, step forth. Chitra Arjuna, tell me the truth, if I suddenly, by a kind of magic, break free from this demonic weakness, this shy and bright beauty shrinks under the touch of the strong and healthy of the world, as if borrowed The clothes are thrown off my body, can you bear it?If I stand up straight and strong, with the strength of a brave heart, I kick away tricks and entangled weak art, if I hold my head high like a young and tall mountain fir, no longer like a vine dragged in the dust, can I still attract a man's attention?No, no, you can't bear it.I might as well wait patiently for you with the delicate toys of fleeting youth still scattered around me.When you are willing to come back, I will pour entertainment wine for you in the glass of this beautiful body with a smile.When you are tired and have had enough of this wine, you can go out to work or play; when I am old, wherever you leave me a corner, I will accept it humbly and gratefully.If the nocturnal traveler would be help by day, if the left arm learned to share the proud right, would that please thy heroic heart? Arjuna I can never seem to get you right.You are to me like a goddess hidden in a golden statue.I can't touch you, I can't pay you back for your priceless gift.In this way, my love is not complete.Sometimes in the enigmatic depths of your sad eyes, in your playful words mocking their own meaning, I get glimpses of the feeling you're trying to break through your tired, graceful body, through the emptiness of your smile The veil, presented in the baptism of painful fire.Illusion is the first aspect of truth.She walks towards her lover in disguise.But when the time came, she threw aside her trimmings and veils, and rose to her feet in plain stately dress.I search for that ultimate "you," that naked, simple truth. Why are you crying, my love?Why do you cover your face with your hands?Have I made you miserable, my darling?Forget what I said.I will be content for now.Let every beautiful moment be like a mysterious bird flying to me from its invisible nest in the dark with a message of music. Let me sit forever with hope on the edge of its reality, and thus end my life.SCENE NINE CHITRA (in cloak) My lord, is this drink down to the last drop?Is this really the end?No, when everything is over, something will remain, and this is my last offering at your feet. From the gardens of heaven I bring flowers of unrivaled beauty to worship you, God-man of my heart.If the sacrifice is over and the flowers are gone, let me throw them outside the temple. (revealing the original men's clothing) Now, please look at your admirer with kindness. I am not as perfect as the flowers I sacrifice.I have many, many flaws.I am a traveler on this vast world, my clothes are dirty, my feet are bleeding from thorns.Where can I find the beauty of a flower, the unblemished beauty of a moment's life?I proudly bring you the gift of a woman's heart.Here all joys and sorrows come together—the hopes, fears, and shames of an earthly daughter, and here love struggles toward immortal life.Although this heart is not perfect, it is noble and dignified. If the sacrifice of flowers is over, my master, accept her as your future servant! I am Chitra, daughter of the King.Perhaps you will remember that day in the temple of Shiva, a woman came to you, she was covered with gold ornaments. This shameless woman comes to woo you as if she were a man.You turned her down and you did the right thing.My lord, I am that woman.I dress up like that.Later, thanks to the grace of God, I got the most beautiful figure in the world for a year, and the guilt of deceiving hurt my heroic heart.I am by no means that woman. I am Chidra.Not a goddess to be worshipped, nor a common object of pity to be brushed aside like a moth. If you will allow me to be by your side always on your dangerous and valiant paths, if you will allow me to share in the great responsibilities of your life, then you will know my "true self."如果在我腹中孕育着的你的孩子,是一个男孩,我将亲自把他教育成为第二个阿顺那,时候到了我就把他送到你那里去,那时你将终于真正地认识我。今天我只把齐德拉献给你,一个国王的女儿。 阿顺那爱人,我的生命圆满了!
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