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Chapter 21 honeycomb

She's a woman and I'm a woman 黄碧云 2586Words 2018-03-20
How much she longed for his death—the corner she gave him in her heart would disappear in the flames along with his body.Because of the lack of heart, she will keep it in mind for the rest of her life, so she seriously sent a greeting card on his 60th birthday: "How I long for your death." He is an Englishman with a sense of humor. The man also politely kissed her on the face and thanked her: "It is the most memorable greeting card in my life. It doesn't make me happy, but it is very interesting." She was very happy, smiling like a flower. "How do I imagine you, still a young man?" He laughed: "It's just very busy, very busy, very noisy, with four children in the family, a wife, a large group of friends, friends' husbands, wives, children, so Life is simpler and stupider." He thought about it, and said, "It's smarter now." She touched his silver hair (how close to heaven), and smiled: "Too smart."—she won't get him , he won't get her either.

So laugh a lot.From beginning to end, he was a real man, going to the dance hall, drinking tea loudly, carrying a thick gold chain, and going abroad to visit Chinatown.He has not changed, which made her feel at ease. He always approached her and persuaded her: "I really like you very much." She just smiled: "I know." Then lured her: "What do you want? Give you a sum of money to do business " She smiled again: "Okay." He never gave her anything, and she also smiled and ran to see him with a pair of wooden clogs. "What a child's face." I don't know whether to mock her or praise her.Sometimes I would come to her late at night and say, "I miss you very much." She would also say, "I know." She couldn't think of anything more concrete to say, so she sat in the living room late at night and giggled.I found a bag of potato chips and ate them.He said: "Is it because I can't get you." She only replied: "People are not prizes, it doesn't matter if you get it or not." She invited him to eat potato chips.He was angry and funny, so he had no choice but to take it and eat it.But she knew that if she didn't see him again, she would miss him. Who would want to eat potato chips with her late at night.

"She will think: It doesn't matter, let him love her. She just sits there smiling and folds her hands." "He is willing." "He never blamed her." "So he is a good man." It's gone," she said.They were talking about other people, but she knew in her heart that he was scolding her, and she was also cheeky, tied the scarf on her head, made a big butterfly, and said with a smile: "Why don't I buy you a leather jacket." He felt that she could really win the "Cheeky Award", and the best award presenter was none other than him.At that time they were still young, still students, he came and said: "How mysterious you are." She was wearing a straw hat, under the moonlight, turned her face, giggled: "Oh?" He was young, Don't dare to say it a second time.Occasionally he would hug her, and she always felt like hugging a piece of soap, so she kept laughing.He also felt that she was too outrageous, so he was not very enthusiastic about touching her.She got what she wanted, and she lost her mind and said: "Okay. Like elementary school boys and girls." He looked aggrieved, and said: "I have no choice but to." She was afraid of scaring him away, so she coaxed him and whispered in his ear nonsense.Others always thought she was his lover, watching movies together, going out on trips, and when she wasn't there, he would guard her house and open letters for her.But in fact they are nothing.There are only two of them, guarding a cheeky, forced secret.At least from this point of view, they are still a couple.

The case is ten years.Goodbye, he was still as cautious as before.She called him politely: "Sir." It was like a prostitute addressing a guest, and there was something in her words.Feeling guilty, she lowered her head, thinking of the transition, she felt it was funny again.He was still as afraid of her as ever.For this reason, she kept calling him, calling him late at night, and asking someone to give him a dog, forcing him into a desperate situation.But she wasn't really interested in him at all.She thought he was just a man who didn't understand anything. The toilet was broken, and she must be the one who had to use pliers and screwdrivers to fix it.She thought that when she went climbing with him, he would have to pant behind, he was just extremely sensitive and careful.Seeing him with a thin beard at night made her realize his gender.She laughed at him: "So thin." He lowered his head, terrified to death.She had no choice but to say: "Okay, okay, I surrender." She thought that she would scare him away from then on.When she was about to forget about him, he came and bought her a book. She was full of joy and said, "You can't blame me for this." He then turned and left.She wondered in a daze: Will I see him again in the future?Maybe from then on...she felt a little lost in her heart.

Quietly, the shadow that disappeared in her life and memory. "Actually," he said.When did that happen. "You should forget about me." She sunk her face deep in her hands. "Why don't I take you home to meet my wife." She got out of the car on an extremely foggy afternoon and ran wildly in the fog in the mountains.He didn't move, he was determined to eat her, and just waited for her in the car.She was exhausted from running, her whole body was soaked, covered with mud and weeds, only his two warm yellow headlights were tempting her.She was just very weak, and ran back frantically.He was smoking in the carriage, and when he saw her come back, he wrapped her in a suit coat.Her teeth were chattering constantly, so she had to stuff the handkerchief into her mouth, unable to breathe, she shed tears.

This is the last time I see him.Looking back, I always feel that something is wrong. It turns out that the separation was too sensational. (just my heart, how it hurts) She just can't understand it.She receives a bill from him summarizing their love.Half of the down payment for the building, the furniture and a set of audio equipment he bought, he generously depreciated by 50%.Conservative estimate for monthly dinners, flowers and gas.His lawyer's secretary is very conscientious, urging her to go to the lawyer's office every day to sign the sale contract.She still lives there, and he has sent a woman to collect his personal belongings for him.She was just dizzy, drinking ice water there to stop the shock. "He said: He left because you are very selfish and egotistical." The woman said without looking back as she kept tidying up.He's already talking about her in front of other people, talking about her like a starlet or a politician, even about her big decayed teeth, her silk coriander panties, the prescription of her contact lenses, the little tricks and tricks she did when she fucked. Whisper - talk about her in the past tense.Her body hair stood on end, and suddenly she curled up and knelt down, saying: "I did everything wrong." (If it was all my fault, would your world be more beautiful because of it)

(If you close the door, I'll still stand outside the door) (how you hurt me, you'll never know) She was waiting for the last customer to leave at New Delhi airport.In the lobby, there were a few Caucasians wearing Hui-teaching robes, sleeping with their rucksacks on their backs.It took her half an hour to answer a long distance call. "This gentleman, he canceled the reservation and didn't get on the plane." Back in Derry, it was already late at night, and the sky was shining one day. He also looked for her and explained, "I'm really busy." She was past the age of sensationalism, so she said softly, "I understand." She really understood that he thought he loved her, but he didn't.What he loves most is himself.

He also dutifully sent her flowers on Valentine's Day.Every time we meet, he talks about himself.Half awake and half asleep, she said, "I understand." She also dutifully gave him birthday presents and Christmas presents, and every time he forgot to take them away, and she threw the presents into the trash can, he apologized repeatedly, and she just smiled and said, "I understand." He was very grateful and said, "You are such a sensible woman." She naturally understands. (How can I say, how lonely I am) (How can I bear to say, how much I long to die, let my soul rest in peace, let my body disappear from now on)

(Do you want me to say that my life is nothing) In the end, complaining is of course meaningless. She started to like to laugh, teasing and understanding smiles, talking irrelevant naughty words, aimlessly showing mercy everywhere, but there is love or not, so you can forget your worries.Her life is also aimless, and she is really wanting to die.Others gathered together like a fire, she didn't want them to be burned by the coldness inside her, so they wandered around, they thought she was just a frivolous playgirl. "That's good," she said.It's like looking at the scenery from a high-rise building, the bustle and bustle of the sky, she knows that it's just passing by, so don't be tempted.Because of the little love, the stinging and poisonous, but after she became a queen, her body was covered with honey.

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