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greenish yellow

greenish yellow


  • officialdom novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 195068

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Chapter 1 sequence

greenish yellow 王跃文 307Words 2018-03-20
Zimozi sighed when he saw someone dyed with silk, saying: "If you dye it in blue, it will turn green; if you dye it in yellow, it will turn yellow. What you enter will change, and its color will also change." ——— "Mozi Dyeing" There is an oil painting hanging in my living room, which was bought at an overseas charity bazaar.It was a dark blue vase with a bouquet of pink roses.The roses are in full bloom, like a layer of mist. The composition is a bit like Van Gogh's, but the tone is quiet and peaceful blue, which is different from Van Gogh's blazing.But the vase is tilted, and it looks like it is about to fall, which is quite puzzling.

I seem to be always afraid that the vase will fall to the ground, and I can't help but want to reach out to help it.However, when the vase was straightened, the picture frame was crooked; when the picture frame was straightened, the vase was crooked again. The painting was created by an eminent monk, and I don't know what Zen mechanism is hidden.About two years after enshrining this painting, I saw a small word written in a very inconspicuous part of the frame: fear. Bodhisattvas are afraid of causes, and ordinary people are afraid of effects.There is fear in my heart, and I live in awe.

I wrote this painting into the novel and hung it in the living room of one of the main characters.
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