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Chapter 171 Chapter 171 Family

facebook 叶听雨 3808Words 2018-03-20
Chunjiang, in the evening, Zhu Ziqiang took Yuyan's hand home, and Luo Yong disappeared in his car just like before.Yuyan leaned on his shoulder, her long black hair was blown by the evening wind, like a naughty child playing tricks on his nose, Zhu Ziqiang finally sneezed for a long time, looked up at the sky in Chunjiang, There are burning clouds in the sky, from orange, golden, light yellow to light blue, a few wisps of clouds floating in the sky, it is really a beautiful spring river. Taking advantage of his inattention, Yuyan bent her knees and slammed into his buttocks, turned around and rushed upstairs with a coquettish smile, while Zhu Ziqiang made a wolf-like sound from behind.

"Husband surrenders! Hehe, don't mess with me again after surrendering!" Zhu Ziqiang was not willing to let go, and clasped Yuyan's waist and eyes with his fingers: "Kiss me...and here, not enough, and forehead! Nose...well..." The two bit each other, opened the door, Zhu Ziqiang His trousers were already showing a tendency to split, so Yuyan reached out and hit her: "Damn thing, I'll kill you! I only know how to mess with flowers, and I'll knock you off sooner or later!" Zhu Ziqiang's hand slipped into Yuyan's small clothes. After giving birth, Yuyan's peanuts were not discolored by sucking like other women, but were still bright red and tender.

"Self-improvement... oh... take a shower first! Are you not crazy enough?" Zhu Ziqiang lifted up her clothes, put her head in, and said, "How can it be enough? I get excited when I touch you, um, my wife...it smells...sweet..." Rolling into the sofa, Yang Yuyan's clothes were already in name only, and she put her hands on the back of the sofa, "You tease me again... I'll take a shower!" Zhu Ziqiang got up hurriedly, put his arms around Yuyan's waist, and laid her on the sofa. Fa-rectification on the spot.Afterwards, Yang Yuyan lay naked in Zhu Ziqiang's arms like a jade cat, "Are you really going to find Sunan?" Zhu Ziqiang nodded. He has never smoked, but recently started to learn to smoke, gently Take a puff and exhale slowly: "My wife, I saw a sentence recently, engrave your name on the cigarette and inhale it into the lungs, just like this."

Yang Yuyan punched him: "I'm telling you something serious!" Zhu Ziqiang looked at her affectionately, Yuyan's eyes are the most beautiful after love, the pupils are like a pool of autumn water, as if to melt the whole world, big watery eyes, delicate nose, fine powder on the nose Sweating, Zhu Ziqiang looked at her like this: "Yuyan, I love you!" A sweet smile appeared on the corner of Yang Yuyan's mouth: "The fish said to the water, you can't see my tears because I am in the water; the water said to the fish, I can see your tears because you are in my heart. Self-improvement, Can you see my tears?"

Zhu Ziqiang smiled and said: "Fool! How do you learn petty bourgeoisie? I am your fish, you are my water, I can never leave you, without you, I can't breathe, I can't live. Thank you, Yuyan." Yang Yu turned over and rode on Zhu Ziqiang, with a rare smirk on her face, squinting her eyes, and said evilly, "Honey...I'm going to drown you!" Zhu Ziqiang is not a machismo. On the contrary, he has always treated his lover equally. This time he went to Chunjiang, first to send Yang Yuyan back to appease him; There is no way to retreat, it is better to be brave.It's not that he doesn't want to tell his woman, it's just that there are some things that don't need to involve his family members, if he can avoid it, especially for a pure and kind person like Yu Yan, why let her know too many dark and filthy things?Moreover, Sunan treats Yuyan very well, and the relationship between the two has always been good, and they are sisters in private.

After coaxing Yang Yuyan to sleep, Zhu Ziqiang quietly left the house. When he got downstairs, Luoyong lights were shining, and Zhu Ziqiang got into the car with a wry smile: "Didn't I tell you to go to rest?" Luo Yong laughed dryly: "Sleep...can't fall asleep." Since Bai Wu's accident, Sunan went back to Beijing to avoid suspicion. She stayed for a while and came back after the Spring Festival. Her job is in Chunjiang. It is said that it is not difficult to transfer back, and she can avoid many gossips.After all, Sunan is an inner beauty woman, and she can be regarded as a scholar in Chunjiang, but she is unwilling to be transferred, and even Zhu Ziqiang can't figure out the subtleties.

The sage said that only women and villains are difficult to raise.Women's unreasonableness is the greatest reason. It is precisely because of this that saints compare women with villains. A talented senior intellectual like Sunan, who was born in a high-ranking family, is well-educated, knowledgeable, and has the ability to think and deal with things. are different from ordinary people.Confronting this kind of woman made Zhu Ziqiang feel dizzy thinking about it. He was not worried that Sunan would want him to betray his looks, but that he was worried that confronting such a talented woman would be like a dog biting a mouse.

Sunan does not have a strong desire for power. This can be seen from the fact that she has been teaching in the university. She does not have too many material requirements. She is not short of money, and she does not pursue sexual affairs between men and women. Her ugly appearance has not caused her psychological distortion. , because Sunan is now the deputy director of the Department of Philosophy, with the title of professor.People who study philosophy are far more rational than emotional. Zhu Ziqiang and Sunan had made an appointment in advance. At nine o'clock in the evening, Zhu Ziqiang stood at Sunan's door on time. He had been here once, it was Bai Wu's birthday, and two years had passed in a blink of an eye.

Zhu Ziqiang was about to knock on the door, but Sunan had already opened the door and said with a smile, "Mayor Zhu is very punctual." Zhu Ziqiang smiled and said: "If you are late, I am afraid that Professor Su will thank you behind closed doors." She used to call her Sister Su, but now she changed to Professor Su. Sunan shook his head and said, "Let's call her Sister Su, Professor, let me Sounds awkward. Come in and sit." Black tea, as bright as blood, Sunan's favorite, handed Zhu Ziqiang a bottle of mineral water: "The majestic man actually only drinks white water. Someone will throw your good tea at me in the future."

Zhu Ziqiang was stunned for a moment, and said with a dumb smile: "Sister Su, are you kidding me? No one can afford the tea here. Although I don't drink tea, I have heard that Sister Su's black tea is more expensive than gold." Sunan said flatly: "Vulgar! Compared with gold. You are a talented scholar. Tea culture is the most important part of Chinese traditional culture. Japanese and Koreans learn tea culture and make tea ceremony. Now it's the other way around. Spread the word to China, pretending to be a ghost, painting a tiger is not an anti-dog, and the connotation and charm of tea have been ruined by them.”

Zhu Ziqiang smiled and pointed to the mineral water in his hand: "In terms of realm, it is still my highest. Tea, wine, beverages, everything comes from water, and everything is inseparable from the original. Human civilization witnesses history and maintains survival." Sunan clapped his hands and applauded: "This is the demeanor of a great talent. Hehe, the Chinese character is modest, reserved, like to endure, and not good at showing off. Tea belongs to the Chinese. Tonight, let's learn how to talk like a foreigner, how about it?" Zhu Ziqiang nodded and said slowly: "Sister Su, I can't evade the past. The purpose of my coming tonight is to hear your conditions. I don't think I did anything wrong, and of course, I don't want to I advertise myself as noble, great, and love the motherland. If possible, I would rather remain unknown and live a safe life. When I first started working, a county party secretary named Ma Da told me that we are people who are looking for light in the dark.” Sunan still smiled as before. Her face was long, her eyes were like soybeans, and she had freckles. She had almost no bridge of nose and a long protruding chin. This kind of face was called a horse face, and Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang had this kind of face.But Sunan has an elegant temperament, which is not affected by her horse face. She looked at Zhu Ziqiang and said slowly, "Ziqiang, you are too young. You have never experienced many things. I can understand you. My family has never had such a thing since the founding of New China until now. I am a member of the family, Bai Wu is my lover, and the Soviet Union is my younger brother. From my grandfather, the Su family has a sense of honor. Personally speaking, I admire you very much. With good looks, talent and intelligence, coupled with hard work, you are already proud of your achievements today! However, my surname is Su." Zhu Ziqiang sighed, and said sincerely: "If Mr. Su wants to use me to wash away the shame, I can't sit in front of you today. The family...is too noble and far away for me. Sister Su, you Come on, what can I do? What do I have to do?" Sunan's eyes were originally small, and this smile narrowed into cracks: "Smart! Zhu Ziqiang, it's not entirely due to luck that you can take the position of mayor today. It's not good for our family to vent your anger on you. The fact has already happened , do you know why our Su family is so prosperous?" Zhu Ziqiang really wanted to pretend to be dizzy, but tonight he couldn't, and said with a wry smile: "Political interests. Just like a family of merchants, as long as they make money forever, they can bless their descendants." Sunan said with a smile: "Talking with you is a pleasure! Politics and interests are two things, one is behavior, and the other is results. Politics without interests is doomed to failure, so some people ridicule politicians as prostitutes, liars, and robbers." , Murderer. The condition for you is very simple, join the Su family." Zhu Ziqiang tentatively asked, "Aren't you afraid that I'm naturally rebellious like Wei Yan?" Sunan smiled confidently: "With Zhuge Liang around, does Wei Yan dare to rebel?" Zhu Ziqiang stood up and bowed respectfully to Sunan: "The elder sister is Zhuge Liang. The younger brother is willing to serve the Su family to his death!" Sunan nodded: "When you go to Beijing for a meeting next month, go see my dad. It's okay, you go back first, don't let Yuyan stay alone in the empty boudoir. Let her come and accompany me when she is free." Zhu Ziqiang couldn't figure out what Sunan was thinking, so it was over so soon?Zhu Ziqiang had the illusion that the fun had come to an abrupt end, but he didn't say much.When he was about to leave, Sunan stopped him and said with a smile, "That Zhang Jun, right? I will follow you from now on. His two children are very cute. Let him rest assured that my Su family is not a den of wolves." Zhu Ziqiang nodded. After going downstairs, Luo Yong started the car. Seeing that Zhu Ziqiang didn't say a word, staring at the car window like a fool, he didn't speak, and drove the car seriously. "Xiaoyong, have you watched Romance of the Three Kingdoms?" Luo Yong nodded, Zhu Ziqiang smiled and said, "Who do you like the most?" "Zhang Fei." Zhu Ziqiang looked at Luo Yong in surprise: "Hey, your eyes are watery, don't you like Zhuge Liang?" Luo Yong shook his head and said with difficulty: "Zhang... ah Zhang Fei, loyal... heart!" "Isn't Guan Yu more loyal? Why don't you like Guan Yu?" "Too proud." "Then why don't you like Zhuge Liang?" Luo Yong grinned and said, "Too...too...fake!" Zhu Ziqiang couldn't help laughing out loud, sometimes he really liked to chat with Luo Yong, Luo Yong would never lie to him, nor would he pretend to be deep, and his thoughts were simple, without those complicated things. Thinking of the conversation with Sunan tonight, if Sunan was born as a man, I am afraid that the Su family can really inherit.Pity! Zhu Ziqiang was a little amused. Sunan's weakness is that he values ​​the interests of the family too much. The interests of the Su family are nothing more than wanting to become an evergreen tree in China's political arena and maintain influence.But without the interests of the country, how can the interests of the family come?If it affects the country, it's useless to care about your family!China is developing, not only economically, but also institutionally, and various interest groups are also undergoing changes. The longer this change, the greater the change.The older generation dies and retreats. Democracy is no longer a hypnotic slogan or a political tool. It is wishful thinking to forcibly intervene in the development of the country in the form of a family!Zhu Ziqiang understands that his greatest advantage is his youth.Wei Yanfan, Ma Dai beheaded.Hehe, you, Sunan, are not Zhuge Liang, and I, Zhu Ziqiang, am not Wei Yan!However, Zhu Ziqiang was still very interested in meeting Mr. Su.At least for five years, Mr. Su will still have a relatively large influence. It's not easy for old comrades... Zhu Ziqiang felt a pang of sadness when he thought of his master.I am his only apprentice, not only can't fulfill my filial piety in front of him, but disturb him all the time.When you go to Beijing, you must spend more time with the old man, and spend less time with him every day.Maybe when the old man will let go. When she got home, Yuyan was watching TV. Seeing Zhu Ziqiang had a friendly smile on her face, she couldn't help asking, "Did we talk?" Zhu Ziqiang nodded, and said with a smile: "Zhuge's army master Zhizhu is in his hands, and we will subdue the young general and make a great effort." Yang Yuyan slapped him coquettishly: "Seriously, what are you talking about about the Three Kingdoms?" Zhu Ziqiang raised his hands and said, "Alright! Seriously, accompany me to Beijing next month."
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