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Chapter 123 Chapter 123 Ideas

facebook 叶听雨 5647Words 2018-03-20
Lao Liu said with a consoling smile: "You don't have to worry. People who are scholars are most particular about what they say, and they shouldn't talk empty words or brag. Let's settle the matter of the winery first, and then I will Help you find out, if he really has a way to carry out artificial planting, I will definitely persuade him to give you the technology, I promise you this with my personality!" Zhu Ziqiang picked up the wine bowl and said: "Thank you in advance! Come on, everyone has worked tirelessly to help us for such a poor mountain village that has nothing to do with you. The food and drinks are simple. On behalf of the cadres and masses of the township, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you. Thank you!" After saying that, he raised his neck and finished.

Old Liu Daitou, together with the drivers, eight people, eight bowls, raised their necks and drank all the wine in the bowl at the same time, without changing their faces. Old Liu breathed out his alcohol, looked at Zhu Ziqiang and smiled: "Zhu Ziqiang The secretary is young and forthright! I believe you will be able to lead the whole township to become rich and well-off. We are business units. To put it bluntly, we are businessmen. Businessmen seek profit. There is nothing to hide. Mr. Wu personally called me to come I have to be responsible to the group and to Mr. Wu, so let me put the ugly words first, if Caizigou has no investment value, I will also return empty-handed."

Zhu Ziqiang smiled and said: "Don't worry, this is a matter of course. If you think it is worthless, I will cancel this project. By the way, Master Liu is enjoying the treatment now, right?" Lao Liu waved his hands with a "hi" and smiled, "Hey, you are in the right place. You don't have real power, but your salary is higher." Zhu Ziqiang said: "You guys, except for the two driving masters, I guess the administrative level is higher than mine." The surname is Chen, the uncles of the family, relatives, we are usually called according to age, from here, the boss, the second, the third, the fourth, and the fifth are all treated as department-level cadres, but they are not comparable to you, just own monthly salary."

Zhu Ziqiang clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Coincidental! Our winery plan this time is to move people to a company. The name of this company is all Chen, and the president is Chen Deming, who makes baijiu. I don't know if he has anything to do with it or not." ?” Master Chen is a little bald on the top of his head. After drinking the wine, his eyes and nose are squeezed together: "The generation of the German character is compatible with us. It is said that it is our grandfather's generation. I don't know what is under the German character." ?” Lao Yang hurriedly said: "It's 'Shao, Wen'."

Master Chen said: "Oh! Then it's all cleared up, yes! We are a family, and our brothers are from the literary generation. My name is Chen Wenqing. Hey, I never expected that I would find a family here. Zhibenjia, good news! I will ask Secretary Zhu to introduce it to us tomorrow.” Several other Chen masters also followed suit. The wine table revolved around the history of the Chen family, starting from the first person surnamed Chen, and then counting down slowly. At the end of the chat, the wine and dishes were all gone, the guests and the host had a good time, and an appointment was made. Tomorrow we went to Zhongchang together. After Zhu Ziqiang and Lao Yang took them back to the room and went to sleep, Guan Zhongkun and other talents arrived late. Zhu Ziqiang waited for them to wash up and change, and hurriedly called the members of the leadership team for a meeting.

Guan Zhongkun suggested that Lao Yang go to the middle factory overnight and have a good talk with Chen Deming. It is necessary to establish a good relationship with the family. Anyway, this is a beneficial and harmless thing.Then there is the arrangement of staying and accompanying personnel. Guan Zhongkun and Li Chaolun stayed at the township government to deal with the aftermath of the power station collapse and the asphalt road project from Tianyuan to Tianba.Zhu Ziqiang, Cui Zhifa, and Liu Yan accompanied Lao Liu and others to the middle factory, and Zhu Mingjun rushed to the road construction headquarters in Hexi to continue to speed up the road construction progress.

At noon the next day, a group of people arrived at the middle factory. Lao Liu was a hard worker. He didn’t drink alcohol at noon. , just finished the first job, a few people got together to discuss and decided to stay in Zhongchang for one night, and then walked up the rapeseed ditch, checking the surrounding vegetation along the way. When it was time for dinner, Chen Deming personally came forward to invite the five brothers of the Chen family. Old Liu naturally couldn't refuse, so everyone attended the dinner of the Chen family in Zhongchang Society. It is one branch, that is, the seventh generation of ancestors served as the county magistrate of Yibin, Sichuan during the Qing Dynasty. As a junior gift to Chen Deming, and seeing the impoverished situation of the Chen family here, the brothers sighed one after another, and inadvertently revealed that the water in Caizigou is very suitable for brewing liquor.Seeing this, Lao Liu also confirmed it very simply. As for the level of quality, he had to carefully look at the natural environment of the Caizigou River Basin.

Zhu Ziqiang let out a sigh of relief, the God of Wealth has retained him, this is the first investor in Tianyuan Township, and with the improvement of traffic in the future, more people will have to be attracted to invest in Tianyuan. After the banquet was over, Chen Deming insisted on staying with the Chen family brothers, saying that he would not let them go.Zhu Ziqiang and others had no choice but to let him. After all, it took more than a hundred years to recognize a branch, and some things can't be explained clearly in a few sentences. While Zhu Ziqiang was washing his feet, Liu Yan knocked on his door, "Secretary Zhu, I have an idea. If I don't tell you, I won't be able to sleep."

Zhu Ziqiang poured her a cup of tea with a smile: "Elder Sister, feel free to say something, the matter of the winery finally has a clue, and I can breathe a sigh of relief, um, how about...Eldest Sister, don't rush to talk, let me guess What do you think?" Seeing Liu Yan smiling generously and nodding in agreement, Zhu Ziqiang continued, "Do you think our cooperation with Wuliangye can be used as a reference for other projects?" Liu Yan was stunned for a moment, and then laughed happily: "Hehe, it turns out that Secretary Zhu has already prepared, and I want to remind you, yes, that's what it means. Our breeding industry can also attract investment, and develop according to the company and the farmers. After all, we have no experience, no technology, no management model, no sales channels, if we can introduce similar companies, we can avoid many detours.”

Zhu Ziqiang said: "That's what I said, but things are not that simple. People from Wuliangye can come to us, and it is by no means profitable. Behind this, there are some things you don't know. There are many ways to develop. But fundamentally we still have to rely on ourselves, of course, if we can introduce it, we will introduce it, and if we can’t, we must be prepared to fight tough battles.” Liu Yan took a sip of tea, stood up and said goodbye: "Your idea is very good, hehe, I can't think of so many, but a senior intellectual like you has a good brain. Then you sleep, I will go back first."

After Liu Yan left, Zhu Ziqiang began to think slowly. Judging from the current situation of Tianyuan, apart from funds, manpower, and resources, other things can be said to be blank. For example, if production technology is sent to study, the cycle is too slow. There is no guarantee that those who have completed their studies will return.Funds can only be used for preliminary construction, and the follow-up development depends on these farmers who have been liberated from the fields. Resources are not a strong point. How many resources can a township have?Those big groups and big companies will never be interested in such petty profits.Wuliangye was able to come because of Long Huasheng's face, and it had nothing to do with me as a secretary! Before, Zhu Ziqiang also thought of many ways, such as organizing young and middle-aged laborers to go out to work during the construction period, so as to increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons.But he is also worried that these people have no knowledge and culture. Apart from selling their stupidity, they can’t do much big things when they go out. Besides, the income from going out to work is better than staying in the local farming. Maybe many people will move with their families. Walk.Of course, this can reduce the pressure on Tianyuan Township, but the backbone will be lost, and the result of doing so will definitely not be worth the candle! What else can be imported?The planting of medicinal materials can be developed. The artificial planting of Gastrodia elata mentioned by Lao Liu has inspired Zhu Ziqiang's mind. Not only Gastrodia elata planting, but also other Chinese herbal medicines can also be tried.Zhu Ziqiang wrote while thinking, and inadvertently wrote several large articles in his notebook. As for the artificial breeding industry, it should not develop too much, and it is enough to ensure the daily needs of the county-level population. , so breeding can be slowed down, and there is no need to rush to become bigger and stronger.In terms of handicrafts, except for bamboo and rattan weaving handicrafts, there are basically no other handicrafts, so the handicrafts only need to build two to three small factories for small-scale operations, while solving the surplus labor force, and subsidizing farmers' income.There is no need to worry about the sale of handicrafts, Chunjiang has now started to move towards a tourist metropolis, and there is enough market consumption for handicrafts. Next is the processing of agricultural products, such as starch factories and vermicelli factories. The raw materials are only yams and yams. These things are not only the output of the countryside, but the entire Gonggong County can provide a large amount of raw materials. At that time, it will also be able to stimulate the whole county’s yams and yams. Production.When Zhu Ziqiang and Chen Ziqi went to the countryside, they saw farmers in some places who produced a lot of yams but lacked a market, and sold them at a price cheaper than pig food. Many farmers used yams to feed their pigs. There are also small food processing, such as fried claw seeds, pumpkin seeds, broad beans, peanuts, potato chips (potato chips), etc. This project can introduce one or two companies.If factories, funds, and personnel are provided, it is only necessary for others to bring technology, management, and marketing. In this way, it is not a big problem to form a joint-stock cooperation. Maybe with the development of the retail department store industry in the future, food processing may be the most profitable project. Finally, there are mineral resources. Zhu Ziqiang paused when he wrote this. The coal reserves in Tianyuan are very large. According to the records of the Provincial Geological Survey Institute, there are six administrative villages in Tianyuan Township with coal reserves exceeding 10 million tons. There are also copper, Lead, zinc, iron, etc. When digging landslides yesterday, I heard workers say that lead and zinc mines were dug from the cliff.Once the road is repaired in the future, these mineral deposits will definitely not be kept. Even if the township does not invest in development, those related households will use various channels and methods to mine. Thinking of this, Zhu Ziqiang wrote in his notebook, "Register first, Legal procedures, only do not collect, protect resources" twelve words. He made up his mind, in the name of the Tianyuan Township Government Enterprise Development Office, to go through the examination and approval of all mineral deposits from the Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, to complete all the registration procedures and mining procedures, and to subsidize the expenses every year. Or personally step in!It is also necessary to establish a tough office to crack down on illegal digging and mining of minerals, and the incident in Taoyuan Village cannot be allowed to appear in the pastoral fields.It is best to formulate this article at the township people's congress, and then report to the county, city, and provincial people's congresses for record, and it is best to pass it at the county people's congress, so that the administrative department has no way to intervene. In the early morning of the next day, except for the two drivers of Wuliangye, under the leadership of Chen Deming, other people from Wuliangye started to investigate along Caizigou. Liu observed very carefully, and occasionally collected some flowers, plants, wild fruits, wild grasses, wild trees and wild fungi. After passing Zhongzhai, Lao Liu's feet became more and more vigorous. Passing through the forest, Lao Liu kept digging soil in the forest, collecting some rotten leaves and dead branches every 50 meters. These rotten leaves and branches turned into black sand, and there were at least three Four meters thick. When Lao Liu walked out of the forest, he asked while visually observing, "How big is this forest?" Lao Yang took the conversation and replied: "This old forest covers seven or eight hilltops. According to statistics from the Forestry Station, it covers 7,800 mu. Due to inconvenient transportation, no effective felling has been carried out. Only a small grass village has been opened in the county. Forest farms, our forest farms here are no worse than those there, after the construction of the Zhongchang Highway, the forest farms will definitely not be able to survive.” Old Liu stopped and looked at Zhu Ziqiang with a very serious face: "Be careful! Once the logging wind blows, the phenomenon of illegal logging will intensify in the future! With this mountain forest alone, Tianyuan Township has a large forest. It’s a golden mountain! Even if it needs to be developed, it must be used rationally. I think it’s best to seek expert guidance, such as planting one tree after cutting it down, and not cutting down more and less... and it can also be developed as a tourist scenic spot.” Zhu Ziqiang said with a smile: "The people in our economic development office have discussed it a long time ago. If we want to develop a tourist area, we must build a forest park here. The infrastructure alone will cost tens of millions. Where can we get so much money? I I also thought about the development model of tourism companies and farmers, which is to give loans to local villagers and let them build farm hotels and restaurants along the way. Tourists can stay in wherever they go. There are also various models, such as villagers providing tents and cooking utensils , mountaineering supplies, etc. The villagers are tour guides, and the farm is a comprehensive place for leisure, vacation, shopping, and entertainment. Such a one-stop service involving villagers can fundamentally solve problems such as employment and poverty alleviation. However, some projects are not yet suitable. It will take at least another five or six years for the mainstream thinking to succeed, and if the traffic is not resolved, everything will be in vain!" Old Liu nodded as he listened: "You have absolutely no way! Develop the local villagers and let them become tourism practitioners. First, you can avoid the moral hazard in the industry. Second, you can continuously improve the income and quality of farmers. One is to play a role in publicity, killing three birds with one stone. By the way, there is another point. If it develops like this, your local products and handicrafts will also directly face the consumer market, so that there will be no middlemen, and profits can be increased. If there are more, even other industries in your county will be stimulated. Have you counted how many farmers there are in the forest area?" Zhu Ziqiang said: "According to statistics, this place is connected to Shangzhai, Zhongzhai, and Hexi. It belongs to the junction of three villages. There are about 230 farming households with a population of 800." Lao Liu began to settle accounts: "One household spends 100,000 yuan for basic construction, which is about 3 million..." Zhu Ziqiang interrupted: "If some farmers have to move out after other industrial projects start, it is estimated that the remaining No more than a hundred households." Lao Liu went on to settle the accounts: "Even if there are 100 households, it's only 1.5 million. In this way, the two biggest aspects of the tourism industry, accommodation and catering, are solved, and the main investment is entertainment and routes, as well as related parks. How much have you calculated?" Zhu Ziqiang said: "About 30 million yuan, and this does not include the cableway and asphalt road up the mountain. Also, if a tourist area is to be built here, it must be planned from the city. Think about it, if there is only one of us in the whole city Even if the forest park is repaired, the travel agency is not easy to operate, it is impossible for tourists to take a car for more than ten hours to visit this forest park, right?" "You mean to form a circular tourist route?" Zhu Ziqiang looked at the mountains and forests that had been left behind. The rolling mountains were undulating and criss-crossed. The green mountains and forests were like a piece of green wool felt, tightly wrapping the peaks, and the white rock walls were like incomplete flower patterns. A few cliff sheep jumped over the hanging rock briskly and rushed away from the steep mountain ridge. Zhu Ziqiang said slowly: "Tourism resources are nothing more than natural scenery, ancient relics and cultural customs. We have three things in Qugao, Wumeng Mountain, the site of the Red Army's Long March, hanging coffins in bean paste, Jinsha water photography, Huanglian River waterfalls, Grand Canyon rafting, hot springs, Xiaocaoba Forest, Yudong Reservoir, plus this evergreen and deciduous forest in our pastoral township, and finally to your Yibin Bamboo Sea. Lao Liu, look here, from Zhongchangshe to here , build a cableway, and rock climbing and bungee jumping can be performed below. There are living fossil species with hundreds of millions of years in the forest, wild mushrooms with unique flavors, and even a few rare animals. You can camp in the wild, explore, etc. To build all this, only With the financial support of the state, the city has unified planning, along the revolutionary route, walking Wumeng Mountain, seeing Dousha Pass, entering the original ecological forest, visiting the Grand Canyon, and finally returning to Chunjiang from the Bamboo Sea. This road is developed with money. A real tourist area. It has history, culture, scenery, adventure, and entertainment. However, these things cannot be realized in the short term. Now we can only do our best to protect the forests in front of us and the mineral deposits in the mountains.” Old Liu nodded while listening, his face became more and more solemn, he neither opposed nor agreed with Zhu Ziqiang's words, and smiled faintly: "At least our cooperation is the first step in the development of Tianyuan Township. We will go back the day after tomorrow, and the cooperation agreement can be formally signed, but there is one thing to join!" Zhu Ziqiang shook his head and said with a helpless smile, "Do you have the priority to develop forestry and mining in Tianyuan Township?" Old Liu smiled a little embarrassedly: "Little brother is not simple! That's what it means. Our Wuliangye Group will not stop in the liquor industry. Now we have many branches. I do this because I am in my position to seek profit and offend others. .” Zhu Ziqiang said: "I agree. After all, you will not harm the interests of farmers. In this regard, I believe Wuliangye is many times better than those private businesses." "One more thing, I will take these soil samples to my old friend to see. If it is suitable for planting Gastrodia elata or other medicinal materials, I will fight for it no matter what. By the way, I will send you the climate analysis report of your township. Give me a copy. Might come in handy." Zhu Ziqiang stretched out his hand and held Lao Liu tightly: "Hey... I once again express my gratitude on behalf of the whole township! No matter whether you succeed or not, you have this kind of heart, and you will always be a good friend of our rural people!" Old Liu and the five brothers of the Chen family were not used to Zhu Ziqiang's enthusiasm, which made several half-century old men feel a little bit sorry. Under the guidance of Chen Deming, I finally found the water source of Caizigou. There are only two small ponds in the crevices of a cliff. Liu took out the water measuring tool and several sealable bottles for collection. "The quality of the wine mainly depends on the changes of the water source here after it flows through the forest. This set of tools can't detect microorganisms. You have to go back to make a further analysis. If it is beneficial, maybe the wine in Caizigou will be high-end in the future. No. I know why... Based on my decades of experience, I am quite confident about this, there are so many delicious wild mushrooms in the forest, this is the best proof, hehe, well, let's end today. Let's go back!" Old Liu tightened the bottle cap while talking, and put it lightly into the backpack like a treasured treasure.
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