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Chapter 60 Chapter 60 Selection

facebook 叶听雨 3691Words 2018-03-20
"Brother Chen Gang, you see, I can't wait to squeeze out the time for eating and shitting, so don't exploit me, okay? With your literary talent, are you afraid that you won't be able to restrain those literary young women? Brother, my younger brother usually admires you. Yes, at the critical moment... give me a hand!" Zhu Ziqiang was flipping through the red-headed documents on the table while talking. Chen Gang looked at Zhu Ziqiang with a smile, and tapped his fingers on the desk involuntarily: "It's not a matter of staying calm. You are an expert and understand the way. I feel at ease with you as my companion. This This time, our Poetry Club gathered young poets and literature lovers from all over the county, and Deputy Secretary Zhao was very supportive! So, Comrade Ziqiang, you should fully mobilize your enthusiasm and join us with 120,000 enthusiasm !"

Zhu Ziqiang wished to fuck Chen Gang's whole family... no, all the women of the 18th generation of his ancestors, and let you moaning guys gang-rape Lao Tzu's ears?Don't even think about it!Just as he was about to speak, a human head stuck out from the door. It was Zhu Youcai. He waved to Zhu Ziqiang. Chen Gang stood up quickly and said, "Hello, Minister Zhu!" Zhu Youcai nodded, turned around and left, Zhu Ziqiang hurriedly apologized to Chen Gang, the Minister came too timely, it was just in time! The office of the organization was upstairs above the county committee office. The two walked into the minister's office one after the other. Zhu Youcai closed the door and pointed to the chair in front of the desk: "You sit first."

Looking at Zhu Youcai's solemn expression, Zhu Ziqiang wondered what happened?Zhu Youcai did not let him guess, and said in a deep and fast voice: "The pig liver ran away on the road and took away two criminals. As soon as the escorted police came back and reported this matter, it immediately aroused controversy from all sides. Pay attention, now several standing committee members in the city have a meeting, and it is said that Taoyuan is going to be wiped out, do you have any way to contact the pig liver?" When Zhu Ziqiang heard the news suddenly, he felt mixed joy and sorrow. He was happy that Zhu Gan didn't have to go to prison, and worried that he would get into a big disaster this time. Judging by Zhu Youcai's anxious appearance, this matter is likely to be true. Only let Luoyong take a trip.

Zhu Ziqiang nodded and said, "I'll find someone to inform him." As soon as he was about to get up, Zhu Youcai shouted anxiously, "Come back! I haven't finished talking yet. It's close to Guizhou, just turn over a mountain, and there are mines everywhere. , there shouldn’t be any accidents with the pig’s liver, um... I mean let him go a little further... It’s safer, although when it comes to clearing up a few times, it’s always thunderous and rainy, we still have to be careful , Alas, you brothers, each one is more difficult than the other!" Zhu Ziqiang didn't pay attention to his last sentence, but Zhu Youcai's mention of the suppression made him a little confused. These officials like to talk crazy, and they may have a big fight when they go crazy. However, we have to wait and see He asked cautiously, "Uncle, what kind of people are these leaders?"

Zhu Youcai was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately realized that Zhu Ziqiang's words were obviously intended to focus on his personal character. Some leaders like to show off, some like to exaggerate, some like to ask for credit, some like to make a name for themselves, and some are Cherish yourself... Zhu Youcai's head was changing rapidly, he turned around quickly, frowned and said: "Last year's student movement, prefectural and city-level cadres have made a lot of adjustments, this time there are two from the province, one is the provincial The deputy secretary-general of the committee, and the other is the propaganda minister of the provincial capital. It is estimated that both of them want to do the things on the table. The key is how big their backstage is. I have heard some rumors about this. The current governor is like us The secretary of the municipal party committee seems to have a very close relationship, and there are gossip that the governor named him to take over..."

Zhu Ziqiang shook his head and said with a smile, "Then this campaign will not work!" Zhu Youcai looked at him with interest and said, "Why?" Zhu Ziqiang said very confidently: "With the great turmoil that has just passed, what we need now is stability! So no one dares to touch it lightly, hehe." After hearing this, Zhu Youcai patted himself on the head, and said with a laugh: "Good boy, you woke up the dreamer with a word, yes, you reacted so quickly, it seems that you are politically sensitive, this is A natural advantage, not bad. Then let someone talk to him. By the way, he must remember that no one is killed! This is too important. If someone is killed, both public and private Can't explain it. Do you understand what I mean?"

Zhu Ziqiang nodded, with a cute and innocent smile on his face: "How dare pig liver kill people, uncle, you are too worried, ha ha." But he was really scared in his heart, thinking about pig liver and talking about beating to death The scene of the person seems to be very enjoyable. If this kind of person is really in a hurry, he can't do anything.Well, as long as you send the message, let him become a god or a ghost! Zhu Youcai stared straight at Zhu Ziqiang suddenly, his eyes made Zhu Ziqiang feel cold, of course Zhu Youcai had no other intentions, he was just hesitating whether to train Zhu Ziqiang in advance, his previous idea was to grind Zhu Ziqiang After getting a calm temper, I went to study again, but rumors came from all over the office that this little guy has now become a man of the hour. In other words: "Our Zhu Zhuangyuan is a pillar!"

"Ziqiang, come to the organization department, join the party first on July 1 next year, and then I will find an opportunity for you to go down and exercise for a while." Of course Zhu Ziqiang understood the meaning of his words. Of course, this kind of meaning also moved him very much. It is better to be politically advanced. He is only seventeen years old now, and he joined the party at the age of eighteen. Or the secretary, even if he was a township head or a secretary, it would take him six years. He was only 24 years old at that time, and he was at the academic level. Many people at this age only graduated from college. Thinking of this, Zhu Ziqiang nodded and said: "All depends on uncle s arrangement."

Zhu Youcai was overjoyed when he heard the words, he patted Zhu Ziqiang on the shoulder and said, "Okay, now our Zhu family has produced another talent, haha, you go first, I will make proper arrangements." After Zhu Ziqiang returned to the office, his mind was in a state of confusion. He thought about the pork liver for a while, and then thought about what Zhu Youcai said. He felt a little uneasy, but he couldn't tell what it was.After sitting bored all afternoon, he had no choice but to leave work in vain. This was the first time he wasted time after starting get off work. What should he do?

Zhu Ziqiang, who was going downstairs in a daze, didn't notice what was behind him at all, Da Da called him twice but didn't respond, he felt a little strange, so he took the initiative to go up and take a picture twice: "Oh, I said, what's the matter with you? Is it spring?" Zhu Ziqiang was secretly surprised, there was indeed something wrong with his condition today: "The director is off work." Ma Da looked at Zhu Ziqiang with sharp eyes, shook his head and said, "This is not what I like, hehe, let's go! I am treating guests today, let's have a meal together."

Along the way, Zhu Ziqiang was scheming in his mind, should he tell Ma Da what Zhu Youcai said?No matter how you say it, Zhu Youcai is his relative, but such an arrangement makes Zhu Ziqiang feel uneasy!Ma Da gave him a completely different feeling from Zhu Youcai, both of them were ordinary cadres, but in terms of real power, Zhu Youcai was the head of the organization, and Ma Da was the director of the county party committee office, um... I found a small restaurant to sit down, ordered a few dishes, and ordered two bottles of beer. As soon as Ma Da opened his mouth, he first talked to Zhu Ziqiang about his current work. Now the county's financial economy mainly depends on flue-cured tobacco production, and it is time to collect tobacco. According to the season, the annual financial income depends on how well the current work is done.Zhu Ziqiang has basically seen these situations in the documents, and has a general understanding of the scope, ideas, and methods of work in the county. Ma Da sighed: "Poor! The government is poor, the peasants are poor, talents can't keep up, and there is no way to develop the economy. I count on the state to help the poor. The key is the quality of people, self-improvement, we must grow up and mature quickly. Now many leaders in the county don’t pay attention to talents. One piece is too single. Our current education system is completely out of touch with actual work. Students only know about exams, teachers only care about scores, but what about administration? Or follow the old-fashioned way, not to take the initiative, not to engage in scientific development, what to do at the top Talking about what to do at the bottom, how to report to the bottom, and how to reply to the top, seeking truth from facts, has completely become a slogan. Look at the current township finances, false reports and false reports, how many percent have been exceeded this year, and what new goals will be achieved next year Gao Xinbiao, alas, our leader is indeed very pragmatic, so pragmatic that he has become an expert in farming, but..." At this point, the motor started to drink beer. Zhu Ziqiang listened quietly to Ma Da's words. Seeing that he was a little excited, he took the initiative to ask: "Director, do you think our current way of appointing cadres will change? What I mean is that cadres are promoted from the grassroots and must be tempered from the grassroots." ?" Ma Da pointed at Zhu Ziqiang, and said with a very serious expression: "The boy is very good. I can tell you clearly: there will be fewer and fewer cadres from the grassroots in the past! In the future, the appointment of cadres will be based on diplomas. It is getting higher and higher. In the future, non-university students at the major level will not be able to do it. The second is ability, but this cannot be achieved in a short period of time. Hey, the so-called democracy has long been distorted by people's selfish thoughts. Competent people? So I think that in the future, the main leading cadres must be strong and powerful, and they can even be overbearing and authoritarian. Otherwise, how many opportunities will be wasted just by passing the buck! Self-improvement, I hope you can use the time to make good use of it. Study, and try to pass the self-examination for an undergraduate degree. If there is a chance in the future, I will send you to graduate school. Only by reading more books can you perform better in the future.” Zhu Ziqiang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and his confusion all morning was cleared up by a few words from Ma Da. Yes, the country cannot allow the grassroots to drag on like this. The grassroots government is the institution that is closely related to the people. Nowadays, redundant departments, The staff has seriously restricted the development of administrative work, and the low efficiency is simply unbearable! Zhu Ziqiang immediately decided to tell Ma Da what Zhu Youcai meant. Based on his intuition, he believed that Ma Da's future development must be greater than Zhu Youcai. "Director, the head of the organization wants me to go there today. After I get used to it for a while, I go to the grassroots to exercise." Zhu Ziqiang spoke slowly, staring closely at Ma Da's expression. This situation is like gambling. Ma Da smiled slightly, looked into Zhu Ziqiang's eyes and said: "You are indeed very good! Really! It would be a pity if your head is not an official. Listen to my words, don't go anywhere now, just be honest with me Stay in the county party committee office, do your secretarial work well, and sign up for the self-examination at the same time, hehe, I will help you figure out a way to try to take the exam once a year, so that you can get the four-year undergraduate course in only two years. Two years, alas, now the whole of China is racing against time! Me too, the transition of this team has been extremely painful, watching the time go by day by day, month by month, I am very anxious!" Zhu Ziqiang secretly smiled in his heart, the previous gloom was completely gone, and he had a very clear understanding of his future: "Thank you! The general trend, Director, the current situation cannot be broken by a small number of people. Come on, I respect you A glass." After the two had a drink, Ma Da laughed and said, "You don't have to tell Zhu Youcai about this anymore, I will help you solve it. After all, you are too young. This is an advantage, and it can also be an excuse. Haha, I guess Our leaders dare not release people under the age of 20 to be deputy township chiefs." Zhu Ziqiang also followed suit with a smirk, cursing himself for being confused. People who knew him certainly thought that I was a little bit level, but he heard that he was only in his teens. Who the hell would dare to promote such a teenager after eating too much?Alas, it's still too naive!
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