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Chapter 46 Chapter 46 Growth

facebook 叶听雨 3824Words 2018-03-20
Zhu Ziqiang laughed when he heard the words: "If he doesn't go, he won't be Wu Fei! How about his military service in the second half of the year?" Fu Lei said: "Basically, it is already a fact. As long as there is no trouble in the near future, then it should be ironclad I heard that this year's soldiers are going to Tibet." Zhu Ziqiang was taken aback: "Tibet? No way! Hehehe, that's good, let him try the bitter cold of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. By the way, Xiaolei, my mother's rented house is not enough to live in." Fu Lei smiled and said: "I expected it a long time ago. It's fine. I'll just live in the school. Is your mother in good health?"

Zhu Ziqiang nodded: "My father's affairs are almost over. Now she is busy all day long, but she had a fight with her neighbor in the two days she just came here." Fu Lei glared at Zhu Ziqiang and said, "No way, did you do anything?" What he was worried about was not that Zhu Ziqiang would be beaten, but that he would hurt someone. Zhu Ziqiang smiled bitterly and said, "No, my mother Cut those two off." "How about this?" When Zhu Ziqiang thought of his mother's strange tricks, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Let's let it go!" He told the story exactly, and the two of them couldn't stop talking. Yuyan patted his chest and said, "It's too powerful!" It’s gone! If it were me, I would have been scared out of my mind by others.”

Seeing that there are more and more students in the school, Zhu Ziqiang hurriedly led Xiaolei to sign up, pay the fee, and find a dormitory. He and Yang Yuyan are old acquaintances in the No. 1 Middle School. I was very happy to see the pork belly, coupled with Zhu Ziqiang's sensual "report", I admired this thin lady even more. When the pork belly was cooking and cooking, Yang Yuyan helped, and the four gathered around and had a lively meal. On September 1, 1987, Gongxun County No. 1 Middle School officially opened. There were two classes in each grade in the senior high school. Zhu Ziqiang, Fu Lei, and Yang Yuyan were assigned to the same class as they wished. The class teacher turned out to be Guan Zhongkun. Dad, Guan Zhihua, who teaches high school physics, is an acquaintance who is easy to handle. Zhu Ziqiang was appointed as the class monitor and secretary of the Youth League Committee. Yang Yuyan was a study committee member, and Xiaolei got nothing.

In the next few days, friends from junior high school will leave home, and Zhu Ziqiang and Yang Yuyan will send people off one after another. Fortunately, Li Biye dare not make too intimate gestures in front of so many classmates, but those eyes also see Zhu Ziqiang was so scared, like a wolf like a tiger, Zhu Ziqiang comforted himself quietly in his heart: Yuyan is better, it seems that I will find a chance to tell Li Biye, anyway, I will not abandon Yuyan, this foot is stepping on two boats Well, it seems too shameless, maybe I didn't kill her, otherwise I wouldn't be so resentful, alas...

The following years began to pass by peacefully. What Zhu Ziqiang didn't expect was that Fu Lei and Yang Yuyan would come to his house to help at 5:30 every morning. This moved Pork Belly. He often compared them with pig's heads, and used this to vent The resentment of unfilial parenting. And the pig's head has money in its hands, and people are starting to look good. Pork belly is right, it's the money for selling pig intestines, but what's the big deal?As long as you have money, you are an uncle. As for how the money comes from, does it matter?Now I can be considered a millionaire anyway, this is the most important thing!Pig's head is indeed very smart, but this is always concealed by his stupid appearance. If you think about it carefully, can a person who can be admitted to a technical secondary school be stupid?

Pighead has been working for a year. After a year of observation, he found that the profession of veterinarians really has no prospects for development. When he was free, he squatted in the office to read paper and play chess. Every few months, he followed the leader to the countryside for a tour That's it.He also wanted to collect some benefits from the treatment of the farmers' livestock in the past, but those farmers who raise pigs, cattle and chickens can't even afford chemical fertilizers, so what's the benefit?So Pighead had to give up the way of making money that he spent three years learning.

Now that he has money, the pig's head is thinking of ways to make money. He believes that money is definitely the most effective passport, and of course it must first attract the attention of others!Yes, attention!After pinching the fat on his body, it seemed that it was time to act. Pig's head hurts and he made up his mind to lose weight for half a year, and actively practiced basketball. Although he failed to make it to the school team when he was in the agricultural school, his basketball skills can still be shown to others. *** Time always slips away inadvertently, sometimes you are in a daze, a nap, sometimes by the washbasin, by the pot, sometimes when you are sweating profusely, it doesn't even say hello.

Zhu Ziqiang, who is already a senior in high school, is very relaxed. In the first half of 1989, there were riots in many big cities across the country, but in the quiet depths of the mountains, except for the government personnel in Gongxun County who were particularly nervous after receiving various documents and notifications Today, ordinary people are still step by step, living their lives with gusto.Only Wu Zhengmu was busy as if his butt was on fire, and his superiors issued a deadly order that the students were not allowed to make trouble, otherwise he would be expelled from the supervisor and leadership, and expelled from the party. The campus of No. 1 Middle School.

Zhu Ziqiang didn't have that much thought to participate in the discussion or understand current affairs, but he was faintly worried about the actions of the college students, and Zhu Ziqiang was deeply shocked by the news scenes he saw on TV.Under the influence of his mother over the years, Zhu Ziqiang's behavior has gradually become a little utilitarian, with a calmness beyond his age. Zhu Ziqiang believes that the way of doing things with pork belly is very practical, and only a passion and impulse cannot accomplish great things. . 1989 passed by in a hurry, and the college entrance examination will come in half a year. The old students who are studying in technical secondary schools in the city are about to embark on new jobs. When I was in the review stage, I went to the county library to apply for a library card, and began to dabble in extracurricular books, especially books on philosophy and history that I was interested in.But he chose science as his elective. When he chose science, many people in No. 1 Middle School rushed to liberal arts. Of course, Xiaolei followed him, and Yuyan chose Zhu Ziqiang's persuasion. Liberal arts, because her English is simply too strong, if she doesn't take the foreign language school, she will feel sorry for Tiandi's parents!

The most worth mentioning is that Zhu Ziqiang's learning efficiency is very high. In addition to his own smartness and practical learning attitude, he has a good habit of taking reading notes. In the three years of junior high school, he only memorized Knowledge, but in high school, especially the reading notes from the second year of high school, after a year, I have accumulated seven books! World outlook, outlook on life, materialism, idealism... Country and revolution, Das Kapital, Lu Xun anthology, Lao She anthology, and a series of world literary masterpieces. Driven by him, Yang Yuyan and Fu Lei also worked hard to learn, three People often discuss each other's experience when they are together. In this way, the three of them can communicate with each other and learn from each other. No matter the way of thinking, memory, and learning attitude have been greatly improved.Of course, Zhu Ziqiang's influence on the two was far greater than their reminders to him.

The happiest thing for the three of them is to read Wu Fei's letters together. Wu Fei is simply unreasonable. When he writes a letter, he often writes all three people's names on the recipient, so that one letter is done. He said in the letter that it was to save postage, and the last sentence of each letter was "Come and save me, I am dying!" This sentence has been with him for three years since the three-month training camp of the recruit company.But this sentence has not been received for half a year. Fu Lei went to Wu Fei's house to ask, and there was no news from his house. Wu Fei's father called to the army, and he only said "execute the mission." No one knows where Wu Fei has gone. Zhu Ziqiang vaguely feels that Wu Fei must be experiencing an extraordinary life. He believes that Wu Fei's long-distance training is completely capable of making a name for himself in the army. Alas, he has no choice but to let him Good luck to you. For Pork Belly, these two and a half years of hard work are about to see results, and now she only has two sons in her heart, and the pig liver Toroyong came back with a letter saying that everything is fine, as long as it is not hungry and cold Then, she quietly moved a few times, and the case of pig liver has not been cleared. The family often went to the Dog Street Police Station to ask for compensation for medical expenses. And go, how can such a family continue to persecute?Fortunately, the pork liver is over eighteen years old, otherwise the pork belly would still have to take responsibility. Now Pork Belly’s mind is to save money desperately, and Zhu Ziqiang will go to college in half a year. University, thinking of this, Pork Belly takes a small mirror bought for 50 cents to look at his face, he is old!When my family's third son graduates from university, my mother will start to enjoy Qingfu. After the Spring Festival, the mother and son opened their doors on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year as usual, and the new year began again. Li Biye would secretly date Zhu Ziqiang every holiday. Fortunately, Yang Yuyan was going home. The love between the two Since the separation, it has become a bit bland. Zhu Ziqiang thought of Yang Yuyan in his heart, and Li Biye and Zhu Ziqiang's date was still followed by Lin Qian. Now the two are used to this little light bulb. The two didn't know what to say. Bored, Li Biye simply taught Zhu Ziqiang her major in accounting. To her great surprise, this guy learned abacus very quickly. In one vacation, he added up five hundred numbers with more than seven digits, forty in four. Two seconds!And the comprehension of accounting knowledge makes Li Biye jealous!Every time I assign my homework for half a semester to Zhu Ziqiang, I always pray in my heart that Zhu Ziqiang will not be able to do it, so that I can show off what I have mastered. Unfortunately, things backfire, and Li Biye can only call a "monster". It has been almost three years since the first kiss in the woods, and Li Biye has always loved Zhu Ziqiang persistently by recalling the feeling at that time. There are many boys in the school with good family backgrounds, excellent grades, and outstanding talents, but in Li Biye’s eyes , they all turned into air! Looking at Zhu Ziqiang who is still thin, Li Biye often feels sad for no reason. He has grown taller again. Because he wants to help pork belly make rice cakes, Zhu Ziqiang gave up the school basketball team training. Dachang felt guilty when he met on his deathbed, but Maoxiong still kept his quota, just for that little subsidy. Zhu Ziqiang has grown another six centimeters in the past two years, and his height of 1.82 meters can be regarded as an outlier among high school students.Although he did not participate in early training, Zhu Ziqiang's basketball level is also improving. In the No. 1 middle school team, he singled out 21 points, and almost no one is his opponent. Under his leadership, the meritorious No. 1 middle school won two county The champion in the city, but every time he goes to the city to compete, he catches the ducks. On the eighth day of the first lunar month, Yang Yuyan came to the county seat. In the last half semester of the third year of high school, the teachers of all subjects asked for make-up lessons.As soon as she arrived in the county, she didn't go to her uncle's house first, but ran to Zhu Ziqiang's house. When she saw Li Biye staying at Zhu Ziqiang's house, her female intuition made her heart sink, and when Li Biye saw her, her smile was also They froze for a while, and everyone knew in their hearts that they avoided intentionally or unintentionally. All along, Li Biye was studying in the city, and Yang Yuyan was going home after vacation. This was the first time they had met in three years. A mature person with pork belly can understand it with a glance at the corner of his eyes, and his heart is as sweet as eating honey. Look at this, look at that, it's all good!Why do you have a husband and a wife?Hey, why don't you let San'er get it all done!The old lady helped him take care of the children and was the manager! "Yuyan is here. I heard that you are going to make up lessons. Hurry up and sit in. It's cold outside!" Pork Belly laughed. "Bi Ye is here, when do you start school?" Yang Yuyan was very kind, and greeted Li Biye first. "Hello, Yuyan! We still have more than ten days before school starts. Where do you plan to take the exam this year?" Li Biye tried her best to make her smile more natural. Yang Yuyan said naturally: "Together with Ziqiang." Li Biye said sarcastically: "I am going to take Tsinghua University for self-improvement, are you sure?" Yang Yuyan didn't hear the contempt in the words, and said with a smile: "There are so many universities in Beijing, I will take other exams." Pork Belly, which clearly smelled sour, hurriedly said: "Stop talking about this, you two big intellectuals. You will come back for self-improvement later. You discuss it slowly. Now, cook with me!" When the two heard the order from the pork belly, they hurriedly peeled the green onions and washed the vegetables, or rushed to show off their knife skills or cooking skills.
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