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Chapter 38 Chapter Thirty-Eight

facebook 叶听雨 3610Words 2018-03-20
In this way, on the day when Zhu Dachang was buried, Zhu Gan got up and kowtowed three times toward his home, and then did not say a word, strictly following the process taught by Ma Huizi. Butchering a cow is different from killing a pig. Pigs are scalded, and cows need to be skinned. Therefore, the knife method for killing cows is much more demanding than that of pigs. With just a little bit of beef, the pork liver is so admired by this hand alone.He has killed pigs with Zhu Dachang for two years, and he has also practiced a good killing technique, but compared with Ma Huizi, he is like a child juggling a knife.

Cows are more spiritual than pigs, and a black cloth is used to cover their eyes to prevent the cow from crying, and once the cow cries, it cannot be killed!After listening to these rules, Zhu Gan found it interesting, so he settled down to live in Ma Huizi's house.No wages, room and board included, ten cows slaughtered every month. Ma Huizi ran around the village with pig livers when he had nothing to do. The Huizi are very upright, enthusiastic and bloody. If you respect him, he respects you very much, but if you dare to bully him, especially It's words that slander religious beliefs. It's fine if they are unintentional. If they are said maliciously, there is no discussion. Even if you risk your life on the spot, you are not afraid.

After wandering around with Ma Huizi for a few days, Zhu Gan got into a heated fight with a group of young people in the village. The Ma Huizi accounted for more than half of the entire Taoyuan Village. Half serious and half playing to practice fighting, it just so happens that Zhu Gan is a fanatic!In a few days, he managed to tame a group of naughty young people in the village. Although he didn't call him a master, he admired the pig liver from the bottom of his heart! These ethnic minorities are loyal and hate those who play tricks. Although the pig liver has gained a reputation in the village, it makes me sad when I think of myself as a fugitive. When I am free, I sit and think about what pork belly said to him: "You dog You are not even qualified to be a hooligan!" Yes, if you just hit that bastard a few times with a wooden stick, why use a knife?My mother is an illiterate person who is smarter than me!Thinking of this, Zhu Gan slapped himself severely, and cursed himself: Stupid bastard!

Since then, Zhu Gan has set an ambition for himself: I want to be a hooligan with culture, ideals, wisdom and popularity!Ten years later, it will be changed to: a gangster with culture, taste, money and power! *** Just as Zhu Lian guessed, Zhu Brain waited for the funeral to be over, and left in a hurry without giving Pork Belly more time to think about an excuse, "There are too many things to do at work!" Zhu Ziqiang didn't expect him to be of any help at first. The pig's large intestine died, the pig's liver disappeared, and the pig's head disappeared. Looking at the haggard pork belly, Zhu Ziqiang felt extremely sad.

It is said that the children of the poor are the ones who head the family early, and they are all forced out.Who the hell is willing to suffer when there are good days!Zhu Ziqiang had been trained to be very strong by the cotton craftsmen, but he couldn't recover for a while because of a sudden change. The first seven days of the pig's intestines have passed, and there were no pigs slaughtered in the three fairs, which also made the life of the people in Goujie suddenly light.In the pig butcher's house, the mother and son still burn paper money for the pig's intestines every day, insert three sticks of incense, make room for the pig's intestines to sit in, and place a spirit plaque. This is a simple altar.

On this day, Xiaolei and Wu Fei sneaked into Zhu Ziqiang's house and saw that the mother and son were burning paper again. Get out of the house. "Ziqiang, what are you doing? What if Auntie gets sick by you?" Wu Fei blushed with anger. He could understand the pain in Zhu Ziqiang's heart. After all, his father died several hours before he came back. It's unfilial to be the youngest son without supporting the pig's intestines! Zhu Ziqiang kept silent, lowered his hair in a daze, and Pork Belly laughed a few times, but he couldn't say anything. It seemed that both mother and son were confused by Xun Xun.

Xiao Lei didn't say anything, but there was dissatisfaction in his eyes. After the paper money in the house was burned and the smoke slowly cleared, the four of them re-entered the room. Xiao Lei helped the pork belly to sit down, and then began to clean the house , mess everywhere, how does this look like a home?Xiao Lei sighed inwardly, life... this is life.I don't know what Zhu Ziqiang will do next. Seeing that Xiao Lei was too busy alone, Wu Fei left Zhu Ziqiang to help with the tidying up. The two boys cleaned up the house and cooked for the whole afternoon. "Hey, Xiao Fei and Xiao Lei are still good! Self-improvement with brothers like you is worth it, if his father didn't leave too quickly..." Seeing the pork belly talking about sad things again, Xiao Lei hurriedly said: "Uncle Don't think about it, mother, Ziqiang is so good, if you don't stand up, how can he study with peace of mind."

Xiaolei is still Xiaolei, one sentence hits the key point, Pork Belly's eyes lit up when he heard it, these days he always thinks about that fat man, his rascal words, the smell of alcohol in his mouth, And that soft fat body... If San'er doesn't cheer up, the Zhu family will be over. Alas, the short-lived pig's liver also escaped. Fortunately, there is a pig's head. Thinking of this, Pork Belly lifted his spirits, and smiled at the two of them: "It's okay, the pig's head has been working for half a year, but I can't kill a pig by myself. San'er has to continue studying and go to college!"

Wu Fei also nodded and said: "Yes! Self-improvement must go to college..." The rest of the words were swallowed, Zhu Ziqiang squinted at Wu Fei, this guy must have something to hide from me! Zhu Ziqiang stood up and said, "Let's go, let's go out for a stroll. Mom, rest first, don't cry anymore!" Pork Belly nodded hastily. Zhu Ziqiang took the lead and led the two of them out together: "Luoyong went in a sports car again?" Xiaolei said: "Yes, this trip to Sichuan will take half a month to come back. By the way, he asked me to give you fifty yuan." After speaking, he took out the money and handed it to Zhu Ziqiang.

Zhu Ziqiang took the hand, stepped faster, walked out of Madman Wu's house in a short while, unlocked it, and entered the courtyard door. Before the two of them sat down, Zhu Ziqiang looked at Wu Fei fiercely: "Say! What are you talking about?" Hiding things from me?" Wu Fei was taken aback by him, and was about to swear back twice to be brave, but when he saw Zhu Ziqiang's gaze, he immediately surrendered: "It's your big brother, pig head..." Seeing that Wu Fei was terrified, Xiaolei sighed and said, "It's your family business, but it's okay not to tell you. All the money your father collected for doing business has been swallowed up by a pig's head!"

Zhu Ziqiang's two eyebrows kept twitching, and Xiaolei's face turned pale. He had never seen Zhu Ziqiang like this before. When he was angry before, his eyebrows were only raised a few times, like this continuously... Zhu Ziqiang's voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth: "How do you know?" Xiaolei said: "Didn't you ask Hu Minghong to help you coordinate? Originally, the person in charge of shopping and cooking was hired by your mother, but after the pig liver incident, both you and your mother were in a daze, pig He asked some of his classmates to replace those people. I heard from Hu Minghong that your father’s funeral was the most lively one on Dog Street. , It seems to be about 140,000. This is a huge sum of money. As soon as we heard this, we knew that the pig's head must have swallowed up the money. " Zhu Ziqiang's raised brow finally calmed down, he looked at Xiaolei and said, "There's no need to mention this matter, and my mother is still here, so he dares not spit out the money!" When Wu Fei heard this, he immediately yelled: "Fart! Don't you know what kind of a pig's head is? Zhu Ziqiang, let me tell you, if you can get the money back, I will kowtow to you!" Xiaolei also agreed with Wu Fei's statement: "Yes, if you ask my aunt to ask him, he will do all the bills for you. He charged 10,000 and said it was 5,000, and it cost 800. He said it cost 3 Qian, what do you do?" Zhu Ziqiang sneered and said, "I don't want any money from him, but he has to take care of my mother!" The two looked at him with disapproving eyes, and Zhu Ziqiang also felt emboldened after saying this, pig head!Zhu Ziqiang felt that he had never been so powerless, and he groaned miserably in his heart.He is not worried about his future now, he is afraid that the pork belly will be stimulated again, and he is afraid that his mother will not be able to stand up under repeated blows... As Wu Fei and Xiao Lei said, when Zhu Ziqiang and Pork Belly found the pig's head, the guy with a pig's face took out a few account books and pointed to the detailed items on it, one is one, the other is two At the beginning of the commentary, Zhu Ziqiang didn't watch it at all. Not to mention pork belly, she can recognize her, but she can't: "Boss, your father has gone, your second brother has escaped, and now the third child is going to high school. Anyway, you have worked for more than half a year. If your father is still here, I won't open my mouth to you either. I decided to move from Dog Street to the county town. Anyway, Dog Street is empty. Once the third child leaves, I will be worried there. I mean, can you pay for your younger brother to go to school? ? Can I help out with some small business?” Pig's head sat on the newly bought artificial leather sofa, the springs under it screamed and screamed, pig's head lit a cigarette, Zhu Ziqiang glanced at it, Hongtashan!Okay, okay, he really is a good brother!It really is a pig's head!The eyebrows kept twitching again. The pig's head remained silent, smoking one after another, and the eager eyes of the pork belly became colder and colder. When the pig's head finished smoking half a pack of cigarettes, the pork belly said with a sad smile: "Good son... Mom didn't raise you for nothing Although my mother has never read a book, she still knows that her parents are deeper than the sea, hehehe, good son! I understand what you mean, and I can see it too. Are you smoking Hongtashan now? Smoke it well, this taste It’s so delicious, it’s mixed with selling your father’s money, isn’t it, son? Your father sold pork all his life, and when he died, he let his son sell it as a pig. The forehead of the pig's head was pounding, but he never spoke. He was resentful at the moment: You have regarded pig's tail as treasure and Lao Tzu as grass since you were young, what's wrong now?Do you ever ask me?I just won't give a penny!But the fat on his face was still trembling from the prickly words of pork belly! "Listen, I won't die from starvation, I will watch with wide eyes and see what will happen to you, hehe, listen up... listen up... from now on, I will sever mother and child with you Relationship, you don’t have to worry about my mother suing you from now on! You can live your life in peace, and my mother will wait to see your good end. If you are worried, just go through the formalities quietly with me, ha ha, You are a person with an iron rice bowl, I don’t want you to lose face, even if you can afford to lose face, I can’t afford to lose face, well, that’s it, if I were you, I would change my surname! There is no scum like you with the surname Zhu!” The pork belly stood up suddenly, Zhu Ziqiang listened to these words, and said the words to his heart, but the pig's head remained motionless.Zhu Ziqiang really wanted to slap him a few times, but his mother was still there, so he was worried that the pork belly would not last!Stretching out his hand to support the old mother, who knew that Pork Belly blocked his hand extremely forcefully: "Don't worry, my mother is fine! Let's go, hehe... I gave birth to him and raised him, but I didn't teach him!" Cloudy tears rolled out. Zhu Ziqiang raised his eyebrows, turned around slightly, backed up to the right, and whipped the pig's head on the face with his feet quickly, making a crisp bang, and the pig's head didn't even hum, blood gushed out of his nose at once. Zhu Ziqiang kicked him hard. This kick was for his mother. If it weren't for the two lines of tears from the pork belly, Zhu Ziqiang would definitely restrain his impulse. After all, he is a pair of brothers with big tits. . But those two lines of tears ignited Zhu Ziqiang's monstrous anger!That is the mother's saddest tears!Pig's head let out a strange "ah", and rushed up to confront Zhu Ziqiang.
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