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Chapter 60 Section 60

State prosecution 周梅森 1060Words 2018-03-20
The Ping An Grand Theater is an image project that Wang Changgong personally grasped in his first year as the mayor of Changshan. It tried to operate according to the laws of the market without using a penny of finances. It can be said to be a masterpiece of Changshan's opening up and revitalization.Ye Zijing still remembers that when the Ping'an Grand Theater was built, Wang Changgong talked about opening up and invigorating in a small meeting, asking the party and government cadres in the city to boldly emancipate their minds and be the leaders in opening up and invigorating.The municipal government also set up a temporary agency—the Office of Openness and Invigoration, referred to as the “Open Office”.Subsequent facts have proved that it is right to open up and invigorate, and Changshan's urban construction, infrastructure construction and national economy have entered a period of rapid development.However, during this period of rapid development, the corruption and economic crimes of Changshan cadres also entered a period of high incidence that has never been seen before. Even today, even Wang Changgong himself has fallen into it. This is another fact, and it is very heavy. fact.In the process of opening up and invigorating those Wang Changgongs, big and small, while engaging in a market economy, they also opened up and invigorated their public power and ideals and beliefs.The tragedy was doomed because of this, not only the tragedy of Wang Changgongs, big and small, but also the great tragedy of this underdeveloped city and its five million people. The dangerous fire of the "August 13th" fire had actually been sown up.

Therefore, during the trial, Ye Zijing, the chief prosecutor, looked at Wang Changgong in the dock, and often thought: How would Wang Changgong feel when he was tried in this open and lively theater that Wang Changgong single-handedly seized?Will Wang Changgong think of those big words he has said in the past: to be an official, to be a man first, to be a righteous man first to be a righteous man?If his body is upright and he obeys orders, even if his body is not upright, he will not obey orders?Did you think of the declaration at the party and government cadre meeting: unify the value orientation and life goals of the mayor with the interests of the people of Changshan and the goals of the Communists, and everything is for the people of Changshan?Will Wang Changgong confess his sins in this special court in front of 1,500 Changshan party and government cadres and more than 1,000 citizen representatives in the auditorium?

No, not at all, Wang Changgong was defending his innocence, and he was very emotional and arrogant during his defense. Wang Changgong also mentioned the Ping An Grand Theater as a criminal trial court, and his contribution to Changshan, a resource-based city, but he didn't mention his serious crimes and the "August 13" fire. The 4.8 million bribes identified by conclusive evidence are also denied.In the final statement, I mentioned my conscience several times, quite emotionally.He said that during his tenure as mayor, he built a series of landmark projects including this grand theater.

However, no matter how quibbling and impassioned Wang Changgong was, the auditorium remained silent.The atmosphere of this trial is very different from the last trial on the People's Stage.During the ten-day trial, no one booed or booed.On the day of the sentencing, the mayor Lin Yongqiang, the new secretary of the municipal party committee Liu Xiaopeng, and the members of the standing committee of the municipal party committee who were at home all came.The former secretary of the municipal party committee, Tang Chaoyang, also came here from the provincial capital. Ye Zijing noticed from the prosecution stand that Tang Zhaoyang and Chen Hanjie had been sitting in a conspicuous position in the first row of the auditorium before the trial.

Before the court sentenced Wang Changgong, Ye Zijing made a final concluding speech as the national public prosecutor. This was a solemn moment. Facing the judge's seat and nearly 3,000 spectators, Ye Zijing spoke slowly.
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