Home Categories officialdom novel State prosecution

Chapter 33 Section 33

State prosecution 周梅森 4382Words 2018-03-20
After returning from the case handling team's station that day, Fang Qingming began to reflect deeply: What went wrong?How did his brave report of anti-corruption and honesty turn into a false accusation?Did he frame Zhou Xiuli?It seems not!He said that there was 40,000 yuan in the cigarette, which was a guess, and Ye Zijing said that there was no such 40,000 yuan, wasn't it also a guess?He was bluffed by this malicious female prosecutor. He should have fought back: You said I was framed, but I think you are still covering it up!Isn't it impossible to cover up, what is the world now, officials and officials protect each other, there is no way for decent people to survive!

The phone call didn't constitute a framed accusation, and when Ye Zijing and the others bluffed him with the accusation of a framed accusation, he was so stunned that he couldn't even believe his own memory.Now that I think about it carefully, this matter is still very conclusive!That day, Liu Maocai, the director of the office, had nothing to do, so he went to the Propaganda Section to attack the leader, saying that Zhou Xiuli had put on too much makeup and her mouth looked like she had just eaten a dead child, so he hurried over to report to Zhou Xiuli urgently. !As soon as he entered the door, he saw Zhou Xiuli standing in front of the window on the phone, and made a gesture for him to close the door.What Zhou Xiuli said was not at all not to allow the construction of the facade house, but to charge some road occupancy fees if it was allowed to be built, and accused the Bell Tower District of being rich and not knowing how to make it!That's right, that's right, the guy who answered the phone also remembered, it's Yan Ziqing, who quit the formalities four months ago.

It seems that the problem is serious. From Chen Hanjie, the director of the Municipal People's Congress, to the procuratorate and the anti-corruption bureau, everything is probably rotten! What is Chen Hanjie?They have all gone to the National People's Congress to do the light work of raising their hands, and they still have such a big smelly airs, and they still protect Zhou Xiuli and Wang Changgong so much!What big things are about principles, small things about style, and unity and fighting?Shit!Who doesn't know you two don't pee in the same jug?What do you mean by protecting Wang Changgong now?I'm afraid it's not clean!Why don't you be greedy if you don't have an official? If you don't want to be greedy, your son Chen Xiaomu can charge me 10,000 yuan as a favor when I change jobs?Don't say you don't know, you old guy must know, it must be the two of you who split the spoils!By the way, also, Zhou Xiuli also went to your old guy's house that day, carrying a bulging little leather bag, is there any ticket in it?How many tickets are there?Was it from Zhou Xiuli, or from Wang Changgong?It's not that you don't report, the time has not come, you just wait!

Not to mention Chief Prosecutor Ye Zijing and Anti-Corruption Bureau Chief Wu Zhongqiu.Ye Zijing was picked up by Chen Hanjie, and Wu Zhongqiu was picked up by Ye Zijing. With Chen Hanjie's attitude, Ye Zijing will investigate seriously?Of course we have to bite back and give him a big hat of framing!It seems that the corruption in Changshan has formed a big climate, up and down, front and back, a bit like what the chairman said back then, if the needle can't get in, the water can't get in!To solve the serious corruption problem of the cadres in Changshan, it seems that the central government, not the province, can do it. Wang Changgong is the executive vice governor and a member of the provincial party committee standing committee. Isn't the provincial party secretary and governor all guarded like iron barrels?You must find the center!

However, before Fang Qingming wrote an anonymous letter to the Central Committee, Liu Maocai, the director of the office, talked to Fang Qingming. Not long after going to work that morning, the treacherous official Liu Maocai called suddenly, saying that it was Deputy Political Commissar Fang, please put aside all the important work at hand and come over right away, we want to have a heart-to-heart talk with you.Fang Qingming thought to himself, what are we talking about?You bunch of corrupt officials, don't you have a guilty conscience?I wanted to explore the truth. He never expected that this gang of corrupt officials would come to him and take revenge on him openly!

As soon as he entered the door, he found that there were two comrades from the Disciplinary Inspection Team of the Municipal Urban Management Committee sitting in the director's office of Liu Maocai.Of course, there is also Liu Maocai, a treacherous official with ulterior motives. None of the three have a smile on their faces, and they are all tense like flint. After sitting down on the chair, Fang Qingming remembered in time: Liu Maocai, the treacherous minister, is also the leader of the discipline inspection team of the City Management Committee!It seems that things are not going well, but he stood up and tried to smile and asked: "Hey, hey, Director Liu, and you two, what's the matter with you, huh? Why did you set up this situation, like interrogating prisoners?" like?"

Liu Maocai frowned: "Deputy Political Commissar Fang, you are right, you may become a prisoner at any time now!" Fang Qingming hadn't thought of the stinky shit on his ass until now, so he became angry: "Liu Maocai, what on earth do you want to do today? And you! How could I become a prisoner? You fucking explain it to me! " Liu Maocai picked up a stack of materials on the table and "bang" put it in front of Fang Qingming: "Look for yourself!" Fang Qingming took a look and found that it was all the real records of him quietly giving himself a "salary increase" when he was in the reception.

Liu Maocai was extremely proud, and paced in front of him: "Fang Qingming, you are really capable! After working as the deputy director of the office for more than a year, you even secretly stole 13,000 yuan in cash reception fees from two hotels! Those cigarettes and alcohol, not to mention the trivial ones, the thirteen thousand yuan is no longer a shuanggui issue. Your comrade has to surrender to the procuratorate to fight for leniency. Say it, say it, Are you going by yourself, or shall we take you there?" Fang Qingming knew that this was too much trouble, and he still wanted to hold on, and he would not fall over. Unexpectedly, his body fell first, especially his weak legs, which trembled at first, and then wanted to kneel down—— Really knelt down.Now that he had fallen, he had no choice but to fall completely, so he took the initiative to hug Liu Maocai's leg in time: "Liu... Director Liu, Director Liu, I... I was wrong, I made a big mistake, I... I confess, I confess..."

Liu Maocai let him tremble under his feet, and began to speak in a strong nasal voice, with a solemn newspaper tone: "Comrade Fang Qingming, you are a party member and cadre, and you are an old comrade. You should have a clear understanding of the importance of fighting corruption and promoting integrity." Ah! The issue of anti-corruption is a major issue that concerns the life and death of the party and the country. Director Zhou Xiuli has repeatedly said in the small meeting that she speaks earnestly. Have you heard a word? How dare you put your black hands into the pockets of the party and the people again and again What about Li Shen? Comrade Chen Yi said in the past: If you don’t stretch your hand, you will be caught. Look, it’s fulfilled in you again?! It’s sad, a deputy regiment transferred to a cadre, so degenerated into corruption molecular!"

People under the eaves have to bow their heads!The situation is very clear, he has been stared at by Zhou Xiuli, and he has been formally retaliated against. The 13,000 yuan thing is a fact, and Liu Maocai has all the evidence.If it is really sent to the procuratorate, the case will definitely be filed. He is too clear about the filing standards for job-related crimes, and the case will be filed for 5,000 yuan.Now the key depends on the attitude of the unit. If the unit is not guaranteed, he has to go in today.So, wiping his tears and snot again, he confessed repeatedly: "Director Liu, I'm an asshole, I...I'm sorry for our Director Zhou, and...I'm sorry for old Secretary Chen Hanjie too! The old secretary and...and Director Zhou treated me so Believe me, put me...in the office of the government, train...educate me, I...what have I done to relax my mind and make such a big mistake..."

Liu Maocai immediately refuted it: "Fang Qingming, your problem is not making mistakes, but a crime, a serious job crime! The reason for your crime is not to relax your thought remolding. You are basically a despicable villain with a dark and dirty mind. I always feel that the whole world is sorry for you! Look at the good things you have done, huh? You are so corrupt and depraved that you have become a criminal, and you are attacking and cursing the leaders everywhere, and you are still making a fool of our urban management cadres in the newspaper. What kind of body odor? , What kind of alopecia areata, Fang Qingming, how the hell did you figure it out? Ah?!" My God, Liu Maocai, the treacherous official, even found out about these little jugglings.Only then did Fang Qingming sincerely regret it, he really shouldn't have been so impulsive.Let whoever is corrupt be corrupt, so what's your business?You can't block other people's money just because you have less opportunities for corruption, so that they don't get corrupted!Besides, Zhou Xiuli was kind to her, she was a little ungrateful. Liu Maocai also mentioned this issue: "Fang Qingming, to put it bluntly, you are a cheap person! Whoever treats you well, you will bite him! Just say me, how kind I am to you, I will teach you to serve the leader hand in hand. What about you, after being posted as a leader, you will mess with me! However, I will never retaliate against you today, and I will continue to save you!" Fang Qingming knew in his heart that Liu Maocai, the treacherous official, was unlikely to save him. He would only beat him to death with a stick, but he expressed his belief in it, and lifted Zhou Xiuli and Chen Hanjie out: "Liu...Director Liu, I knew You are a good person, you, Director Zhou... Zhou, and our old secretary Chen... Chen Hanjie, you will give me a chance..." But Liu Maocai waved his hands exaggeratedly: "Hey, hey, Fang Qingming, don't tell me about the old secretary anymore, the old secretary has clearly explained to Director Zhou, you are not allowed to pull his tiger skin to make it bigger It also said: Fang Qingming, an extremely vicious corrupt element, must be dealt with severely in accordance with Party discipline and state laws, and he must be strictly not lenient!" This should be expected, Chen Hanjie, the old guy, and Zhou Xiuli, they are all the same! Finally, Liu Maocai confessed: "Fang Qingming, tell you the truth: Director Zhou and I are the ones who want to save you! I discussed it with Director Zhou. You are shameless, and we are shameless. We will really send you to the procuratorate to file a case for prosecution." , Does the city management look good? You Tang Wenlin and Xiao Zhao in Zhonglou District have been arrested by the procuratorate, and you are three, the impact is too bad! Your serious corruption problem, the organization should strive to solve it internally. Of course, this also has to Look at your attitude of pleading guilty, you have a good attitude of pleading guilty, and you are actively and thoroughly returning the stolen goods, which is a matter of internal punishment; if your attitude of pleading guilty is not good, and you continue to mess with the entire urban management system, regardless of our urban management image, we will not be afraid of losing face, then Act in accordance with the law and report the case to the procuratorate! Fang Qingming, you are a smart person, so you can do what you want!" What else is there to say?Of course it is to plead guilty and obey the law, actively return the stolen goods, and strive for internal handling! Kneeling in front of Liu Maocai and swearing, Liu Maocai made Fang Qingming stand up on behalf of the organization. That's how the treacherous minister Liu Maocai punished Zhongliang. After he knelt down consciously, he didn't say anything to get him up! However, hating the treacherous official Liu Maocai turned to hatred, and he no longer dared to think of going against the urban management system organization.After returning, Fang Qingming asked his wife to withdraw a deposit that was not due, and planned to actively return the spoils.At the same time, the burning night battle painstakingly concocted confession materials, describing to the organization how he had accidentally degenerated into a corrupt element.It's really sad, not because I have degenerated into a corrupt person, but because of the 13,000 yuan that I withdrew.The 13,000 yuan was not easy to come by. Every time a little was deducted from the reception fee, it was deducted more than 20 times.In addition, in order to turn the check into cash and take it out, they also gave the managers of the two hotels a bonus of more than 800 yuan. This reminds me of the loss inside the dike and the compensation outside the dike: he took the 13,000 yuan from the public house and returned it to the public house, so shouldn't Chen Xiaomu return the 10,000 yuan in benefits that Chen Xiaomu received from him back then?Chen Xiaomu got into a fight and stabbed someone in, didn't Chen Hanjie go in, the son and father are normal, this old guy is so heartless, it's time to settle the bill with the old guy! But in the end, he still didn't dare to openly ask Chen Hanjie for an account.Although the old guy only raised his hand in public, his influence in Changshan City is not small, and he has accidentally degenerated into a corrupt element, and there must be no good fruit to ask for accounts publicly.But he couldn't calm down, so he once again took up his good game of writing anonymous letters, and sent a letter to the seven members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, including Wang Changgong, who was united with Chen Hanjie, on the issue of the 10,000 yuan.The letter was written very wisely. It only said that Chen Hanjie accepted bribes arbitrarily when he was the secretary of the municipal party committee. When arranged by the transferred cadres, through his son Chen Xiaomu, he received 10,000 yuan from Fang XX, a deputy transfer cadre of the urban management team, signed by the Changshan City People's Congress. A group of decent party members and cadres. As usual, this anonymous letter was sent during morning exercise. In order to send this letter, the morning exercise route was changed, and I spent one yuan to take a bus with eight stops to a small post office in the urban-rural fringe.After such a toss, the morning exercise time was extended for an additional forty minutes. When I returned home in a sweat, I rushed to work without thinking about eating. When I walked into the gate of the Zhonglou District Urban Management Committee at 8:10, I was shocked: a police car with a prosecutor's mark suddenly stopped in the courtyard!While anxiously wondering whether this police car was related to him, his immediate boss, Director Zhao, accompanied Wu Zhongqiu, the director of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, came to meet him, and pointed at him, "Oh, no, Deputy Political Commissar Fang is here! " Fang Qingming's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted! Director Wu Zhongqiu had a good attitude, and said with a smile, "Political Commissar Fang, we still have to talk to you!" Fang Qingming was still in shock: "Director Wu, you...what are you talking to me about?!" Wu Zhongqiu became more and more amiable: "Just to understand some situations, let's go and talk to our procuratorate!" It wasn't until they arrived at the procuratorate that Wu Zhongqiu and the comrades in the Anti-Corruption Bureau wanted to know about Zhou Xiuli's situation.Facts once again proved eloquently: he did not frame Zhou Xiuli at all.The phone call between Zhou Xiuli and Yan Ziqing, the former director of the District Urban Management Committee, was objective.Yan Ziqing admitted it as soon as he entered, and now as long as he proves it, Zhou Xiuli will be in big trouble!Even if Zhou Xiuli confiscated Su Afu's money, the consequences would be serious. If she didn't go in, she would have to be dismissed! However, after a short impulse, Fang Qingming calmed down again: if Zhou Xiuli was really brought in, or dismissed from his post, his troubles would not be small.Zhou Xiuli will definitely get rid of him, a corrupt person who has been exposed, before she goes in or is dismissed. There is no doubt about it. The treacherous minister Liu Maocai has been sharpening his sword! Therefore, Fang Qingming categorically denied Yan Ziqing's testimony, and sincerely said to Wu Zhongqiu: "Director Wu, I really can't make the same mistake again and again! Last time you and Chief Prosecutor Ye gave me a vivid legal lesson." Let me, a legally illiterate, know what a crime of false accusation is! No matter how serious I am to Comrade Zhou Xiuli, I can no longer be pedantic and talk nonsense, and I will be held legally responsible..."
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