Home Categories officialdom novel State prosecution

Chapter 10 Section 10

State prosecution 周梅森 2491Words 2018-03-20
New evidence came out the next morning: According to the testimony of the traffic police on duty on Zhichun Road and two newsstand vendors, there was no traffic dispute at the intersection of Zhichun Road from 8:00 to 9:00 pm on August 13th, let alone a middle-aged man riding a tricycle. Young people quarreled with some old man, let alone half an hour, not even half a minute.However, the detection experiment at the scene of the rich man showed that when the fire broke out on the third floor, people on the fourth floor could not see it. The reason is very simple. There are no windows in the front hall of the entertainment city, unless the fire is big enough to jump up from the stairs. , it is impossible for Cha Tiezhu to find out.

"...However, this does not mean that there is no possibility of setting fire to Zha Tiezhu!" Jiang Zhengliu and Ye Zijing said when they met to report the situation, "Ye Jian, I would like to draw your attention to an important fact: Cha Tiezhu did not come to Dafuhao Entertainment by accident. He is the construction captain responsible for the decoration of the rich man, and he has worked there for half a year, so he should be familiar with the structure of this building, and it is entirely possible to use this to create the illusion of a fire!" Ye Zijing understood Jiang Zhengliu's meaning: "That is to say, doubt or suspicion?"

Jiang Zhengliu said: "I don't think there are any doubts anymore, the facts can almost be confirmed!" Ye Zijing was still very cautious: "Jiang Ju, I don't think it can be confirmed yet, this is still our subjective speculation!" Jiang Zhengliu was a little annoyed: "Ye Jian, Governor Wang and Secretary Tang have been staring at us all the time, waiting for the result. I'm dying of anxiety. Why are you still such a mother-in-law? Such a big case, so many doubts, First arrest these two guys for arson, more than 150 lives, I guarantee they won't be wronged!"

Ye Zijing was unmoved, and said worriedly: "Jiang Ju, arson and misfire are two completely different things! The maximum sentence for misfire is seven years, and arson is punishable by death. We must be cautious. Not only do we have an opponent What’s more, the issue of being responsible for the superiors is the issue of being responsible for the facts and the law!” Jiang Zhengliu couldn't say anything more, so he went to the detention center to preside over another interrogation of Zha Tiezhu. What Ye Zijing and the comrades in the procuratorate did not expect was that there was a major breakthrough in the case that afternoon: Zha Tiezhu finally repented and admitted that he set the fire on purpose.On-site evidence collection has also yielded new results. The third-floor warehouse found residues of gasoline burning.After the interrogation of Zha Tiezhu was over, Jiang Zhengliu and the comrades from the Public Security Bureau found Ye Zijing again with the latest interrogation transcripts and relevant case filing materials, and asked the procuratorate to immediately formally arrest Zha Tiezhu and Zhou Peicheng on suspicion of arson.In order to prove that there was no means, he also brought a videotape of the interrogation.

This was the first time Ye Zijing saw Zha Tiezhu, even though it was on video.At that time, Ye Zijing didn't know that the middle-aged man on the video had any special relationship with her husband Huang Guoxiu. She only knew from the case file that this middle-aged man was a subordinate of Huang Guoxiu when he was the secretary of the party committee of the South No. 2 Mine. Captain, and now a suspected arsonist with strong anti-social sentiments.That is, when watching the video at the Xijiao Hotel that night, Ye Zijing noticed that this middle-aged man looked somewhat familiar, as if he had visited their house in some vague years in the past, maybe to report to Huang Guoxiu on work, maybe drink wine.When Huang Guoxiu was the secretary of the party committee at the South No. 2 Mine, some cadres and workers would often come to the door to drink with him, which made Ye Zijing tireless and angry a lot.

Municipal Party Secretary Tang Zhaoyang reminded us well: In addition to the issue of power and law, objectively there are also issues of emotion and law, reason and law.Facing the former miner Zha Tiezhu who was being interrogated on the video tape, Ye Zijing felt an indescribable feeling in her heart, both sympathy and pity, but also disgust and hatred.How much she wished that none of this was true, how much she wished that Zha Tiezhu would plead loudly in front of the police: No, I didn't set the fire on purpose!But the facts made Ye Zijing both frustrated and shocked! Zha Tiezhu almost collapsed. During the interrogation process, he burst into tears and kept repenting. He said that he had committed a heinous crime and that he hated Su Afu, a rich man, so he deliberately set the fire on fire.According to Zha Tiezhu's confession: he had planned for a long time to set fire to the Dafuhao Entertainment City, but he never told anyone about it before and after the event.He is the construction team leader, and it is his responsibility to return the final payment of 200,000 yuan for the project.That's why, on the night of August 13th, he used electric welding as a cover to deliberately set the Dafuhao Entertainment City on fire, and the subsequent fire fighting was completely staged.

Jiang Zhengliu on the video asked: "...Then, Zha Tiezhu, why did you act in this play?" Zha Tiezhu said: "Isn't it the singer Liu Yanling who came up... came up? Later, Lao Zhou of our construction team, Zhou Peicheng, they all... saw that the warehouse on the third floor was on fire, I... I can't do it without pretending to fight the fire." !" Jiang Zhengliu asked: "How did Zhou Peicheng come to the scene? Does he really know nothing about it?" Zha Tiezhu said: "It's just that...it's not Zhou Peicheng's business, it's all my business, really!"

Jiang Zhengliu asked: "Why is it such a coincidence? Zhou Peicheng also arrived when the fire started? Also, why did you ask Zhou Peicheng not to admit that he had been to the scene? For what purpose? You have already admitted the arson. What else is there?" Afraid? Tell us about Zhou Peicheng's situation!" Zha Tiezhu burst into tears, wiping his nose: "It's... really nothing about Zhou Peicheng, I... I can't tell lies! I want... I want you to kill me! One hundred and fifty... fifty How many lives, just... just shoot me one hundred and fifty times, I... I am not wronged, I plead guilty and obey the law, confess... confess my guilt and obey the law!"

Jiang Zhengliu asked reproachfully, "Zha Tiezhu, why didn't you admit to setting the fire before that?" Zha Tiezhu murmured: "Then...that's because I had an illusion in my heart, thinking that you...you can't find out!" Jiang Zhengliu said: "Cha Tiezhu, you are thinking wrong! As the saying goes, if you want to be unknown, you must do nothing about it! Let me ask you again: did you pour gasoline into the warehouse before you started welding? Or something else that burns?" Regarding this key question, Zha Tiezhu denied it on the spot: "No, this... this is not..."

Jiang Zhengliu asked directly: "So, what about Zhou Peicheng? Is it possible to do this?" Ye Zijing noticed that at this time, Cha Tiezhu on the video seemed to be crazy, and screamed straight up: "No, I... I said, there is nothing... nothing to do with Zhou Peicheng! You...you just treat it as ...Just treat me as the one who poured petrol on me, shoot me, I'll admit to...any crime, anyway, anyway, I...I don't want to live..." Obviously, Jiang Zhengliu and the Public Security Bureau were suspected of inducing a confession on the detail of gasoline, which was clearly shown in the video.

Fortunately, this detail was not listed in the arrest report as evidence, and Ye Zijing and the comrades in the procuratorate did not question it.After all, the procuratorate and the police had to cooperate closely to handle this important case, and the higher authorities pursued it so urgently. Jiang Zhengliu and the Public Security Bureau were completely understandable. At this time, it was not bad that they did not resort to means. However, according to the materials submitted by the Public Security Bureau, Zhou Peicheng was still charged with arson. Ye Zijing and Zhang Guojing, the deputy chief prosecutor in charge of approving arrests, pondered for a while and felt that something was wrong. Zhang Guojing said to Jiang Zhengliu in a deliberative tone: "Jiang Ju, Zhou Peicheng is not appropriate to file arson now, right? Although this person is suspected of arson, he neither admits it nor has anyone to prove it. Public prosecution, we will be passive! It is better to file the case for perjury first. What do you think?" Jiang Zhengliu and the comrades from the Public Security Bureau didn't insist any more, and the matter was settled just like that. On the evening of August 15th, with the approval of the Changshan City People's Procuratorate, Zha Tiezhu was formally arrested on suspicion of arson and obstructing judicial testimony. Zhou Peicheng was also arrested on suspicion of perjury.Liu Jinshui, a plumber who obstructed judicial testimony, finally helped the public security organs to ascertain the facts and fulfilled his obligation to testify, and was placed under residential surveillance after interrogation.Li Dachuan, the general manager of the Ark Decoration Company, who is responsible as a legal person, has also been placed under residential surveillance and is waiting for summons from relevant law enforcement agencies at any time...
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